

It had looked like it was going to be the start of yet another starvation cycle today. And all the weird sex pervert shit that recently has been accompanying starvation cycles had started again. With strange old laddies bending over purposely directing their old vaginas at me, with strange manufactured situations involving young boys and old men, and young men with inside arm fetishes, with security guards standing directly infront of me doing an exercise routine that for some reason suddenly involves repeatedly tapping the inside arm as if they were about to be donating a pint of blood down the local blood bank.

There was a big increase in 'money!' harrassment from staff in shops as well as just seemingly random passers by outside, out and about. Also 'Yah!' driveby incidents had started again this morning too.

So many strange things occuring, and these are only the things I noticed.

Anyway thankfully it looks like I’ll be able to eat for a couple of days now, which takes me up to Friday. I guess all the weird sex pervert shit will start again then.

Still trying to get the reusable workflow feature over the line. #

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