

I just got what I would call borderline assaulted.

It’s borderline because technically they didn’t make physical contact with me but several gang stalker gangs harassed me in such a way that I had diminished attention of my surroundings and since it was twilight, visibility was poor and the path was very precarious and slipery. I stood on an uneven bit of ground, lost my balance and because one of my bags is very heavy I wasn’t able to stabilise myself and went flying into the floor. There was another gang waiting for me a bit further up the street ready to harass me even more. At a minimum it’s extremly dangerous.

Btw, there literally were gangs waiting at every corner along the way, harassing me as I walked past.

Earlier in the shop cafe there were gangs of school kids playing cards, and throwing cards at considerable velocity at my head, one card missed my head by about an inch. My sinuses then got completely blocked for some reason. For some reason this happens a lot in this particular place, that I hadn’t been to in a while. This no doubt also had an affect on my sense of balance.

It’s just more escallations. Like I keep saying, it always always results in me getting mutilated. It happens every damn time in one way or another.

Also on the path to the internet place, there were several pink tsunamis. This is likely in response to some malicious help last night were I was left some food in a pink Tupperware. I didn't have space in my bag for the Tupperware but I took the food. The food was very nice, but now that’s being blamed on me. Literally blaming and punishing me for the things they are doing to me.

So many other escallations today, too many to mention. #

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