

One thing that just doesn’t square for me in the current politics is the left - right paradigm. I listen to a lot of podcasts, many of them are Bitcoin shows, and there are a lot of republicans. But I also listen to quite a lot of democrats. Now obviously there’s a lot of differences in how they view the world.

Here’s the thing that just doesn’t add up for me. I listen to Rory Stewart on the Rest is Politics podcast, and he claims to be conservative, and was in the UK government for many years and travels all around the world doing foreign policy and what not, so you’ve got to think he knows a thing or two about politics. Well he claims that the UK Conservatives, which are a so called right wing party, he says they are basically the equivalent of the US Democrats. That just makes no sense.

It puts the Republicans way way out on the right of the spectrum, much further to the right than even the UK Reform party. In the UK, right of Reform is always portraid as a hop skip and a jump away from fascism. However just based on what I hear day in day out on all these podcasts, the difference between these parties just isn’t that extreme.

It just occurred to me how detached from reality somehow all this is in one way or another. It just doesn’t square with what I hear.

The only thing the UK conservatives, at least the ones I’ve been listening to, and the Democrats really seem to have in common is their hate for Donald Trump, which leads me to believe all the politics is just smoke and mirrors to hide the real thing that’s going on, which is some form of class / rich poor warfare. And it must run extremely deep if you’d be willing to do a complete flip of the orientation of an entire political party, just to express that sentiment.

I’m not sure if I’m explaining this well. Something doesn’t add up. The pieces somehow don’t fit together to form the overall picture. The reality distortion is too big to make sense. #

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