

2024/10/25 #

Well the world is back up to it’s old tricks again. Pretending to be massively offended by something totally normal that I did, which btw was caused by the world in the first place, then escallating and escallating and escallating, until the whole universe is stuck, then trying to blame the whole thing on me.

This time it’s the sandwich shop trouble makers again. They created a manufactured situation yet again, this time involving mayonaise. Last week they started adding a bit of extra mayonaise in the centre of the sandwich. I didn’t say anything about it at the time, and as it happened it actually made the sandwich taste better. So I went with their new thing. But yesterday it was a different bloke who didn’t appear to know about the extra mayo thing, though I’m almost certain he did, but when I asked for the mayo, which I remind you they themselves have been adding to at least the last 4-5 sandwiches I’ve had, suddenly that’s some earth shatteringly big deal, and the bloke became offended, and everything everywhere has gone to pot, in a massively multiplayer we are infinitely offended at every single thing that you do, and by the way you are wrong about everything, and wrong just for existing, so there thing.

Well once again, nothing I can do until worldo stops being offended.


But even the peace signs are an enormously offensive thing at the minute.

Stop being offended at everything worldo, you are really just offended at yourselves! It’s so ridiculously obvious. #

Oh yeah I nearly forgot, in what I think is an exact copy of what happened last bullying cycle, which I wrote about at the time, I’ve lost my voice. I haven’t been shouting, and the only thing I’ve eaten is the sandwich. My voice has definitely disapeared, it’s gone all croaky. Last time this happened a few weeks ago I recorded it, so it’s definitely the same exact pattern.

And guess what, several butch women last night were harassing me in walk-byes where they were aggresively shouting 'you learn'.

Oh look I got mutilated yet again.

And that’s not the only mutilation. I have quite a bad skin irritation thing on one of my toes, and that appeared the day after a person walked by stomping the very same foot at me. And that was following me picking up a gift that was left for me but that appeared to have fallen to the ground. So once again being blamed for the thing they are doing to me. Had I not accepted the gift I would have been cast as the ungrateful foreigner. Double mutilation.

Dammed if you do, dammed if you don’t, blamed for everything no matter what. #

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