All the weird pervert sex goading continued for the rest of the day, I’m to tired and frankly completwly unenthusiastic to document any of it. I’ll just post one of the items from the escallation notes from yesterday evening.
- Another string of escalations as I walk from the internet place to the sandwich shop early evening. I stay calm throughout and say nothing.
- It starts when a woman in restaurant shouts ‘you are lying’ as I walk past, followed shortly by ‘liar’ from another, then a little bit further down the same road ‘you won’ by security guards.
- I arrive at the sandwich shop and there is a motorbike with man and woman ostensibly waiting for a sandwich but he’s very focussed on me for some reason. Feels like they have been waiting for me, or just gotten there in a rush based on the hurried angle of the motorbike. Right after I pay the sandwich shop girl the man is suddenly on the phone. The only thing he says is ‘you are a liar’. It seems like he is saying it at me rather than the phone.
- I then walk to where I am now, another shop cafe. The girl at the till says ‘No!’ and something else I don’t hear, while I’m paying, then when I don’t react, she angrily stomps her foot on the ground.
- Shortly after I sit down a man in a really bright yellow T-shirt eating a yellow pot noodle sits directly on front of me. I note that the day started out with some yellow related incidents didn’t it. Gee I wonder what’s happening here, sex pervert shit again perhaps?
- Almost immediately after a man then walks past window and does a slap down with his arm and hand while laughing to his friend and looking through window at me.
- Woman sitting to my left is no’ing with her foot continuously from side to side, she stops the foot thing and a short while later says ‘we know’.
- Yellow T-shirt man goes off to get a tissue and cleans up where he was sitting which wasn’t even dirty at all.
- 1 minute later shop staff bloke shouts ‘lie’. Shortly after a young woman enters the room and suddenly sprints to the other side of room, starts doing a little dance, she is wearing a backpack that has a teddy bear on it.
- Shortly after a western man wearing pink T-shirt walks past with a woman his age they both look directly at me as they walk past.
- Finally as I left shop staff shouted a ‘good’ at me.
It all just seems like more weird sex pervert shit to me at the minute.
I’ve been thinking quite a lot about abortion and immigration the past day or so. Historically I’ve always been a pro choice type person, I'd like people to have control over their own bodies. But given my circumstances, that argument is no longer particularly convincing to me now that I feel day in day out that I have very little control over my own body. The more I think about it the more I feel sort of indifferent about the hole thing. Also there are a lot of very agressive bully women in my life at the minute. At a very practical level, if those women had the power to be god, there is zero question in my mind that that power would go to their heads making my situation worse. I want the world to have equality and all that progressive stuff but from where I’m sitting the world is massively unequal and often not in the way that’s portraid in the media.
It’s all very depressing.
There was an incident earlier this morning, two motorbikes loaded up with hooligan youths, both boys and girls. They drove past revving their incredibly loud engines, just generally being hooligans and shouting. They shouted 'Your lie' then 'Our' before driving off. It’s intimidation. It’s not exactly making me want to give anybody god powers.
I managed to get tests running and passing on all the repos which are now all using the reusable workflows. I spent a bit of time thinking about improvements I could make. There are some steps that could be simplified, and it might make sense to create a new reusable workflow just for running tests. They are currently just tacked on after the build, but that’s a step that’s important enough to merit it’s own workflow which would run as a seperate job.
I haven’t made any changes yet, I’ll likely not do anything in that area in the near term, but the cool thing is that I only have to update it in one place, and the new features will be available to all repos. That feels pretty cool, and was the whole point of the overhaul in the first place.
I haven’t been very inspired with much blogging, just way too bogged down in life crap. Not feeling very happy about that. #