
2024/08/17 #

Difficult to know even where to start today. The pervert everything motorbike gang stalkers were doing their sleep depravation basically the entire night. It doesn’t feel like I got any sleep. As soon as I would start to fall asleep, one would drive by and shout unbelievably witty like 'lie', or if they were being particularly extra witty 'lie' 'lie'. This sort of thing kept happening from late last night until daylight this morning. There was also a gang of twenty somethings outside the shop that would occasionally get involved to gaffaws of laughter. I’m really very exhausted now.

There was also some weird sex shit to go along with the starvation and thirsting they are putting me through again. This time the sex shit was really really weird. Earlier in the evening a bloke wearing a black tshirt with the letters 'BAD' in giant white text had been trying to get into the school that’s across and a bit up the road. Then there was a motorbike taxi droping off a bloke nearbye who said really loudly 'yellow' to the passenger, nothing else.

Then I remembered that that morning there had been a weird incident with an adult and 2 children walking past in the opposite direction. I remember thinking at the time that it really seemed like a manufactured incident, anyway both children were wearing bright yellow tshirts.

Well back to yesterday evening’s escallations, a western couple walked past both wearing head to toe white outfits. Then there was a motorbike gang stalker where the adult passenger was waving in my direction exactly like a young child waves. Basically pretending to be a child waving. Then another motorbike gang stalker making a noise which I can’t really figure out how to turn into text, but it’s the sound of a sobbing young boy as his bottom lip qwivers. I know that sounds weird but there is literally a sound that is exactly that, and the motorbike gang stalker was making it.

Then motorbike gang stalkers started driving by making sex noises and shouting 'come!'. Then loads or white cars suddenly everywhere. Then more motorbike gang stalkers shouting something like 'babies' and lots of lol'ing. I can’t remember exact details but it got really fucking weird. I eventually just said something along the lines of 'I don’t know what you are up to but none of this is funny, it’s all just fucking perverted and strange, stop being perverts', which of course made them become even more perverted and weird.

It went on for hours. Gangs of men would walk past and shout things like 'yeah yeah yeah' as in 'whatever'. All I could do was call them perverts, and asked them to consider stoping their bizare perverted pedo escallations. They of course continued. Eventually I just said 'look I don’t know why today of all days you’ve decided to let your strange perverted fantasies out of the closet, you are obviously going to continue doing this no matter what I say, you do you, let’s all learn about your strange perverted pedo shit together'. It kept on happening for literally hours. At one point, I think it was right after the 'yeah yeah yeah' from the gang of men, even an apparent police officer drove past on a non-descript motorbike, driving really slowly giving me the stink eye. Several months ago there was what I think was a manufactured incident where an apparent police officer arrested a bloke and the police officer was saying much the same thing as he arrested him and the bloke was trying to explain his situation. Anyway that was again followed by more weird motorbike gang stalker perverted f-d up shit.

I was getting really tired at this point, but they really wouldn’t let me go to sleep, it really intensified. The gang outside the shop was finding everything hilarious. I mentioned that I wasn’t trying to be funny, that I’d much prefer to not have to be funny, but what choice did I have. If I said nothing, I would later get bullied even more or worse. Either way it looks like I’ll get bullied in some way. Ultimately it’s all just intimidation and warpathing, blaming the victim for their strange perversions, creating the problem they complain about, blocking the solutions they suggest, and escallating and escallating until they have thoroughly painted themselves into a corner at which point they just blame everything on me.

I’ve been typing this out as best I can remember it. I’m not going to be intimidated by this kind of stuff. I’m going to write about it. If you perverts think it’s funny then go ahead and make a 'Allo allo' / Dad’s Army style comedy program, but with starvation and thirsting and infiniti bullying, the weird pedo pervert shit and all the rest of it. Maybe you are right, who knows, there are a lot of perverts out there, maybe you’ll find a niche for your strange and bizare pedo based comedy. At least then the rest of us will know exactly how to avoid you. I don’t think even Andy Kaufman or Borat would find your weird ass shit funny, but I might be wrong. You do you, perverts.

Thankfully I prepared the newsletter early this week, so I don’t have to do that today. I’m quite shell shocked from all this. I haven’t been able to write any podcast reviews though, which I’m quite disapointed about. I really just want to get back to some form of normality. The pervert appocalypse is shit.

Just remembered the title to this week’s newsletter is very relevant to all this stuff. That’s all scheduled and waiting to be published. It isn't the first time things I haven’t published yet in Substack, Github or even the iOS Notes app have seemingly made their way into RL before they get published in a publically visible way. It happens quite a lot actually.

As I typed that last sentence a motorbike gang stalker driving by shouted 'stop'. It was literally going to be my last sentence.

When normality world? When food and water?

As I typed that last sentence another saying 'wow'.

It never ends. #

Hyperperversion and All Dimension Controls (Issue #177)

This week’s newsletter is out!

In this week’s edition:

World politics, US Tech antitrust, S.American hyperinflation, astrobiology & assembly theory, Eastern European comedy, Apple, immigration, UFO Chief, Linux, Musk & riots, Yen carry trade, BTC & macro

Issue details:

  • Title: Hyperperversion and All Dimension Controls
  • Issue: 177
  • Page: issue webpage

Another awesome issue of the newsletter. #

The weird shit has continued for much of the day. At the internet place when I turned up early this morning to finalise newsletter #177, almost immediately a large butch woman wearing green leggings materialised parading a child who couldn’t have been more than 4 years old up and down in front of where I was standing. One of the many strange things she said as they walked back and forth was 'we alone', apparently into a phone conversation she was having, but it was strange, she kept breaking into english words just as she passed me. She wasn’t in fact alone as it happens there was a man with her who got a bit bad tempered at once point right before they all left, he was saying something about 'the white man'. It was unclear if he was talking about me specifically or just about white men generally. I called them perverts and said 'well this white man doesn’t want anything to do with you perverts'. They then left.

Later in the park, a park attendant security bloke, started getting agro with me, I had started falling asleep. Had the perverts not kept me awake all night, I probably wouldn’t have been falling asleep. I called him a pervert as he touched my leg, he then started to get aggressive, he made what looked to me to be quite an obscene gesture with two of his fingers. I asked him what he was doing with his two fingers. He started to try and take some photos of me. I calked him a pervert and asked why hd was trying to take photos of me. He scurried away rather quickly after that.

Now back at the internet place the butch women are trying to assert their authority. One is walking a small labrador puppy up and down the way. Totally harmless puppy that has been here for a few weeks now. For some reason today the butch woman is brandishing a long stick to hit the puppy. What are the chances. These are the kind of escallations that occur. It’s clear warpathing in my opinion, they are just looking for a fight, anger goading and all the rest of it. It’s absolutely attrocious behaviour.

As I’ve been quietly writting this note at least two groups of people, including a group of teenagers have shouted 'liar' at me casually as they walk past me to the park. They escallate and escallate and escallate.

It wouldn’t suprise me if there was some form of violence this evening. In the past that has been bricks to the face or a bat to the body. This is what happens when the social layer in society is completely fucked.

I write about it here because that’s all I can do since they have trapped me here. #

Today’s links:

For enquiries about my consulting, development, training and writing services, aswell as sponsorship opportunities contact me directly via email. More details about me here.