

2024/11/14 #

I didn’t get much done yesterday, listenned to a few podcasts but it felt like most of the day was filled with harassments and dealing with that. Hard to even concentrate on the podcasts or write any blog posts when you are totally consumed by the gang stalkers. There were a lot of very bizare situations.

Escallation notes from yesterday:

  • The milk left on the ground next to where I stand at the internet place that had basically been washed away in the rain has been ‘toped up’ with new milk.
  • Right after arriving and noticing the milk, the bloke that runs one of the shop cafes shouted ‘Aah! ... Okay Maaak’. Pretty clearly an escalation. They know they are currently starving me, food goading me, sex goading me and anger goading me. If I say nothing they get more angry, if I say something they get more angry. They are really just angry at themselves.
  • Strange bizarre set of situations today at the shop cafe. It was quite busy when I arrived, the apparent morning school rush, lots of kids and mothers. I went to the till with a bloke staffer avoiding the young woman staffer that pretends to be an angel but then takes every opportunity to shiv you, she is a fucking psychopath imo. I wasn’t avoiding her exactly, that’s just how the queues were emptying out, but she did that thing where you go one way and she pretends to try to get you to go the other way, classic psycho move that. Anyway, I paid went upstairs and there were two people that had clearly imo been waiting at the top of the stairs and only started down the stairs when they saw me turn the corner 1/2 way up the stairs. All these little things are anger goadings. In fact right before that an apparent mother had blocked the way with her child, with some ridiculous situation with a tupaware box, literally the worst time and place to have a mother - child tupaware situation. Anyhow I got to the top of the stairs, put my stuff down and noticed that the toilet looked occupied, and a red school bag and red helmet were on a nearby table. The toilet door occupied signal was 1/2 closed 1/2 open. I needed the bathroom so after a minute or so I tentatively slowly pushed the door open. There was someone in there just standing behind the door. They pushed the door closed as if it was unexpected. Already something didn’t seem quite right. I went back to organise some of my stuff. After a minute or two I went back to the toilet and opened the door again: This time a young boy, probably about 8-10 years old jumped out. It really seemed like he had been just standing there waiting for me to open the door again. I entered the toilet after he exited, and discovered the loo hadn’t been flushed properly. Still had murky brown water with bits in it. I turned around and motioned at the boy, pointing down at the loo, signalling that he had forgotten to flush it. I exited, he entered and flushed the loo. As he left he did a 2 thumbs up gesture. So nothing completely out of the ordinary, but later after the school rush had finished. The young woman staffer that pretends to be an angel but is actually a psychopath, went to the toilet, and upon leaving as the passed me, descending the stairs with light footedness of the sort a cartoon criminal breaking and entering carrying a sack full of swag would have, saying ‘good’ in my direction, as she descended. I find that all very odd. But that’s not all. When I entered the store there was, what I presume was dog shit, on the floor all around the door. What a strange set of coincidences. Each one of these things is very unusual, but for all of them to happen one after the other like that, the odds are just way too unlikely for there not to be something strange going on. I document it because, no doubt this isn’t the end of this escalation.
  • Young apparent couple, probably late teens. Having a bit of an argument. The bloke says as he passes me: ‘he knows’. I literally have no idea what he is on about.
  • The next most interesting podcast in my queue is of course a Tim Ferris interview with Derren Brown. Of course. How could it not be Derren BROWN after all the bizarreness that has been today.
  • I’m sitting at the window in the shop cafe. It’s a 1st floor window perpendicular to the street outside, overlooking it. Down the way, there is a short and somewhat stumpy bloke that attends to the motorbikes outside several of the shops along the street. He’s always very active, strangely a lot of energy for someone his size. Today he’s looking a bit fatter than usual, he’s also wearing a cartoon bandit white and black stripe T-shirt. Just worth noting. Seems somehow relevant. In fact this entire street is a bit relevant. There are home made camera frames with cameras attached to sign posts at each end of the street. It’s a very weird place. Did I mention that there were some announcements today that Apple are getting into the home camera business? Just another day. I’m probably on a street housing Derren Brown fans, or crew members. Might also be a giant debugger.
  • Random male customer says ‘Ah-yah’ as they leave after nobody here said anything for at least 30 mins
  • The previous customer appears to have led to another male customer leaving who quietly said no! In my direction for whatever reason. Food goading, anger goading, sex goading, could be all 3. Whatever it is, it’s not normal imo.
  • 2 young woman acting kinda shifty. They turn up and start f-ing around with the power outlet where my device is charging. They unplug the other device which isn’t mine. They are now doing some sort of makeup thing in the toilet and saying things like, ‘we know’ and ‘he knows’. Where they have put their stuff they have left 2 empty bottles of water, and a bunch of fake "stuffed" flowers, that they appear to have brought with them. One has a red bag with the words "where impact matters". One of them has a face that looks swollen.
  • Earlier I stumbled while exiting the toilet, because my flip flops, which I’ve been trying to replace now was for weeks but keep getting blocked again and again, are uneven and so I momentarily lost balance and hit my head slightly on the door frame. It was a bit painful. Specifically I hit my ear. Now a bloke has appeared sitting right in front of me with really strange ears. I reckon he could be in a film staring elves. His ears bend out from his head at the top of the ears. Quite odd looking. What are the chances? It also looks like he’s just had his hair cut into a type of mullet, cut almost to accentuate his strange ears from behind.
  • The bloke the girls tried to unplug his device is now watching videos and laughing historically.
  • The group of people behind me now are laughing hysterically. The girls left while saying "we are lying". My sinuses then flared up in pain, nearly sneezed. Now the group behind me just said ‘sorry’, then said ‘okay’, and all left.
  • Just noticed that the table I am sitting at, which is made of wood, has a sad face and some large scratches vandalised into the surface of the table. One of the large scratches, which intersects with a dashed line that intersects with the forehead of the sad face, points in the direction of the graffiti dick on the wall a few meters away. The graffiti dick had a forward slash above it, that is angled the same as the large table scratch.

Looks like I’ll be able to get some food today. Not much else to add.

Another day. #

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