

On the way to the internet place this morning I got to where the weird old humper lady does her weird humper exercise sometimes and realised there was no way I was going to be able to last until the public toilets open in around an hour. One of the annoying things about the starvation they put me through is that it really messes with your body. When you start eating again, especially if it’s like one of yesterday evening’s 1am gifts of rice and very fatty pork. So I found a flower bed next to a tree and went for a very classy #2. Luckily I have tissues and hand sanitizer, so no big deal, but I do note a few things:

It’s just more weird sex pervert
shit from them isn’t it. Yet I bet it will somehow get blamed on me.

In fact as I got to the internet place, one of the blokes that runs one of the nearby coffee shops appeared to smash a mirror. I didn’t see it but that’s what it sounded like. That's very unusual.

These people are friggin insane. The level of control, perversion and manipulation literally boggles the mind.

All of these incidents feel like some strange version of the how many engineers does it take to fix a problem thing that Rory Stewart was describing in his TED Talk on ending extreme poverty.

I note here that maybe the tsunami of young women that surrounded me and were constantly all screwing in imaginary light bulbs were perhaps trying to say something. It’s certainly a strange coincidence. #

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