
2019/02/08 #

Today’s links:

  • Jeff Bezos accuses National Enquirer of blackmailing him - and publishes the details himself - Interesting that US tabloids are having a bit of a field day this week #

  • Jeff Bezos’ investigator suspects 'a government agency' intercepted Amazon CEO's text messages - Wow the Bezos dick pick story is turning into a spy government conspiracy bonanza, maybe this is a distraction from the UK royals family punch up distraction? The timing sure is a bit #

  • Now is the time to fix the EU copyright directive - Open letter from Kent Walker Google SVP to raise awareness of issues relating to the EU copyright reform that is #

  • Conan O’Brien and Nick Kroll Teach the Children About #

  • nginx-quick-reference - This notes describes how to improve Nginx performance, security and other important #

  • Countries With Zero Rating Have More Expensive Wireless Broadband Than Countries Without #

  • Thought it's useful to link to the other big story of the day, film director Woody Allen, who's name is now somewhat synonymous with sexual abuse and pedophilia is suing Jeff Bezos' Amazon for film deal breach - What a cauldron of nasties today's news stories are, and to think that this is likely just the surface layer - What a world we live #

  • In what is no doubt completely unrelated news, where I am living today there has been an influx of what can only be described as "slow coaches" - People that walk unbelievably slowly, so slowly they are almost walking backwards - Many many groups of them, all up and down the very long street I live on, and on both sides of the street, also white, black, asian, many different nationalities - Notably different to usual, where did they all come from? Maybe there is some sort of slow coach convention on, what a bizarre day #

  • Some news from the controlled demolition otherwise known as the EU copyright reform - A lot of people hate the reform and also hate the compromises to the reform, sort of feels like that bit in the Titanic where the band is still playing even though the ship is sinking, except no one really believes that the ship is sinking, hey maybe the ship isn't sinking, maybe there is no ship, I should stop reading all this depressing 'reality' #

  • Another mostly boring article about Bezos apart from this quote: "Looking for a better planet than Earth is misguided, let me assure you, this is the best planet” #

  • Boards of Canada - An eagle in your mind (First song that started playing this evening on my iPod which is set to shuffle) #

  • First thoughts on Deno, the JavaScript/TypeScript #

  • Everything Wrong With Trump’s America Was in Steven Seagal’s Only Novel - I think I might have discovered the origins of Evgeny Lebedev's #

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