

What a nutso day yesterday. I continued giving the peace sign in return to any harrassment the entire day. There was a lot if it. Each time saying 'peace vietnam peace'. At the end of the day I got gifted a takeaway rice meal, from the same bloke who had given me food the previous day and the morning. He eventually gave me the equivalent of 40 cents USD when I told him I had not had bottle of drinking water in 2 days. So basically all day from 4am until 9pm peace signing, and it kept going after that, and all I got was a meal and enough to buy a small bottle of water. That’s slavery in every juristriction on the planet, plain and simple.

A few minutes later, a woman and man probably in their 30s who had previously seen me giving peace signs and responded, with the woman sitting on the back of their motorbike peace signing too and smiling, stopped by to gift me a fruit. When I said about the water situation, she turned to the man and helped convince him to buy me some water. They drove off and returned a while later gifting me 2 large bottles of water. Without the water I’m not sure I would have been able to eat the food.

This morning I actually have a relatively bad chesty cough starting, coughing up a ton of flem when I woke up earlier, so looks as if the food was in some way poisonned too.

Washing water and electricity have been cut off for days now. Hoping I’ll be able to find reprive on that today.

Everything is so fucking dire, it’s like the end of the universe.

Update: The strange older lady on the motorbike that keeps stop / starting and mumbling, stopped by again this morning. She kept whittering on about a 'president' over and over but same as before I couldn’t hear what she was on about, as everything else she was saying, as she kept stopping and starting her motorbike, revving the engine up and down, was just gibberish. #

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