
2024/09/30 #

Two noticeable things following yesterday’s small meal gift. I had hardly eaten anything in the previous 7 days.

Firstly terrible night sweats. Your body normally heats up a bit after eating but cools down relatively quickly. This lasted almost the entire night, definitely until 3am. There was some chilli oil which I covered the rice with, so it could be that. But it still feels very extreme, I eat this sort of dish quite regularly, and rarely get night sweats like that, certainly not in recent memory.

Second was some really, and I mean really insane dreams. It was like being in a completely photorealistic demented video game. Like a car chase that felt not only more like being on a rollercoaster ride, but all the elements in the environment were also doing a rollercoaster ride thing. It was really fucking horrible.

I’m going to cut this note short because I’m already being water goaded by some strange bloke that is pretending to have a conversation with a woman sitting nearby, but who is saying hello at me, over and over while trying to get me to notice his coke bottle that is full of water. It’s very odd. I had some other thing to say about the dreams, maybe I’ll remember later. #

The bloke that gifted me the meal last night just dropped by again and gifted me a mince pork ban boa bun. It’s unbelievable how great food tastes.

So anyway a few things about the dreams:

  • It happened twice around 4-5am, two distinct dreams.
  • Both times I was really glad to wake up.
  • I’m not sure it was related to the food as I had a similar dream a few days ago.
  • Somebody had left a small ziplock transparent baggie on the floor near where I sit. Whenever small ziplock baggies appear, historically speaking there usually ends up being drug related harrassment in one form or another. It’s a form of anger goading. In previous bullying cycles, used seringes have started apearing in many of the places I go, followed by people directly and indirectly accusing me of taking drugs, which is totally false.
  • It’s worth noting here that when you are starved for 7 days, esoecially when you aren’t able to drink hardly any water, you look pretty terrible, not completely unlike somebody taking drugs, who is often starving their body from food as well as inputing harmful things. It’s no suprise that the gang stalkers use starvation, and anger goading in combination with false news about you being a drug user.
  • Yesterday I walked past a bar that was playing Metallica ridiculously loudly with two old guys outside sort of playing along on imaginary drum sets. Super weird because they didn’t look like metal heads at all, and the bar wasn’t a metal bar, just a regular coffee shop / bar place.
  • The Metallica music could quite easily have been the sound track to both dreams.
  • I was really glad I didn’t have to listen to Metallica all day yesterday, I specifically remember thinking that after walking past.
  • The dreams had this sort of feeling like when you have had way too many cups of coffee, like you are on a runnaway train, and there is no way to get off it
  • When I woke up, from the first crazy dream, I woke up into another dream, which felt like real life, I could hear people talking nearby, but couldn’t move my arm hardly at all. I eventually forced myself to move my incredibly heavy arm, and as I did this I woke up into propper reality. At least I hope it is, so far so good.
  • Yesterday evening some time around the food, a man in his twenties walked past, looked drunk or perhaps disabled. When he walked, his arms hung down by his side and flopped about like heavy arms.

I’m very low on drinking water. If there’s one thing that’s even worse than starvation, it’s thirst. Washing is also blocked as is charging my devices, so likely I’ll have to turn them all off to conserve power till the weekend. No blogging without power. #

To those of you out there collecting for good causes, for each time someone 'saves your ass', do actually at some point donate some of those cookies from your incredible stash. The people you rely on every single day might very well be starving. #

A reminder to those that like to come up with, or simply appreciate minimal apps for debugging purposes, especially in the somewhat higher level space of politics minimal apps.

Those that scam and steel your work, repurposing it for their nefarious aims, often aren’t very good at figuring out the minimal app themselves because they spend all their time figuring out all the scams. BUT, they absolutely love themselves a minimal app. In a way, their monstrous work doesn’t even start until they get hold of your minimal app.

I just think it’s important to be aware of that.

Once you start seing that sort of thing happen, you see it happen again and again, and you realise it’s been happening right under your nose your entire life.

