

2024/11/05 #

Yesterday ended up turning into what I think I’m going to start calling a synchronicity appocalypse day. These happen every now and then, and in fact recently they seem to be happening quite often, like every couple of weeks. Basically weird synchronicities start happening literally everywhere. It’s like some sort of singularity. It becomes very difficult to make any decision because literally everything gets blocked by a synchronicity.

It’s most obvious when you are listening to podcasts. You are listening to a podcast and it’s getting boring or you are just not into the topic or something annoyed you about what is being discussed so you decide to switch to another podcast, and the podcast you switch to is somehow in on the reason you decided to switch and BAM! in your face creates a weird synchronicity. So you switch again. And the same thing happens again. So this time you decide to wait at bit in a sort of exponential back off algorythm. But guess what? BAM! it happens yet again.

So you decide fuck all this I’m just going to stop listening to podcasts, and put my ear plugs in, and sit quietly. The instant you take your ear plugs out somebody walks up behind you and shouts into your ear, as they are shouting at someone else but somehow position themself so they are shouting at you. Anyway this sort of thing keeps happening with literally every fucking thing, every fucking where. It’s literally like the universe is trying to fucking kill you.

Now it’s entirely possible it’s gang stalkers that are creating a lot of these situations, and I definitely suspect that, adding fuel to the fire so to speak, but it feels like there is more to it than that. The level and rate of synchronicities is totally off the charts. There’s something else, something higher level than that going on.

So that was yesterday. Another synchronicity apocalypse day.

As for development, getting the item hash links working, it looks like doing it in CSS probably won’t be possible. I think what I’m going to do is create the item link url in a shared component and pass it into the item component. Then it will be up to the item component to use it or not. That way the link will appear in a place in the HTML that is easier to style. It won’t enforce item links but the code to generate the url will at least be in the same place rather than be duplicated in each component.

The way I was inserting the hash link previously for links and notes was a bit hacky, using a regex. I might try to create a custom markdown plugin that inserts the link so it will work with any bit of markdown rather than just with paragraph tags. But maybe just get it working first, then improve it later.

That’s the plan, hope it’s not majorly offensive to worldo. #

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