

Slightly aggressive park attendant approached me in the park to give me an earfull. Absolutely no idea what he was on about. I had been sewing, doing a small repair on a T-shirt.

Previous to this, the park attendents were also escallating the event that happened earlier. That was when a local at the internet place was pretending I was in the way even though (1) there was plenty of room (2) the reason I was where I was, was because of something they did. I had said 'chill out' as they were getting slightly aggressive. Well the security guards and people with them, walked past me saying 'out out out out'. Weirdly at the very same moment, the podcast I was listening to had a bit about the recent Isreali exploding pagers, and they were also saying 'out' many times. Weirdo worldo.

Just as I finished the previous paragraph a female baby walker walked past. I'm at the internet place again having returned from the park. There is a small girl’s bycicle right next to where I stand to use the internet.

World’s on the warpath again. Shrug. #

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