

2024/10/24 #

Yesterday was actually a rather productive day. As I wrote in Twitter, how amazing that when you get a bit of piece and quiet and you aren’t starving, it’s actually possible to get a lot done. Gee who would have thought it?

I wrote a whole load of blog posts, posted a lot of links and a note. What I didn’t mention was that I also got a bunch of development planning done:

  • I went through the feature backlog did a tidy up.
  • The sequence of fix features needed for when build minutes get reset at the end of the month.
  • A feature to greatly simplify how the app plugins are packaged, removing a huge amount of unnecessary code duplication.
  • An all posts shared hash link feature, that would ensure all post types always have a hash link to the individual item.
  • A feature to modify the build so a backup of the fully rendered site would get pushed to a Github repo. That would enable running a local version of the rendered site, which would be very useful for both offline blogging but also offline dev work.

Of course the world wasn’t too happy about all this productivity and did it’s best to assert it’s authoritey!

I don’t suppose today will be as productive but maybe a bit productive. Maybe the world will allow 1 more neutrino. You can do it world!

🕊☮️✌️ #

Bankless’ David Hoffman on what is DeFi? And why it’s important to Etherium? [27:37]: "DeFi is this very special thing that is coming out of crypto. The idea to break finance out of Wallstreet and democratise it, and put it on the internet, as internet protocols, is something that deeply motivates me and Ryan [...] it is fundamental essence that is highly related to crypto. You can’t really have crypto without DeFi. DeFi is so important. We are fighting over DeFi and being the home of DeFi." #

Bankless’ Ryan Adams on the Etherium roadmap [58:59]: "I really like the roadmap. To summarise the roadmap, it’s scale the L1, scale the L2s, scale the etherium economy, scale ether as a monetary asset inside of this economy, and do all of this while preserving the decentralisation that makes crypto special. That’s the roadmap." #

No doubt this will get me into some trouble. Today’s crazy thought of the day:

What if it was the UK that was the experiment, not the US? An experiment to see if we could all get out of poverty by applying Keynesian economics on a national level. As crazy as this might seem, how else would one ever test such an outlandish idea before getting everyone to do it? Yes it’s a crazy thought. But how crazy is the thought that most people are in forever poverty?

What if the entire UK was giant whopping lie?

Who would do such a thing? I don’t know, the decendants of the Pharoahs of Egypt, maybe non carbon based aliens, or how about artificial intelligence from the 22nd century. Who knows. #

Just finished listening to the latest Rest is Money podcast with Martin Lewis. Great episode. Listen to it, especially if you are from the UK.

I have a vague recall that Martin Lewis is a type of milkshake popularised in Pulp Fiction.

And that reminds me of a recent desert island discs with a chap called James Graham that I listenned to a few days ago. Great music selection, including a classic Pulp track that I definitely danced to a lot back at uni.

Martin reminds me of Graham.

My middle names are James Graham in case you hadn’t noticed.

I have a couple more of these dark crazy notes in my notes this week that I’m going to go ahead and publish after this note because it seems like the best thing to do. But it could very well be the opposite, I can’t tell anymore.

No doubt someone will be along in a minute to tell me to be happy, or as was the case earlier to 'blog!'. #

Perhaps everyone you have ever known was living a lie because base reality is so fucked that even the lucky ones only manage to succeed by arbitraging life costs by secretly living in developing countries. That is only the beginning of how fucked things are.

Some weeks reality really does apear very fucked from where I am. #

In the future, or who knows maybe even the present, pig butchering scams have gotten so bad that entire towns are designed to do enormous industrial scale pig butchering of entire families and all their entourages. Children are targeted thoughout their lives from birth by hotswaps that will divert your life into one of these butchering towns. Hilarity does not ensue. #

For enquiries about my consulting, development, training and writing services, aswell as sponsorship opportunities contact me directly via email. More details about me here.