

2024/11/26 #

The usual non-stop escallation of harassments continues, their latestcstarvation cycle is just getting started, with anger goading, sex goading, red and white tsunamis. There’s been a hint of their weird pedo pervert based harassment too. That will likely increase in the next few days as they get ever more passively aggressive, and try to manufacture any situation where they can blame me. I think it makes them feel in control, which is the most retarded thing ever because everytime it’s them that create the problem in the first place. They are really just angry, upset and offended at themselves and conveniently subsituting me in as the fall guy for all their dispicable manufactured and escallatory behaviour.

Starvation sucks, especially when it’s because of something other people did. And it’s even worse when the thing that was done was done to you.

Still waiting for build minutes to reset. #

The latest Stuff You Should Know podcast all about the wild history of Tetris literally just dropped, and it’s abundantly clear that they are capitalising on my bitter sweet symphony blog post I wrote a couple of hours ago.

In an effort to redress the balance in the universe, I’ll take this opportunity to vampire attack the vampires, subscribe to my newsletter! #

For enquiries about my consulting, development, training and writing services, aswell as sponsorship opportunities contact me directly via email. More details about me here.