
2019/03/24 #

Today’s links:

  • Apple's Reinvention as a Services Company Starts for Real Monday - Looks interesting though I'm not sure that paying game developers directly for taking up people's time is such a good #

  • An Introduction to Web Components - 5 part series that looks quite interesting covers the basics and how to integrate with major frameworks like Angular, Vue and #

  • Plastic buckets, broken printers shine light on Hanoi's poor - Practical, affordable and renewable with short term benefits, hopefully there is a longer term plan #

  • A first look at Microsoft’s new Chromium-powered Edge browser - I like that Microsoft OS now has an open source web browser, still looks very Chromish at this point, I wonder if I will be able to run it on OSX? #

  • Based on this article from Dec 2018 Edge will be available on the Mac - "Microsoft is now bringing Edge to the Mac. We understand it’s not a move designed to grab more market share specifically; it’s more about making it easier for developers to test Edge." #

  • Brexit march - German-born vet Chris Reichmann, described it as a "carnival" atmosphere - with "lots of different nationalities" but "really British in a way" #

  • I don't know if this analogy is accurate or even useful, but maybe the whole EU thing is a bit like a rave, there are a lot of people having a wonderful time and it's clearly brilliant, and there are also a load of people that sort of want the rave to finish, and the remainers are like yeah come of man just one more song, and the others are like yeah but like your rave has been going now for fifty years and we can see you're clearly having a great time and there are all these lovely people from different nations, but we're having to constantly clean up all the mess and now your children are ravers and I just don't know what to say anymore, we just want to #

  • iTerm2 Python API - Makes it easy to write Python scripts that control iTerm2 and extend its behaviour - Looks like it's Javascript for the browser and Python for the shell, might be time to dust off those Python books, just another language to fit into my #

  • And so the remainers are like ok we have an issue here, what can we do? And then as if by the heavens from above something emerged - You thought e's were good, well now we have a new drug, better than e's, better than cake, double the amount of letters, and so much more love, the new drug that's going to make everything SO much better is AI, it's going to be brill, for reals init #

  • The Prodigy fans invited to line Keith Flint's funeral procession route - I hadn't heard of the death until just now, barely a few hours after posting about Brexit and rave, what are the chances of that happening in a normal world? Zero - The Prodigy was one of the first bands that got me listening to electronic music, I really bloody hated Gilted Generation at first, but then little bit little I started to like the sounds and the rhythms, now it's one of my favourite all time albums, I don't listen to it very often, a bit like a smart suit you keep for Sunday #

  • Kind of strange: For the past 15 mins my code repository wouldn't load in Safari, a browser I started using about a week ago and said so on the linkblog, the repo loaded fine in other browsers, I also tested using Safari with a different user agent set and it still didn't load, then it started loading again, I didn't change anything on my laptop during this, worth making a note of the event #

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