

I actually made some progress yesterday on both removing the list bullets and improving the article navigation. I deployed a new version of the site that has no list bullets, which looked okay in staging. I’ll find out how it really looks this morning when the daily build gets done using the live data.

There should be lots more space for the text on the page, which will be noticeable on mobile screens. I’m a little worried that without the bullets it will be difficult to see the difference between notes and blog posts. That the boundaries between notes posts won’t be obvious enough. If that happens, I have two possible solutions, one using a colored border in the left margin, the other adding a grid around all posts. I’m curious to try both.

Quite excited about how things will look.

I’ll try deploying the updated article navigation links this morning. That should make it much easier to get a permanent url to articles, and to get back to the day a particular post is from, from the individual article page. I’ll use links to the month archives version of posts, that way you’ll be able to see the context around a post rather than just the post. It’s a bit fiddly because I need to use hashlinks and only days have hash ids currently.

I suppose the best thing would be to have hash ids on all posts on the page so you can link directly to anything on the page. That might take some extra work though, cause I’ll need to generate the hash ids, and unlike with dates, there isn’t an obvious id. I guess maybe the timestamp will be unique enough. That will work for notes, but what about blog posts? I’ll have to think about that, might be better to just omit them for blog posts, the canonical blog post page is likely a better url for blog posts. It’s really just the notes you want to see in context, because they look a bit weird on their own.

Development progress feels good even if it’s just a small cosmetic thing. It’s been so long since I was able to add a visual feature. #

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