
2019/03/26 #

Today’s links:

  • Apple launches $9.99 Apple News Plus with more than 300 #

  • Apple debuts Apple TV+ and Apple TV Channels for cord-cutters, integrated into TV #

  • Handsontable drops open source for a non-commercial license - Another example of companies struggling to put together offerings based on the open source software #

  • Brexit - MPs vote to take control of Brexit process for indicative #

  • Huge Protests Across Europe Protest Article 13; Politician Lies And Claims They Were Paid To Be There - It's great that so many people are out protesting the proposed stupid copyright laws, but calling people "insane" so quickly is misguided, we are talking about such huge sums of money over many years that actually it's not that far fetched to think large multi-national companies would pay protesters (IMO), calling people insane is a sign of laziness - Let's keep the internet open for all but also think about what type of internet we want, do we want just a few massive corporations controlling everything? #

  • EU lawmakers voted to adopt new copyright rules - Pretty crappy result, I'm trying to find a way to see this in a positive light, maybe it's just a temporary shield until the EU internet tech sector develops more broadly with it's own identity, but also it's kind of dangerous because the old guard now have the power to squash new talent, is it harder to displace a massive multi-national government bureaucracy where lobbying and (propably) corruption is present or a set a multi-national corporations? At least with the corporations there is the chance of competition - If the shield is so effective that startups can't start, then what good is it, the real world equivalent of banning internet linking is banning talking or perhaps even thinking, IMO none of which are a good idea - Also I'd like to see an example of a law that doesn't get through the EU parilament, it's rather clear that it passes any law that the old guard wants, and disreguards the will of the regular #

  • Well I upgraded Webstorm to their newest and shiniest release and was quite hopeful at first, everything seemed very fast and crisp, then after a few hours noticed a few crucial features are broken, and now the whole UI has gone into slow motion mode again, even something as simple as opening the preferences is almost undoable - Bad software costs lives and so do bad #

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