

All relatively quiet this afternoon at the shop cafe. I did have a major allergy / sneeze attack earlier. Happened after I’d already been here for 2 hours, right at the same time 2 rowdy boy young teenagers turned up, who were very nosey about me being at the shop cafe, kept saying ‘hello’ in their conversation to each other, seemed to be waiting to see my reaction. Felt very manufactured, very high level of righteousness.

Then the place filled up with loads of young women in their twenties, all being very very quiet. Bit of a weird vibe, and when one left saying 'good' for no reason as she left and passed me, I responded with a 'peace vietnam peace' which set off several of the other women who had until then been very quiet. All sorts of foreign chatter interspered with orders in english. They were saying stuff to each other like 'he will learn'. That always seems to happen when I get these mysterious sneezing attacks that often turn into a cold.

This one in particular coincides with last night’s flem cough, so likely linked to that. That looks to have been something in the food I got gifted, or the water, or the fruit. I didn’t ingest anything else.

Once again looks like I got mutilated. Mutilated for turning darkness into light. Doesn’t matter what I do, whether I am peaceful or angry, either way I get mutilated. Either way, blamed for everything, even though I’m already being starved and thirsted.

It’s like I’m caught between good and evil groups, each wants the opposite of the other, so either way I lose. And neither group acknowledges the existence of the other, or they collude, whether by arrangement or just easiest path.

Update: The two rowdy teenage boys left a small ziplock baggie on the chairs they were sitting on. Just looked to contain some orange crystal sweets, the sort that are hideously sour and crackle in your mouth. Nothing like drugs, but still what are the chances there are suddenly lots of baggie related incidents the past few days? #

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