

Great discussion between Andrew and Keith, on the latest Keen On, covering I think some of the more important tech topics du jour.

Their dynamic really works for the show, their differing opinions make it quite edgey in places, which is mostly a good thing in their case, because they both have the experience to navigate to interesting places without getting into too much trouble, so they are able to explore topics in a way that others shows don’t. It’s also nice to know that people with quite different world views can, underneath it all, be good friends.

If there was one thing that I think would make the show better, and I appreciate it’s a bit bold for me to be giving pointers, but I wish Keith would probe Andrew a bit more about his views. Andrew is always saying 'well you and I disagree on this but...' but he doesn’t very often go into any detail about the disagreement. So I feel like I know Keith’s views quite well but Andrew’s are still a bit mysterious. And maybe that’s on purpose.

Anyway really enjoyed this epidode. #

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