

2024/11/25 #

Seems like a new escallation cycle has started. Things were relatively quiet yesterday, but there was an undercurrent of unhappiness going on. As I left the shop cafe just before lunch I got a 'we learn' from the shop cafe staff. That’s really just a sign that in their mind I am wrong about something, even though I had done nothing but sit and be quiet the entire morning. Then everywhere I went there were weird manufactured situations along the way. And of course things escallated until I got mutilated. This time I slipped on a metal manhole cover in the road and stubbed my toe. Nothing too serious but it’s just the start.

Already this morning they have left the garbage cover open, which is a sign of another garbage war. Once again they create the problem they complain about, they block the solutions they suggest, they escallate and escallate, and eventually blame the entire thing on me. It’s the same pattern everytime and it’s happening yet again, for the millionth time. This has likely been happening to me since the dinausaurs.

I got some coding done yesterday, and some planning. I’m thinking to combine all the main app plugins into a single blog plugin where you can enable various features like a podcast, a newsletter, short posts, long posts, and a linkblog. It’s all blogging really, so just combine it all into 1 plugin. It will handle setting up all the feeds, archives and tagclouds. Under the covers it will use all the existing plugins. It will make it super easy to setup new blogs. Just a markdown file with a few settings in the frontmatter where you want the root of the blog to be and everything gets rendered for you. It feels like the right approach. I have a few days to mull it over before the build minutes reset.

Another day. I guess starvation, anger goading, white and red tsunamis will happen over the next few days if history is any guide. And of course everything will be explained away be a simple 'we learn' and a shrug of the shoulders. #

For enquiries about my consulting, development, training and writing services, aswell as sponsorship opportunities contact me directly via email. More details about me here.