

I’m up incredibly early, it’s 330am, hoping to get some coding done before the plague of horrible people wake. But elas just as I was about the start the motorbike gang stalkers are already doing their 'shut up slave' 'Up!' harrassnent. They are such fucking psycho paperclip maximizing bossy bootses that they end up blocking things that are working perfectly fine. It’s like they are addicted to shooting themselves in the foot, and have convinced themselves that shooting themselves in the foot is literally the only thing that fixes the world, when in fact it does the opposite. And they are supremely righteous about it all.

They are literally making themselves poorer while the rich get richer, and anyone that even thinks about actual real improvements is devil incarnate. And everything is full in all dimensions, and they think that’s normality, because filling everything up is the way they control things, and they must control everything. It’s like a bunch of maniac suicide cultists. And long term I don’t even think it works out particularly well for the elites. They will get dragged into hell just like everyone else did.

So anyway, hoping to have some instances of the reusable workflows working for repos that don’t run a build. There are a bunch of small workflows that only need to run portions of the workflow. They currently still have their own custom workflow but I think there is a way to get them on the new reusable workflow standard too. That will be awesome. The reusable workflows have so far been a massive success uncovering some until now undetectable problems within build environments.

Also now that I’ve been using them for a few weeks, I can see lots of places where the reusable build and deploy workflows could be improved. The current implementation is a first try, a pretty good one all things considered, but there are many ways to improve things further. The great thing is that any improvements immediately become available to all existing workflows.

Even amongst all the bleakness, there is some hope, a tiny glimmer of hope shining through all of worldo’s bullcrap. #

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