
2020/01/30 #

Today’s links:

  • Lungs 'magically' heal damage from smoking - That’s good news though I will say that I still notice that my lung capacity isn’t what it used to be, maybe it’s just because of getting older, but I am still glad that I don’t smoke anymore, it’s been a few years now, I found the best way to quit was to stop drinking alcohol too, and stop going to bars, have a hobby to keep you occupied, took about 30 days until I stopped wanting to smoke, I relapsed once for a while but I was much more aware of the effects the smoking was causing, and also more aware of the benefits gained by not smoking (higher energy levels, no smoke smell, easier breathing), so giving up the second time was #

  • Atari is opening eight video game hotels across the U.S. - I'm noticing that there is a lot of interesting things happening in eSports recently, I just had the thought that it would be cool to be able to post links to your linkblog from within a game, so you could show people something cool just happened in your #

  • Show HN - I made a guide with all steps for transition to freelancing in Finland - A lot of people in this thread were thinking exactly what I was thinking, that it would be awesome to have something like this for every #

  • Humans can't read URLs - How can we fix it? - I like Jake's proposed re-designed url bar, it's quite #

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