

There’s a sort of emptiness to everything today.

Of course the escallations continued all throughout the day to epic proportions. I could probably write several books just on yesterday’s events.

Eventually you just get to a point where there is no more capacity to handle any of it, and so you just sit and wait for them to stop raping you.

Nothing else you can do.

Here are the escallation notes from yesterday:

I haven’t even re-read these notes, just don’t have the will for it, so likely loads of spelling mistakes and what not, and might very well not make much sense.

The reason I walked away from Perl is that it was a dead end, that was pretty clear to everyone. Luckily there was Javascript and the web.

Life at the minute makes Perl look like some kind of heaven of heavens. It’s like being stuck in the worst framework or programming language in the universe, and it keeps trying to force you to learn more about itself. It’s like a train wreck, you look at it and you think to yourself shit I knew it was bad, but I had no clue it was THAT bad. And it always just gets worse, so much so that people are trying to make the getting worse into being something amazing, making things exponentially worse. And now even the AIs are helping them.

But unlike with Perl there is nowhere to walk away to.

There is only more layers of the never ending AI generated fractal of multiplexed what-are-the-chances to keep you separate from everyone in the universe for something that was done to you and blamed on you.

So you wake up, and put one foot on front of the other and try to survive another day.

Update: And pick up your bag after writting a note and the strap tears, and you remember there was a whole incident yesterday with a bloke traping you in some manufactured voila situation, involving him leaving his bag for ages, and you think to yourself, what are the chances. And at that instant the morning cyclist assholes cycle past and say loudly 'we learn'. And there are no words. You cannot even. #

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