

It’s only just 730am and already so much anger goading and escallations. I’m just going to post my notes now so I don’t have to do it later:

I haven’t even made it past the internet place yet. Also haven’t eaten anything since yesterday morning. I guess people have been so busy anger goading me they have forgotten I exist again.

Bloke that called people dogs earlier just called me a 'liar' for no reason, as he was leaving. Totally unprovoked.

They pretend they are saying it to each other but it’s clear they are targeting me. They are burying their heads in the sand thinking people can’t see what they are doing, or won’t care. Why else would they switch into english just to insult each other everytime they are near me? And it’s both the women and the men doing it. They are clearly complicit whether it’s officially agreed, or just an emerged behaviour. It’s colusion at a minimum.

Absolutely dispicable behavior IMO. #

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