

2024/11/22 #

Yesterday was another synchronicity appocalypse day. It was one weird synchronicity after another, at such higher frequency than usual that it literally feels like you are in a simulation. It must have happened at least 10 or 15 times that the exact thing I was doing while listening to podcasts was described in some earily accurate way by the podcast I was listening to. It’s very difficult to put into words. And the synchronicities in the real world happen on a much much higher frequency too. It really feels like the universe is out to get you. Every darn thing you are doing gets blocked in some way, and the second you actually make some progress, after huge amounts of effort, literally right afterwards something else important breaks.

I managed after considerable effort to finally get some flip flops, I have been trying for weeks now but kept getting blocked. It had gotten to the stage where one of them had a hole in it. Well no sooner than I got the flip flops, which are very decent btw, I sat down to eat some food only to discover my glasses case had broken. The small magnet on one of the sides has detached and so the case no longer closes. The very odd thing is that the past few days people saying 'see you' and 'see' has been a bit of a theme. The case doesn’t look damaged in any way.

Just another strange synchronicity to add to the very big synchronicity tsunami that was already happening.

These synchronicity appocalypse days are so very weird it wouldn’t suprise me that in the future we discover they are an emergent property of the matrix-like thing which we propbably live in. It feels like the world has figured out a bunch of stuff, and acting all smug, flexing it’s synchronicity muscles, with every one, like a body builder on steroids. It never ends well, almost akways I get mutilated because the world doesn’t know how or when to stop. #

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