And remember to support those that do good work, those that build faithfully towards the better future you envision. When things are going well for you it’s all too easy to forget about the people you rely on, who are often in very harsh situations. #

I hesitated to call it, though I suspected it would happen. The light green harrassment from the Mary Popins impersonator type has of course developed into a full blown light green tsunami, complete with manufactured situations.

Large gangs of dancing women entirely dressed in light green in the park, starting up mere moments after my arrival. Blokes slinging light green cloths to wipe the sweat from their brow walking past, right afterwards. I’m sure that won’t be the end if it.

I think they do it because they are just so bored of red goading, so they manufacture a non-red goading situation. Always be foreigner goading, I suppose the saying likely goes. #

There are a lot of people coughing, sneezing and spitting today. Way more than usual. There appears to be something 'in the air'. I’m noticing it too.

As a side node, I read all about the con / chem trails phenominon, and it’s debuncking, and re-bunking and what not. Who the heck knows. What I can tell you for sure is what I’ve seen with my own eyes. Last time I was in Chiang Mai, about 5-6 years ago, I was walking right outside the main old city centre quad which is where most of the tourists hang out, and I saw with my own eyes a small airoplane decend really low right over the main quad and dump an enormous amount of liquid and pull up and fly off into the distance.

The entire floor of the airplane openned and whatever it was full of, which looked like clear liquid, went right into the atmosphere right where all the tourists spend their days. I dunno, it sure looked strange. The things that authorities consider 'normal' in places around asia, are at times very different to back in the west. #

Since entering the park several water goading incidents. People appear to be aware that I’m very low on drinking water, and are harrassing me about it. For example a very jolly butch woman just walked past talking to a friend, holding and swinging an empty water bottle in a transparent bag like she was a school girl, saying loudly 'hellow', an analgam of hello and allow. It’s their favorite reality inversion, telling you to do the thing they are blocking. Absolute righteousness, like she’s doing me a favour by participating in the gang rape thirsting they are doing to me. #

Just got harrassed by security guards for daring to stand on the edge of the grass. The only reason I’m having to do that is because they have recently moved all the seats so they are permanently out of the shade. Once again creating the problems they complain about. Note that it’s happening on the light green tsunami day. They usually don’t care. Not that I’m in the habit of doing it. Also remember the ziplock baggie? I told you didn’t I?

No grass for you, or water.

And wouldn’t you know ut tgey are constantly watering the grass, but you likely wouldnt want to drink that.

The walls are closing in again. Hellow reality inversion traffic jam, how have you been? It’s been at least a couple of days... #

Today’s links:

  • Raised by the internet - I thought it was noteworthy that the first time I’ve been subjected to a 7 day starvation, that the day after I finally got some food this article popped up on Hacker News. Interesting also no dates on the other blog articles on the site. It highlights the dilema of a captured truthful person. If you extrapolate, at some point it stops being feasible. Would the articles keep popping up with ever more impossible scenarios? The only way to find out would be to lie, but then you would be pointed out as a liar. If you don’t then eventually maybe you’ll actually get murdered by the world. This kind of thing is happening constantly to me, and not just on HN. Pretty much everywhere. #

2024/09/29 #

Yesterday’s prediction about everything being blocked was 110% spot on. Understatement of the month. It was more like 1010%. And today it continues. The level righteousness is un-fucking-believable.

Yesterday evening I eventually just started making peace signs with both hands in response to each harrassnent event, saying peace vietnam, peace. My voice had completely cracked, I could hardly speak. It went on for hours. This morning voice is still really broken, but it’s so strange because I’m not ill really in any way aside from a very slight morning cough.

Got gifted an ice tea and a small rice / tuna based snack around 3am. That was nice, pretty much the only thing I’ve eaten in the past 7 days.

I expect the level of righteousness will continue for the rest of the day.

