

Lots of gang stalker harrassment yesterday and through the night. There was actually quite a bit the day before but I was too tired to write about it. I’m still tired now but here are the notes I jotted down:

Yesterday evening the sandwich shop bloke that sometimes get very moody, who has been rather chill the past few weeks, was once again quite moody. Banging things around aggressively, then doing that thing
with the plastic bag where they hold the handle open so you can slide your hand into it, but I never do because it’s clearly a power move when the person doing it isn’t totally clueless, which is clearly the case here. He also double bagged the customer before me's 2 sandwiches, which is unnusual.

The rest of the evening was full of escallations, and I won’t get into them here but it got to the point where literally anything I did that involved 2 things, so for example, hanging out 2 sox to dry since they got wet in the rain, or just crossing both my feet or basically anything was interpreted as some kind of rebellion, and escallated. Even sitting still was met with more warpathing, including anger and food goading.

Interestingly I was up 4 times during the night to go to the bathroom, and I didn’t eat or drink anything much different to usual, so makes me wonder if moody sandwich bloke put something in my food.

It all coincides with the start of what looks likely to be another starvation cycle which will no doubt involve the typical water and power being cut off.

This morning already some gang stalker harrassment from one of the exercise cyclists: 'We ahh'.

Managed to write several notes and blog posts yesterday, but it was really just me catching up with things following the last couple of weeks intense harrassment. It doesn’t feel like progress, just me being stuck and being forced to spin my wheels so to speak.

There was a slightly older than me gentleman sitting on a chair near the place I bought breakfast yesterday morning. He was popping bubbles on a massive sheet of bubble wrap. The woman who put the takeaway breakfast together was pleasant right up until I left at which point she got aggressive for no reason. She’s done that several times before. I just kept calm and said 'thank you warpather'.

I made a bit of progess on the reusable workflow. The empty test reusable with the correct number of secrets works, with all the same secret names and optional secrets etc. So now I need to test triggering the test reusable from the real workflow. Once that works I can start to rebuild the reusable piece by piece. This probably doesn’t make much sense, but basically it’s the last resort when nothing works and debugging doesn’t work, you have to essentially start to rebuild the file from scratch checking each time that it’s still working. It’s a total pain.

Another day. Not looking forward to the starvation and bullying that will no doubt increase today. Then I’ll be catching up again for a few days, then it will all start over. It’s a miracle I get anything done at all. #

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