

The world is most definitely on the rampage again. I was just down at the canal for a few hours waiting for the newsletter to get published. As I was leaving, I remembered that since one of the butch women blocked the garbage earlier this morning, the one that strangely said 'your lie' very loudly right before, I still had the old receipts I was going to throw away. So I threw them away. Moments later I noticed there was a small amount of money on the ground, the equivalent of around 1 USD, near where I had been sitting. It definitely wasn’t mine or I would have had breakfast.

About 10 seconds later a man walking a dog with a pink leash walked past pointing at the ground and said 'your money' to which I replied 'it’s not mine'. He kept walking and said 'Okay' but in a way that suggests he didn’t believe me. Like 'Okay, yeah sure' but he just didn’t bother to say the yeah sure part.

Once again the world trying to trap me, then when I don’t go into the trap, blaming it on me.

On the way back up to the internet place there was a man in his 40s in a pink shirt rollerbladding up and down the street both forwards and backwards with what can only be described as childlike enthusiasm. Very odd. You never see that sort of thing here. A bit further down the road, I noticed ahead of time a strange looking man that looked to be humping a potted plant. I crossed the road about 20 meters before reaching him. On the opposite side of the road was a motorbike driven by a man with a young girl and woman on the back. They were clearly waiting for me to look at them, when I didn’t they sprung into action and drove off.

All very strange. Since then many people walkers and motorbike drivebys have been shouting 'liar' at me.

It’s ultimately the same pattern again and again. They create the problem they complain about, then they block the solution they suggest, then they escallate and escallate and eventually blame everything on you while quite clearly trying to trap you.

This will continue for days, getting ever more intense, even more pedo pervert shit and eventually I will get mutilated. They never stop until I get mutilated, even though they are already mutilating me through starvation, and cutting off power and water. #

For enquiries about my consulting, development, training and writing services, aswell as sponsorship opportunities contact me directly via email. More details about me here.