
2024/01/17 #

Sleep depravation gang stalkers are back - Kept me awake much of the night. All in all I would say it was in the hundreds of motorbike drive-by incidents. At one point the apparent gang of construction workers appeared across the street to do their usual totally bullshit, digg a whole and fill it back in again, making the most noise possible. Wacking empty tubaware, and drilling into the ground.

The color once again is yellow. This is very typical in a starvation and thirsting. They will taunt with 'allow', trying to blame everything on you, nevermind that it's them that are creating the situation in the first place. There's literally nothing you can do, as they print even more infiniti pride, that everyone will at some stage have to deal with. It's the last thing folks need. And ultimately I end up getting blamed and punished for everything, just for simply existing.

Many of the gang stalkers have started doing that thing again where the slowly drive up behind you, just out of site. They are trying to trigger a panic response, by simulating the conditions that lead up to a bat or rock attack. They have done this many times before. It's pure intimidation and they know it.

They have also been doing a huge amount of water and food goading. 'You learn' is trending big time, from old, young, men and women. It's like some sort of infinit pride appocalypse.

The taxi mafia and the security guard mafia all appear to have their fingers in this color and garbage fueled intimidation campaign.

More things to add to the 2024 list. #

Suspected food poisoning - They have been starving and thirsting me for about 3 days. I was able to finally buy a meal from a place run by butch women. All seemed Ok, they had a whole stack of pork chops. That is until the lady that takes the money and gives you the food shouted out 'liar' twice as she put the food in a bag. Seemed at first like she was chastising the other butch woman preparing the food, but eventually it was obvious she had some sort of issue with me. I literally had said nothing, just pointed at the food I wanted.

Well a bit further up the road another thuggish butch woman walked up to me holding her gut. That's very unusual. Anyway it's several hours after eating the food now and I have all sorts of stitch type pain all down my right side. Very painful. Seems likely that it was another planned attack. I literally did nothing. They are attacking me just because they've attacked me before.

It's not just the women either, there was a gang waiting for me at the public rest room, that were clearly there to chastise me. It never ends. It's literally every single location I go to. In the shop earlier, another incident, all be it much smaller in nature, and again right now in the park, a gang of older males, intent in telling me to 'learn' and 'allow'. Hell on earth.

Another example of infiniti pride. These women print infiniti pride at will and expect everyone else to pick up the pieces. #

Raspy cough update - This started a couple of weeks ago just after new year. I got quite a lot better, but then got worse again. I'm still coughing up lots of yellow flem everyday.

This moring there was a staged incident involving a man walking with a bright yellow bike, wearing a yellow top and yellow biking gloves. In the opposite direction there was a man in another yellow tshirt walking next to a large butch women wearing all black. As they crossed paths, directly on front of me, there was this really strange awkward moment where the man with the bike held up his hand making a STOP signal. All he seemed to say was hello, and he sort of stopped but then didn't. It was very strange.

They gave been yellow tsunami-ing me for days now, so I expect it's a continuation of that. Butch women wearing fluresent yellow nail polish, all sorts of yellow garbage everywhere I go. Too many other things to mention. I have absolutely nothing against nail polish, but why not just wear nail polish without bullying people?

Anyway my whole right side of my body is in a lot of pain now. Feeling very ill and low energy, following 2 weeks of righteous infiniti pride bullying. Even the bloke testing out the tannoy system in the park I'm in is insecently shouting, 'you lie', 'your lie' and 'you learn'. Some people literally want to control every single thing and movement you do, where you go, what you say, and even what you think. That's infiniti pride. #

Slow walking women intimidation - The latest trend is slow walking middle aged women. They are clearly going for the prison guard look. It's been happening at the canal, it's been happening in the park. To be honest I don't actually have a problem with that per see. If you want to walk around looking like a prison guard, by all means go ahead. What I do have issues with is when it's very clearly used for intimidation and anger goading purposes.

Case in point, I'm in the park, having a bit of a snack, it's been literally days since I've been able to eat some food. They are right in the middle of a righteous starvation and thirst campaign, for a situation that they manufactured. I'm being punished for daring to walk out of yet another trap that they layed for me. How dare I.

So what just happened was tweedle di and tweedle dum slow walked directly on front of me, one brandishing quite a large almost industrial pair of scissors. Edwina scissor hands says very clearly and audibly as she passed on front of me:

"You're gay"

This is quite clearly a reference to an incident a few days ago when the food lady took exception to me asking her not to cut the pork chop into strips. The pork chop laddies from earlier today cut up the chop, I wasn't particularly fussed, I rarely go to their food place anyway. In any case the park laddies walked up the way a bit, ostensibly to prune some tiny plants, that really didn't need pruning. The park gardeners do a great job here.

It's also a reference to my PINK bag, which by the way they gifted to me. Another example of creating the problems they complain about. Such is the nature of infiniti proudness, it very often has uterly perverse chains of events and objects. It's classic bullying tactics, because the contradictions break people's brains. That's why I call it infiniti proudness. It's one of their main techniques, they think people don't notice.

They slow walked back past me again, I looked edwina in the eyes, she seemed quite annoyed about that. I calmy waited until they were 10 meters away and said relatively loudly:

"Lady, your declaration of war is gay"

I followed that up about a minute later saying loudly to all:

"Whether I say something or don't say something, either way I'm going to get mutilated. At least if I say something there's a chance some good natured folks might see and figure out what's going on."

This kind of silent bullying goes on all the time. I sincerly hope it doesn't escallate again. #

More anger goading walking out of the park. A lot of folks seem to be aware of my gut issues. How can that be? The WIFI at the internet place nearby wasn't showing up initially. A motorbike was parked with it's front wheel where I usually stand. That only happens during anger goading campaigns. I started writting this note and eventually the WIFI returned, to huge amusement by the cafe locals: "Good Good" followed by evil lols. No situations is out of bounds for their infiniti pride. They will always kick you when you are down. Over and over and over. #

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