

I haven’t been writing any escallation notes the past few days. That’s mostly because the food poisoning stomach thing totally obliterated me. That’s not to say there hasn’t been any escallations, in fact quite the opposite, it’s been almost constant escallations. It feels like pieces are being slyly moved into some sort of mega attack. If past experience id anything to go by that will manifest in water being cut off, power being cut of, food being cut off, and mutilation. And everything being blamed on me.

Even this morning for instance was a long series of situations where no matter what I did, I was in some way put into the line of fute for some blame. Even finding the optimum solution resulted in being blamed. This happened over and over and over, for hours, literally anything I did just resulted in another even more improbable contradiction reality inversion situation.

It’s very difficult to desccribe, but just wanted to write a note about it to at least say that it’s happening. #

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