

Lots and lots of harrassment yesterday. I’m too exhausted to write it all up so here are my notes:

Along with all the female pervert shit noted above, there were threats to completely cut off washing water, and threats by police and the security guard mafia of framing me for some kind of theft that I had absolutely nothing to do with. Also in the middle of the night some weird pedo pervert shit where I was woken up to find on the other side of the road a western man with long heavy metal style hair standing next to motorbike taxi, talking to him. Some evil laughter, then metal bloke says extremely loudly 'I’m just trying to give you a hard time', emphasis on hard, the bloke motortaxi then grabs the metal bloke in a hug around his torso, but because he’s sitting on the bike he’s much lower and it ends up looking very much like a kid hugging a much taller adult. That’s very unusual. It felt very manufactured.

Anyway, what with all the harrassment and weird goings on, I didn’t get any testing done on the reusable workflows feature. I think I found the bug that caused the daily build to not get run yesterday. It appears the repository_dispatch on directive in the workflow yml got deleted while fixing the reusable workflow secret limit bug. I’ll get that merged back in this morning.

Looks like it’s another starvation day, will need to start conserving power again, and that’s been cut off. At least the newsletter is done, though it’s a bit piecemeal because I’ve had to prepare it in stages again, but I was able to add 5 blog posts and something like 9 podcasts, so overall it’s still got quite a lot in there, and they are all pretty awesome shows.

Another day. #

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