

The big thing for the past 24 hours has been white tsunamis. I had a milk based hot drink yesterday morning near the canal and that appears to have set off the white tsunami the size of a level 5 huricane. 80% of the regulars down the canal were all wearing white, aggressive people parking their bright white motorbike next to me then proceeding to do very vigorous pelvis / humping exercises, then everywhere I went it was people all dressed in white. Young people, old people, thin people, fat people, lots of scantily clad young women acting all faux coquette, enormous gangs of 30 people all dressed in white. It was like some sort of epidemic.

Also people are doing malicious help where they gift you some food, but then try to make you feel bad that you are eating their food. They are still trying to convince me that food is a lie that needs to be given up.

I don’t know, it’s just more of the neverending nightmarigoround that is being stuck in vietnam.

I’m now fully out of build minutes so can’t even publish to the website. 10 days till reset. #

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