

2024/11/23 #

The aftermath of the synchroncity apocalpse day continues. There are nuch leas strange synchronicities but the world is very cranky. Getting more and more angry with every passing minute. Escallating and escallating. Soon everything will be interpreted as some sort of war declaration. I literally won’t be able to do or say anything without some sort of punishment.

My escallation notes from yesterday:

  • Lots of people sniffling and sneezing today at the shop cafe, both young men and young women. Though more young men.
  • Group of teen school girls in uniform making quite strange comments including ‘Our Aaahh’ and ‘I learn’.
  • All seats taken here at the shop cafe at lunch time, several people having to stand. Every single person here is a young woman or school girl. Over 20 of them. I am the only male. Extreme oestrogen. Comments so far: ‘you won’, abd some toilet related comments I can’t remember exactly.
  • Yesterday in the morning there were several woman waiting to harass me when I went for a pee. This isn’t an isolated incident. This women toilet gang stalking has happened twice in the past 2 days. After I peed I calmly said ‘get your mind out of the gutter women’. I then left. That evening there was yet another manufactured situation, a woman dressed in white purposely dropped some money in the gutter, pretending it was an accident, followed immediately by another woman wearing red a few meters away, doing a very suspect sneeze into the gutter. They all got in the same bus and left. Today after what must be one of the biggest most Captain obvious women mega tsunamis ever, some small amount of money was left on the floor, right on front of the graffiti dick, which recently has been very innefectively white washed. While I went to the toilet for a pee, some very impatient person tried to open the door, I had literally only been in there 20 seconds. That was followed by a women that had been waiting for me to sit back down, picking up the money and saying something like ‘hello’. It’s all quite clearly extreme passive aggressive anger goading. Remember every morning, a motorbike gang stalker drives past and shouts 'Hey go home!' often sounding totally demented like Orvel the Duck.
  • One of the young man shop staffers for the past few weeks has changed the way he walks up the stairs in a notable way. When we he walks up the stairs just as he gets to the top, and passes me on my left, he exaggeratedly hangs his head directly downwards. Similar to a child that has been shamed.
  • The bloke that always shows up after lunch stays for a bit then as he leaves does this bizarre stop start thing as he walks down the stairs, who has been doing that for months, for whatever reason has started today to walk down the stairs essentially normally, without stoping and starting. The world is not able to stop harassing, illustrated literally by the stop start stairs guy. Seems like we have reached yet another complete reality inversion.
  • The motirbike taxi bloke that wears a salmon pink tshirt and akways suts in front of me exageratedly washing down all the surfaces waa doing that again, after saying 'lie' at me. He then positioned himself very oddly and had a nap. That tends to happen before a gang stalker skeep depravation night.
  • Back at the internet place this evening, and a shifty looking bloke pulls up on a motorbike in front of the house of the bloke who alternates good bad. They pause for a second clearly waitibg to see my reaction, then bloke on motorbike says 'I won' and drives off.

It’s so uterly ridiculously obvious that there is something strange being organised and orchestrated. I took a video of the lunch time women tsunami. Literally everyone surrounding me was a women. It was standing room only, that in itself is strange enough and never happens, but 100% women that just becer ever happens.

Come on world stop your lying ways! Enough with your passive aggressive intimidation!

I sat quietly the entire time, just waiting for their metaphorical gang rape of me to finish. Not much else I could do.

Today already the world is escallating in all directions. Constant stream of motorbike gang stalkers harassing me as I’ve been writting this note.

Amazingly yesterday I managed, in between the constant onslaught of tsunamis, to fix a bug in the passthrough feature of the static site generator. This enables you to easily copy files from the siurce folder unaltered to the target folder. The original implementation was kind of sketchy and wasn’t really working properly. I had been trying to find a way to get serverless functions integrated and it occurred to me I could just use some passthroughs, since you only really need to copy the serverless function files to the functions folder. It will be awesome to have a simple way to package up serverless functions into the plugins.

I also got the newsletter written and published. That was a lot more difficult than usual because post election, everything is a total mess of people shouting and running around with their hair on fire like the world is about to end. The quality of the podcasts was very variable. That in combibation with the synchronicity apocalypse meant my notes were just all over the place and a cauldron of torment. Think I managed to create quite an upbeat issue given the situation.

Worldo is still upset, offended at everything and punishing me for punishing me, with starvation and thurst. You’re welcome world. #

For enquiries about my consulting, development, training and writing services, aswell as sponsorship opportunities contact me directly via email. More details about me here.