The latest thing from mororbike gang stalkers: "him a lawyer". Who knows who they are talking about. Me, somebody else? Hard to know.

I asked the ether why I needed a lawyer, noting that this was hardly fear and loathing in Las Vegas, and if they really wanted to all be kangaroos given that in Australia they shoot kangaroos like vermin, and that sent the security guards outside the office on the other side of the street into some form of frenzy.

Another day. I don’t suppose I’ll get much done as I’ll need to turn off devices to ensure I’ll last till next weekend’s newsletter. Washing water and electricity have been cut off again. Shrug. #

When I look back at my blogging output for this year, I’m really happy about the quantity, because it’s like 5x or 10x previous years. That’s incredible. The blogging virtuous circle really is working for shear quantity. There’s absolutely no question about that.

But the topics I’m writing about, aren’t ultimately what I want to be writing about. I haven’t written about web development for months. Everything is politics, and end of the world AI apocalypse topics, and though I think I’m doing okay at it given the circumstances, it just isn’t the focus I want. The problem is that the writings are really just a reflection of how fucked my current life situation is is right now. Writing keeps me somewhat sane. But I’m spending all this time thinking about stuff that is just getting in the way of my goals. It’s 95% other people’s crap.

Frankly I’m very depressed about it. It’s like getting to the summit of a terribly huge mountain, spending years doing it, and then seing that everything is poop for as far as the eye can see. My laptop that I used to use to write has turned to poop. My SaaS turned to poop. The dingy I am in, one of the few non poop things, is constantly filling up with poop. Everything is poop.

It’s cool that I can these days just write a short note about this without the pressure of an entire blog post.

Nope, I fucking hate the poop emoji. #

The bloke that lives across the alleyway of the internet place, just emerged from his house, a butch woman wearing an outfit that was covered in bright red pattern also emerged. The butch woman stands to my left, a few meters away. As he emerges and starts locking the sliding gate on front of the house front door, he makes an order 'Blog!'. Kind of weird. It’s clear to me they are on the warpath about something.

Incidentally from the moment I set off this morning many people have been on the warpath, including a man on a motorbike wearing a red tshirt with large black letters 'TRUE' on his back, so you can see it clearly as he drives past.

Anyway, I turn away from them, lean on the wall. They are behind me. I don’t want any trouble. He says loudly in english 'you are lying'. I literally have no idea what he means, I had said absolutely nothing to him. He is not addressing her, she doesn’t speak english. The rest of their conversation certainly isn’t in english.

I simply calmly say, 'you are on the warpath', and I say no more.

He walks off with the butch woman, which is unusual as he always drives a motorbike. The butch woman has in her hand 3 large food boxes. Clear food goading, and anger goading, and total reality inversion.

I rest my case, as it were.

Update: This is the same bloke that alternates between being normal, and being 'evil', with evil laughs and last week with the small boy that walked like he had leg braces, except he has no leg braces. I note that yesterday a small boy on a small bycicle with stabilizers was cycling around me over and over, and when he finally stopped two walkers passed and announced I had 'won' whatever that means. At the internet place for the rest of the day, right next to where I stand at the internet place, was a small girl version of the bycicle. You are not going to be able to convince me there is nothing strange going on here. At least some of these events are linked, maybe all of them. It’s clear intimidation, anger goading, food goading and complete reality inversion.

Update: As I finish writing this note, the young woman staff from the cafe arrives on her red motorbike right on front of me, and says 'him learn' to the other woman staffer. After which she appears to be waiting, listening for me to say something. I wait until she has gathered all her things and enters the cafe, and I calmly say, 'her on the warpath'.

Whatever weird strange bizare ambiguous doublespeak is going on here. It’s clear things are very far away from Okay imho. Everyone is teetering on a warpath, just waiting for an opportunity to pin it all on me.

