

It’s a bit of a relief not to have to go through all of yesterday’s escallations since I already posted them yesterday. However there were yet more escallations yesterday evening. So here are my notes of those verbatim:

This morning a woman came past shouting 'your lie!' very loudly then preceded to open up the garbage and walk off. Somebody had left a small red colored trinket on the floor right nearby. It’s anger goading and a reference to the manufactured incident from 2 days ago in the shop cafe where they tried to make it look like I hadn’t cleaned up my garbage, which was a total lie, it was quite clearly somebody else’s and I was moving it so I could sit down at the uncleaned table. The had also left a small red colored thing next to the garbage then too. Once again blaming me for the thing they are doing to me, then escallating in every location I go to.

The good news is that somehow amongst all the lies, false accusations, anger goading, weird pedo pervert sex shit, and intimidation, including by the police, I managed to pretty much get all the reusable workflows working. I had to update some 3rd party API access keys on all the workflows, very laborious and quite confusing to do standing up, on a tiny screen, and with all the cross fire from warpathy locals.

I did a quick check and it appeared all repos had a successful build/deploy/backup. There had been some errors deploying to netlify on some of the repos, with error messages like 'unknown site id', but they had disapeared. Glad I decided to leave those until the end. I knew I hadn’t changed anything with the deploy to netlify setup. I guess their system gets flakey sometimes.

The one remaining thing is to check that tests are running on all deploys. There might be a bit of things to fix there. I remember having to turn off the tests on a few repos just to get them deploying. It’s likely just a small configuration problem rather than actual broken tests as I have not been changing any plugin code, only the build & deploy workflows.

What a palava. But at least all repos are now running using the same workflow. It will be so much less confusing to maintain.

The newsletter for today is written and scheduled. That will go out around lunch time, though I hesitate to call it that as there won’t be much in the way of lunch by the looks of things. I’m going to have to start turning off devices to save on power. If nothing improves I have to somehow last 7 days without food, water or washing clothes. But the newsletter for next week is also written so it’s at least going to be sent out. It will be on my birthday, even if heaven forbid, I am dead.

It’s been so long since I had a propper birthday I can’t remember how old I am. Somewhere in between 44 and 50. This is crazy.

It was pretty darn cold and wet last night. I need to warm up.

Just another impossible week ahead. #

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