More build minute issues - I spent much of the begining of the month laying some foundations for the interleaved everything feature of my static site generator. It's a re-imagining of the website's homepage. The current latest page format doesn't work particularly well at showing what's going on because each section moves at it's own speed. I think a unified page where all post types just appear interleaved as they are posted will be a lot better.
Once the foundational changes were done, I decided it was a good time to harmonise all the build and deploy scripts into a single repo. Mostly that has worked really well. I did find yesterday that the archives plugin was still using the old deploy workflow. I'm sure I had written the code, it was one of the first plugins I converted. I think what must have happened was I deleted the feature branch before I merged it. It was a very chaotic environment at the time, and it was super difficult to keep track of so many repos that needed to be updated. Anyhow it wasn't that difficult to redo the changes, and now that's all merged and working.
But all these foundational changes required a lot of building and deploying, and now that they're done, I've discovered that I'm 80% through this cycle's build minutes. It's really frustrating because I've written the interleaved everything code, along with an interleaved everything RSS feed but if I start testing it now, I'll definitely run out of minutes, and we're only half way through the month!
In the interest of still being able to post links, notes, newsletters etc, I'm having to pause all dev work :(
Hey World, why is it that I always seem to have not quite enough? It's a pattern in my life that re-occurs constantly. Every single time, circumstances occur that result in me arriving just short of the target. One would have thought, that at least some times things would work out in my favour, but that basically never happens. And each time at that exact moment, an opportunity arises that is no longer possible because of the lack of resources. But if I don't press forward with my projects, and save resources, those opportunities never arise!
Come on world, enough rubbing people's noses in it, when you do the exact same thing. Sort it out! #