Note: They are still starving and thirsting me. And btw, the butch woman that cleans up the puppy’s poop earlier started calling the puppy using the same word the bloke that gifted me the rice this morning: 'Hey'. That has been a term of harrassment for a few weeks now since one of the sandwich vendor women addressed me by saying 'hey dog'. All these things seem small, but I’m telling you, whatever network they use, whether it’s encrypted chats or word of mouth, is absolutely optimised for passing around exactly this type of info. This sort of subtle corruption of the social layer of public society is happening constantly. #

I’ve burned through so much battery dealing with everyone’s bull crap this morning, I doubt I’ll get anything done the entire week now. Washing water and power still cut off, I’m still a pariah, though I’ve done nothing wrong.

Even saying peace via words or hand gesture, or saying I don’t want any trouble, is considered some sort of war move, and escallated against.

Everything is the worst form of poo, utterly hopeless poo. #

Well 'ya’s' are definitely trending.

Gosh 'Ya’s' trending in shitville, never seen that before.

Oh 'our' is trending too. what a suprise. #

Finally some food. I got gifted a small rice and small pork chop takeaway box. Starvation, especially when you just don’t know if you’ll ever eat again, is the fucking worst thing. No idea why but the last two weeks basically no one is gifting me anything, only harrassment.

In the last 7 days only 1 day of food. Just unbearable, especially with all the harrassment.

There is now a gang of recycling butch women that have a loud speaker with an automated announcement attached to their pedal powered vehicle. It sounds like gibberish at first until you realise it’s saying 'Ya! bear die' over and over. One of the main places I go, for quite a while now has grafiti’d the word BEOR right where I sit, and many people shout it at me as they pass.

I’m now doing double peace sign, one with each hand to the world after every harrassment. I just don’t want to be angry, it feels so horrible.

Turn darkness into light.

You get a lot more gifts when you get angry. At least currently. I hope things improve because I can’t survive on 1 day of food per week.

Update: The new thing seems to be to shout 'Blog!' at me. Right after I finished eating the small meal I got gifted, a butch woman stopped opposite me on a motorbike. She paused to adjust something on the todler chair, and right before speeding off, said 'Blog!' loudly. WTF world? First of all, no food, no blog, brains literally don’t work without food, just like motorbike’s and petrol, second of all why in the fuck are random butch women, with kids no less, stopping to order me to blog? This is some seriously f-ed up twisted shit.

Peace vietnam, peace ☮️🕊✌️ Peace world, peace ☮️🕊✌️ #

Today’s links:

  • Starmer visit to Brussels could lead to overhaul of Brexit deal - This really sadens me. I want the youths, in britain and europe, to have mobility for sure, but the reality, the thing that no one is saying out loud is that europeans want this because they want free native level english language exposure and immersion. It’s not really about becoming friends. Be honest europe. So I think Starmer is right to hold back on that for the moment. The other thing that really sadens me is this notion that 'britain quit'. WTF is that? Were we employees of europe? No. European leaders you need to re-evaluate your morals, and grow up. Britain democratically chose to leave, and no country has ever done that before, and so it’s been incredibly difficult for everyone involved, but both europe and britain will be better in the long run, as long as you can manage to get past your mummy and daddy issues, and stop projecting them all on britain. This is a great opportunity for all involved, especially because there are many wars developing around europe’s edges. Stop procrastinating, start thinking creatively, leave your exploitative thinking behind you, lets build something better for the next generations. #

2024/09/28 #

I’m only just awake and it’s clear that the world is going to be doing it’s best to block my every move. Quiet so called goody goody two shoe angels maliciously and righteously blocking all while claiming everything in the universe is my fault. What’s the point in doing anything, on days like these, all doors have been closed, all possibilities accounted for, everything already determined, I know it sounds defeatist and strange, but these days really do exist. Nothing I will do will make the world happy today. And I’ll get blamed for everything, oh and guess what I was already being starved and thirsted, so it’s a double whammey.

