

The thing at the minute that shop staff are doing to me, and it's happened at least 3 times over the last 2 days in different locations, is to manufacture a situation where they order me to lay the items on the counter rather than take them directly from me. It seems they are trying different variations to see which situation works. Of course now anything they do just seems suspect, so I just wait until they are ready and give them the items. Interestingly when I do to them the same thing they do to me with the receipt, they do something different too. Another reason to just wait until they are ready and give them the items. It’s been my experience that when something that’s been working perfectly fine for ages is suddenly changed, there is usually something else going on, some other trap they are trying to get you to walk into. Btw, it’s not all shop staff that are doing this, but it’s very obvious the ones that are doing it. #

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