
2024/09/17 #

Bit of a scare this morning. I was up early as usual, and after getting ready for the day, I was just sitting down to write my morning note. Having just washed my hands with soap, my hands were a little waxy. I needed to plug in my device to charge on the battery pack so I went to place my device on the bench I was sitting on but it didn’t slide off my hand smoothly, on account of the waxyness, instead it slipped straight in between the benche’s slats and hurtled 1/2 a meter to the ground, with a moderately loud clank. It had fallen face down directly onto the hard pavement below.

I picked up the device, and discovered the screen to be in a very sorry state indeed. Only the bottom half of the screen was rendering, the top half completely black. The screen then got very bright, with lines from top to bottom and it got brighter and brighter until the entire screen was lit up, very similar to when you use the flash light app. I tried turning the device off for about 20 mins, all possible combinations of button presses. Nothing worked. Tried pluging it into power. Didn’t work. Eventually tried the on/off button in combination with the down volume button, an extended press of both buttons simultaneously, and the device finally turned off.

When it started backup, which happened automatically, the Apple logo was there for the OS loading but the screen still looked strange. It was flickering, like a strobe light does. When the OS loaded I was able get into the OS, and the home screen was there with all the apps, but it was still flickering like mad. I checked the podcast app and that was working. So at least I could still listen to podcasts, even if using any other apps was impossible. I decided to just finish listening to one of the podcasts I’d been listening to the day before, and chill out and not worry about it.

As I listenned, an old man across the street walked past. He walks past most mornings, always seems to be wearing just boxer shorts and a tshirt. Oddly as he walked past he did the exact motion I had done to lay the phone on the bench, using his other hand as a stand in for the bench. That really is very odd isn’t it? I don’t think he was there a few minutes earlier when the device got dropped.

Anyway, I continued listening, and a bunch of road worker blokes and a big truck turned up. I remembered the day before a lone road worker bloke had apeared in the evening just as I had finished cleaning up the reusable workflows feature, deleting all the old workflows in all the repos. These workers started making a racket, and there was no way to listen to the podcast, so I decided to head on to the internet place, especially since I noticed the screen had returned almost to normal.

My departure seemed to anger the workmen, and it’s been much the same from everyone everywhere I’ve been since. I’m now in the park, where people have ran past shouting angrily, women have suspiciously positioned themselves almost directly opposite me to exercise, while continuously checking if I'm looking at them, which I haven’t been. The whole world is super warpathy. People checking if others are warpathy by being warpathy themselves and waiting for a reaction. It’s like a ginormous never ending traffic jam made of quick sand.

Also interestingly, more people doing the violent downwards arm hand motion, like throwing something to the ground. Many people were doing that yesterday, at least 4-5 different people. And as I write this people are sitting behind me saying 'allow' while simultaneously trying to distract me from what I’m writting.

See, when the world doesn’t allow and is on the warpath, it just escallates and escallates and blames you for the thing it’s doing to you. It doesn’t stop until it mutilates you, and even then it will probably keep escallating.

It’s just non stop this morning. I’m getting battered from all sides. A large man just walked past looking at his phone and shouted 'Mao!'.

Time to finish this note and wait for the world to calm down, it appears to have fix it derangement syndrome, anytime I try to fix something in my life, it goes on a breaking rampage. Even if I fix something literally while the world is fixing something, I get punished. It all just feels like a doom fractal, all roads lead to everything being my fault every time.

Btw, while writing this an old lady shouted 'Ga!', just like what happened with the workers the evening before last. It’s like a replay attack or something.

As it happens I am very hungry, but everyone is more concerned about their warpathing. I guess maybe I'll eat tomorrow. #

As I left the park to go to the internet place, a gang of old laddies that historically are pretty much always harrassing me, shouted 'No!' at me. These were the same old laddies that said 'you learn' after the moody internet place bloke caused me to walk out into on comming traffic and very nearly get killed. That was about 2 or 3 weeks ago now. I think one of their ring leaders lives near the internet place.

Anyway, I got to the internet place and where I always stand has been blocked by a large white motorbike. There was a blocking incident with a white motorbike the two previous evenings. It’s 100% planned anger goading. Just part of their escallations. This will continue now for the rest of the day. I doesn’t matter what I do. They want to blame everything in me yet again. #

Escallation notes from the internet place this morning:

  • Blocked by white motorbike
  • Man left cafe saying ’wow’ then ‘young boy!’, seems like they are starting their pedo pervert shit again
  • As I finished writing the previous note, the male baby walker appeared
  • Man wearing yellow motorbike helmet from nearby book store shouting ‘No!’
  • Moody internet bloke is doing some mega-whistling as he walks past me, what a psycho, I wouldn’t be surprised if he tries another one of his "go play in the traffic" specials
  • Woman baby walker appears just as I’m leaving
  • Lots of 'mother' harrassment
  • The latest RA mix I’m listening to finishes with a sexy women voice saying "Be with me". Wouldn’t that be a weird and fucked up anger goady thing for a mother to say to a child? And even weirder for a warpathy world to bully said child with.

Is this the real world? Whatever it is, IMO it’s very very fucked up. #

One strange thing about this morning’s device screen scare was that around 1-weeks ago, on the very same bench there was a lady sitting at one end that appeared to have the same issue with her phone. It was flickering like crazy as she was using it and the screen was really really bright. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before. What are the chances that I would have the same thing happen to me within days.

The other thing that’s a bit odd is that my device didn’t fall from that high up, and not with much force, and it does have a device protection thing that I keep it inside. It didn’t feel like it would be broken in the way it fell. #

Today’s links:

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