On the plus side, I got reusable workflows deployed on all repos, even the ones that just required part of the full workflow. That’s a big step forward. Finally got to close out that feature in the backlog. What a difficult one that was. That’s probably why worldo has gone all passive aggressive warpatho.

Literally just as I finished writting the previous paragraph it started 'Ya Ma!' -ing me via motorbike gang stalkers for no reason, nevermind it’s blocking me in all dimensions. Creating the problems they complain about...etc etc, here I go again. #


Another political minimal app.

Perhaps we are all waiting for those that are in the shit to get out of the shit. Perhaps it’s gotten to the stage where we’re really hoping that they get out of the shit because it’s starting to affect us who are not in the shit.

The problem is though that some of them really love being in the shit. They think it’s the best thing ever. And some others of them pretend to love being in the shit, but are actually secretly in Champagne.

They’ve turned being in the shit into an entire ideology. Merdeism if you will.

IANAL, and remember even min apps have edge cases.

Yes, I know IANAL is amusing in this context. But is it really, or are you just being a merdeist?

Note: Merde is french for shit. #

The instant I committed my latest blog post about merdeism, a small well todo gang of morning walkers in the park walked past and 'No?' harrassed me. Literally 1 second after the commit completed. This sort of thing is happening constantly.

Interesting that it was question based rather than the usual order based.

Anyhow just wanted the full context of writting this post to be out there.

Btw, I’m not even kiding about any of this, in some ways I really wish I was.

Update: Committing this note was followed almost immediately by an aggressive 'No Ah' harrassment. No doubt this update will be countered too, so I’ll say no more on the matter today. The last sentence just got extreme passive aggressive silent countered. #

Vampires Vampire Attacking Vampires (Issue #183)

This week’s newsletter is out!

In this week’s edition:

Genes need a future, Russia is mental, specialists vs generalists, VC tough years, inflation demystified, rewilding the Earth at scale, deep fakes future, and Uk politics

Issue details:

  • Title: Vampires Vampire Attacking Vampires
  • Issue: 183
  • Page: issue webpage

Another awesome issue of the newsletter. #

Altman’s reality distortion field

OpenAI’s CEO Sam Altman certainly seems to have some sort of a reality distortion field. First there was all the commotion and strangeness about getting fired then re-hired, then there was changing from a non-profit to a for profit company and the bad blood with Elon Musk over the $50 million dollars he put into the company, and recently a long line of important OpenAI employees leaving the company.

Altman has also testified on front of Congress famously saying that he didn’t get paid and just did it because he loved what he was doing. And now he’s been spotted driving a $4 million dollar car. Rogan has done a very hilarious segment on one of his shows that appears to have gone somewhat viral. The All-In podcast had an entire spoof funeral / death themed intro on this week’s show all about the employees leaving. Lots of hilarity. There sure is a lot of smoke even if there isn’t any fire. Yet somehow he’s 'getting away with it' for some reason.

Isn’t it super interesting that all this crazy and extreme reality distortiom should occur with the first big AI company leader? I wonder though, could it be fake news?

As a counter example from where I am. There’s a security guard of a nearby business that I see most days doing the day shift. Just a regular security guard. I doubt he makes much money. Yet a few weeks ago I saw him drive past in a vintage custom Ford Mustang. He looked pretty happy, it’s a pretty fly car. But I doubt it’s his car. He’s probably just taking it for a test drive. I’ve done that before. Probably one of the coolest things I’ve done. It was awesome. Isn’t it possible that that’s what was happening.

I dunno, maybe with Sam Altman he really is just all concerned with money, and is secretly just a greedy capitalist expert liar. I guess it’s possible. But again isn’t it strange it should all be happening with the first famous AI company leader?

I wonder, especially with powerful AIs mediating and organising our futures, won't this in fact be likely to just become another pattern that could be repeated at will. Like a photoshop fill tool. Unbelievable complete reality problem..."Hey AIs, make it so".

