
2023/11/10 #

Worth mentioning - A few things from the past few days that are worth mentioning, as these tend to escallate. I recognise these almost immediately. It's like that spot the difference game where you spot the difference between 2 photos. If you play it enough you start to recognise which areas in photos will have the differences just based on the type of objects in the photos.

Day before yesterday I got short changed in a food place. That's pretty unusual. They were rather busy at the time so it's understandable, but there seemed to be some sort of disagreement in the air. When the bloke I bought the food from told the money lady to give me the correct change, I ended up getting an ear full from her, like it was somehow my fault. In fact they were out of one of the things I usually get, which is fine that happens sometimes, hence the price should be less, and it was but not by the correct amount.

Anyway the money got sorted out, but given that she was still somehow upset with me, and I had done absolutely nothing wrong, and knowing, based on past experience, that if I accepted her blame then I would receive more problems everywhere I went that day because of the give, take take take take effect, I smiled and said the current phrase. Alls well that ends well. Except of course it hadn't ended.

By the way the change was short in USD approximately 12 cents.

Then yesterday at the same food place, got another earful literally just for turning up. Hadn't even said a single word, money lady walks past, and an agressive 'blah blah blah'. I responded with a smile and my current phrase. As I was getting the food my bag was kind of heavy and I was finding it difficult to maneuver while pointing out what I wanted. I said something like "Oh gosh", a totally natural instinctive thing you say when your body is under stress. Except of course, that was interpreted by money lady and another lady with her as something bad, so yet another earful of aggressive and righteous 'blah blah blah'. Got my food and left. But of course, as has happened a thousand times before, things escallated throughout the day.

Somehow getting short changed had stirred the butch women hornets nest. Everywhere I went there were more butch women incidents. And eventually it spreads into regular non butch women and then literally every female in existence is trying to verbally assault you.

Side note, literally as I sit here typing the previous paragraph, a motorcycle drove past with a butch woman on it who aggressively shouted something along the lines of 'up boy' at me. It would seem the escallation continues.

Along the route to the next place, more butch wonen, this time with kids, as I walked past, they said something along the lines of 'learn' or perhaps 'you learn', I forget the exact wording. Right after passing them, the heavy bag I was carrying ripped along one of the seems. This is the bag with the PINK text which has it's own story. The bag is completely black, with all black stitching, apart from in one place where hidden under a seem there are 4-5 pink stiches. I discovered that in another strange incident. Anyway the all black bag ripped to reveal the inner padding, which was pink styrofoam-like material.

I was able to fix the bag as I have a sewing kit. But while doing so several butch women walked past, this time the verbal harrassment had a water based theme. If you recall, anger goading via water shenanigans is currently in full force. These butch women were dressed in alternating green and blue. So one had blue trousers, green top, the other had the opposite, green trousers and blue top. Several women made water based comments as they walked past.

I could go on, it was much the same for the rest of the day. In fact after the bag ripped there was an interesting incident with a bloke with no front teeth loosing his shit, directly on front of me. That and several seperate strange incidents involving a Tannoy. It never ends. It's literally relentless. I'm drowning and the only people that even care at all are the bullies, and they only care in as much as they can bully me.

Everything perfect, everything wonderfull. #

Good luck King - All morning butch women, and also regular women, have been trying to pre-empt my every move, and act disapointed when I don't do as they expect. At least initially. It later turns to malice. The last butch women walk-by threw a verbal 'King' at me. That's not a good sign. It just means more bullying will follow. It's like when they call you 'God', also not a good sign, also followed by more bullying, presumably justified by the fact that since you are alledgedly a god, you should be able to take it.

Everything perfect, everything wonderfull. #

Butch women army - Just to paint the picture a bit more fully, and this isn't fiction, this is how it is here. I'm not talking about a few butch women here and there. I'm talking about large groups that gather every morning ostensibly to exercise, and many probably are there just for that. But it's also a show of force, 20-40 butch women, all wearing the same red tshirt, doing morning exercises has that effect. And you realise it's more like a malitia when they turn on you. All for 12 cents that THEY short changed you. And you extend an "everything perfect, everything wonderful" and they just bully you more. But guess what, if you say nothing, it's even worse.

I'm all for women's rights, but this is a little extreme.

And yeah many have children to raise, and that probably isn't easy, but I'm getting attacked constantly, it's a cycle that repeats, again and again and again.

They create the problem they complain about, they block the solutions they suggest, and ultimately they blame everything on you.

BTW, the sandwich lady called me dog twice this morning while I was buying a sandwich. I literally hadn't said anything apart from the sandwich I wanted.

Everything perfect, everything wonderfull.

Update: Same thing happened in the cafe / shop. As soon as I walked in, was called dog several times, then again as I was buying a bottle of water. That was followed by several anger goading incidents, from young men too. The butch women tend to be on their own, the regular non- butch women often have guys in tow.

The pattern is some manufactured incident, then they repeatedly bully attack you verbally, trying to provoke a reaction. Eventually literally everyone everywhere you go is doing it. It always escallates no matter what you do or say. #

Large scale vicious cycle - Jeff Snider's latest eurodollar university looks at a recent disfunctional dynamic that's become obvious recently. It's a bit complicated, but worth sticking with his explanation, because when you see the circularity, and the downward spiral, you realise the dangers of circular economies. When it goes badly, it goes very badly.

And since it's circular, and since we are in the system itself, it becomes unfothmably difficult to reason about, because thinking and talking about it, literally affects the system!

Yes the earth has some circular systems like the water and carbon cycles which are particularly beneficial to life forms on the planet, but these are the result of literally billions of years of iterations. Trying to create similar large scale circular systems can be quite dangerous IMO. This is an example of that. #

Today’s links:

  • Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak in hospital - I've read in other reports that he fainted resulting from a minor stroke. Right at the start of my career in tech I attended a lecture by Woz. It was in a college on perhaps on the outskirts of London, I forget the exact location, maybe Ravensbourne college?. Anyhow I was just getting into tech after being mostly into the music scene for many years. The lecture was great. It was in a smallish oldiworldy lecture theatre. He's a great story teller and had a lot of cool stories! It was the first time I realised that nerdy geeks could be kind of cool. That tech and computers were kind of cool. I hope you are okay Woz! Get well soon :) #

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