

I'm up earlier than normal this morning. The world got kind of aggressive in it’s escallations last night. There had been quite a lot during the day too, but the evening felt different. There was a very distinct flavour to it. Like when you watch a Quintin Tarantino, David Lynch or Wes Anderson movie. You recognise it almost immediately even if you can’t exactly point to which director. It just feels familiar for some reason.

In the case of last night, it’s somewhat difficult to describe, but there were all sorts of situations occuring that were good, but always with a hint of bad. And bad in very specific high impact ways, but also very subtle. When that happens once or twice you just put it down to chance and move on with your life. But this was with literally everything. It was like lots of mini tsunamis. Not too bad on their own, but since there were so many, you start to wonder if there isn’t an actual big tsunami around the corner.

It felt so familiar. All these situations had happened to me before. I started to get a real sense of dread, it just felt like one of those horror movies. Like no matter what I did I was heading to somewhere not great.

Well that’s why I’m up early. I haven’t had a whole lot of sleep, but I have had some decent food, a few gifts last night.

I'm working on finishing the feature to add hash links to every post. Currently blog, podcast and newsletter posts don’t have these. The new feature would make hash links something all posts would get by default. I’ve gotten quite far, but need to fix some places where the HTML generated has some duplication, because it’s causing the layout to break. I think I’ve figured out what needs changing and the steps needed to make the changes.

I also need to prepare the newsletter. I have a resonable selection of podcasts this week. #

For enquiries about my consulting, development, training and writing services, aswell as sponsorship opportunities contact me directly via email. More details about me here.