

Heard a really shocking audio clip on an old conspiracy podcast I hadn’t listenned to in a while yesterday, in which a women pretending to be 8 months pregnant called up an abortion clinic and asked them if she would be able to have an abortion.

The abortion clinic said it was no problem at all, and proceeded to detail the cocktail of drugs they would inject into the fetus, though at 8 months it’s essentially a baby isn’t it. According to the clinic lady they inject directly into the heart and the fetus feels no pain. They then dispose of the pregnancy 'material'. She finished by reassuring the caller woman, saying that it happenned all the time.

You hear Trump go on about these abortion clinics and it seems far fetched but then you hear an actual recording like this and it’s basically the most shocking thing I’ve ever heard. Time to check in with your favorite conspiracy podcast to hear the crazy shit that’s going on. #

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