

2024/11/15 #

Too tired and exhausted and consuned by the world to write anything today. Here are the escallation notes, it was a day of non stop nastiness.

  • The big thing today is ‘lie’. 3 food vendors in a row have said it while preparing my food. The first, a well known warpather butch woman who pretends to be all nice then always without fail metaphorically gut punches you as she gives you the food, confidently said ‘lie’ to me as she gave me my food order. The next place, a few minutes walk up the road, as I told him what I wanted suddenly it was imperative for him to shout ‘lie’ across the street at someone. The place after that, again a two minute walk away, the staffer there said ‘lie’ to the apparent customer before me, as soon as I entered the shop.
  • Today at the shop cafe I’m being front run in everything I do by parents. Being told ‘I learn’ just at as I’m about
  • Shop staffers angrily snapping elastic bands. The elastic band that someone body else left a couple of days ago on the table usually sit at is still there. Evidently they incorrectly think I left it there, or are lying, and have decided to not clean the table. Nevermind that I always clean up my garbage. Never mind that’s 50% of other customers don’t. Nope I’m still to blame for a single neutrino being out of place in the entire universe again.
  • Now there is a shifty looking bloke wearing very white T-shirt drinking red bull and with a packet of masks, making 'I’m ill' type noises, ‘uuurgh’, and walking around like his feet are super heavy, slapping them all over the place. Also he’s drunk a small bottle of Pepsi which he has placed right next to the graffiti dick, which someone has obviously tried to paint over but it hasn’t worked, so you can still see it. The forward slash is still there above it.
  • Shifty looking bloke moved seat and left an elastic band directly on front of me. The elastic band based harassment continues. He’s getting quite agitated btw. He keeps quickly turning around to try and catch me looking at him. Looking at him is the last thing on my mind, I’m just trying to concentrate on a podcast.
  • Young woman staffer downstairs shouts an exasperated ‘they knooow!’. I literally have no idea what she is talking about. I wonder if anyone in the building does.
  • Bloke doing overly exaggerated quenching thirst noises. Literally every 10-15 seconds. Told you there was a thirsting escalation happening yesterday didn’t I. There was a large empty bottle of water on the table I sit at when I got here. It’s pure anger goading. I spot these attacks almost immediately these days. It was by a well dressed man vaguely my age wearing a white dress shirt.
  • After taking a selfie with the updated white washed graffiti dick at the shop cafe, a few moments later a voice from the back room that sort of sounds like he’s on the phone to somebody : ‘we know’
  • Young teen boy shows up in shop cafe, I’m the only other customer. He is being strange. Wearing a bright fluoro yellow T-shirt, with a dark yellow thick plastic bag. He sits behind me on a stool, and shouts in my direction in a bizarre accent that sort of hides what he is saying ‘You won!’. It’s aimed at me, but it could be that he’s shouting downstairs. I don’t respond and he moves seat. Shouldn’t he be in school with all the other kids?
  • Shop cafe staffer right before cleaning up the mess left by the morning rush left around me: ‘liar’. I was the only person in the seating area. He used a put-on very deep voice. He cleaned up everything apart from the elastic band directly in front of me, left by the shifty looking bloke in white T-shirt earlier.
  • Big incident at the sandwich shop at lunch time. The young woman vendor who is only there occasionally was doing something shifty with the sandwiches. It all got very strange as I waited for the customer before me to get served. She changed the order several times, 1/2 prepared 2 different sandwiches then putting them aside, making it look like the previous customer had changed their mind, she never asked me what I wanted, then used one of the old 1/2 prepared sandwiches that had had other meat in them and then removed, and tried to force me to take that, even though it was incorrect with some stuff I didn’t want. It turned into a big argument, she kept trying to force me to have the incorrect sandwich. The whole situation was clearly manufactured, and part of the bigger anger goading arc. That’s why at the shop cafe they have been doing the whole elastic band thing. All these things are related. This isn’t the first time this sort of thing has happened. It literally happens every few weeks. Same exact pattern. They will act all upset now for days. I did eventually get the fresh sandwich I wanted but only after being chastised as being ‘a man!’. This is also linked to the whole hot water blocking manufactured situation from a few days ago. All the women are trying to exert their authority. This whole place is a hellhole of manufactured hate atm.

I tried my best to listen to some podcasts but it was realy ifficukt to concentrate on anything let alone write any blog posts. I did eat some food so that was nice. It seems at the minute like when I’m able to get food, I get blocked in every other dimension.

I just hope today will be better. Have got to somehow prepare the newsletter for tomorrow. Feel like that’s going to be difficult as everything is such a spiritual mess. I can’t even remember shat podcasts I listenned to. I just know I’m kinda tired with all the elections stuff everywhere. #

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