

The starvation cycle continues. I am again a pariah, I have no idea why, just for existing I guess. The gang stalkers are harassing pretty much constantly. I take a few notes here and there, mostly to keep me sane, but there is just too much to document. And if you spend all your time documenting it that drives you insane too. I reckon I captured about 20-30% of it in these notes.

Escallation notes from yesterday:

I’ve gotten really close to finishing the hash links for all posts feature. I got a bit side tracked having to ensure it didn’t break the heredocs feature, which is somewhat ironic given that that was a stop gap feature to get around the problem of items not all having hash links. There’s something very fractal like to all this as fixes for the fixes, workarounds for the workarounds is sort of a daily theme of life around here.

I’ve also, because of all the harassment and time pressure, been sort of forced into updating the plugins to have the latest version of components from the website. In the past I have customised several of the main plugin components on the website. That’s because it hasn’t always been obvious if the added features were generally useful. I’ve kept the plugin version simpler just so there were less moving pieces, less things to change. I had always planned to move the latest back into the plugins, but there hasn’t been many stable times to do that.

Well with all the comotion of the past week, things got way too confusing, so I decided to move them all back into the plugins now. It made things a lot less confusing. The downside is that I’m very likely not going to have enough build minutes to both get it done and be able to publish content to the blog for the rest of the month. But that would probably have happened anyway with a more complicated setup. And so it goes.

There are so many difficult decisions you have to make when you are resource and time constrained, and under constant attack, but you have to make those decision, sometimes with incomplete information, to make progress.

Still have to write today’s newsletter, which should go out after lunch. Not feeling particularly great about that. There’s some pretty good podcasts, but everything is politics at the minute. Very little of any interest, or at least nothing really very original imo, happening in tech. #

For enquiries about my consulting, development, training and writing services, aswell as sponsorship opportunities contact me directly via email. More details about me here.