I know I see these types of reality inversions in my own life all the friggin’ time. There might be dislocations, similar to in crystallography, in the fractal of reality. A place where the pattern flips. It wouldn’t suprise me if this sort of thing was a common thing in general. What will we do in the future when there will be no way to know what the reality really is. If the person you were infiniti mocking was in fact in extreme poverty? That would be much less funny, wouldn’t it?

Freedom advocates will say, we want free speech, we should be able to parody and make jokes etc, and I agree. But if you can deploy a reality inversions at the click of a button, then follow it up with cascades of internet mocking, doesn’t that mean rising from poverty will basically become impossible?

I see some version of that every day here. You are either a crushed quiet poor person or if you get angry and say something, you are derided as liar / actor. Literally. And often you get rewarded for getting angry, then punished. It’s mental, I don’t think I’m able to describe it very well.

In recent years many in the west have discovered the dark patterns of the World Bank and IMF. Exploitative deals that trap third world countries into debt. It’s horrendous. But maybe these types of practices have been going on for years everywhere, at much smaller scales, in many of these places. Maybe we couldn’t see it before because we didn’t know it was happening on smaller scales too. I see money exploitation happening every day here in Vietnam. All be it on a much smaller scale, but really predatory, very well practiced, exploitative practices.

At the big World Bank / IMF scales, it just doesn’t seem plausible. That’s why people don’t believe it at first. But think about it for a second, slavery / exploitative thinking has been with humanity for much longer than the more modern liberal way of framing things. Being against slavery and exploitation is actually quite a new way of thinking in the overall scheme of humanity. Is it really that much of a suprise that some of these horrid practices got scalled up and deployed?

I’m aware that my thoughts on this reality distortion stuff is all quite a mess at the minute. Life is insanely aggressively evil for me right now. Just want to get these thoughts out there while I still can. I really wish I was more articulate on the matter. #

Pretty sure I’ve been mutilated again. It follows me going to a store where they always say 'It’s Okay' as you enter, which when you think about it is kind of offensive, not to mention borderline racist. But anyway the real passive aggressive onslaught doesn’t start until you yourself say 'It’s Okay'. If you dare to do that even if it’s in a totally normal situation where that’s exactly what you would say, you then get 'No!’d', and if you dare to signal you mean no harm via a peace sign, you get double 'No!’d'. Oh yeah and I ordered by an 'Up!' just before I was about to go up to the seating area. I really had been perfectly polite.

Makes you wonder if things were really Okay in the first place or not when you enterred.

Anyway, I continued the rest of the day, not too many harrassments, until this evening a woman walked past the dark green bin and tapped it for no reason. Then a while later a young woman in a light green dress, who was being really excessively prim and propper like she was Mary Popins or something, did some elaborate thing where she was droping tissues, then using baby wipes, then radomly swinging her legs. Anyway it all had a sketchy air to it and wouldn’t you know it my nose had started to get blocked, and my voice appears to have gone walkabouts. No pain at all in my throat, and I haven’t been shouting.

The theme from harrassers this evening seems to be financial, lots of things like 'money' and 'pay', but also 'actor', 'young', and one very loud and determined deep voiced 'good liar'.

So yeah looks like I got mutilation punished yet again, a side dish to the starvation and thirst they are already inflicting on me.

Update: Noticed this earlier but I didn’t see the connection to today’s events until now. They’ve cordonned off the pavement in a really bizare way that is totally innefective. Just another block to add to all the blocking. It’d been mostly fine this afternoon but they were in blocking over drive in the park this morning. #

Today’s links:

2024/09/27 #

Another day.

One weird thing that happened yesterday was pervert maybe pedo westerner bloke started calling me 'son'. He’s not british by the way. That's pretty f-ing strange. Can’t imagine that’s going anywhere good.

I’ll hopefully get a few more of the remaining reusable workflows deployed on the remaining few repos that only use some of the full workflow. Got it working for 2 of them yesterday, there are about 3-4 other ones to update.

Then it looks like it’s more starvation and all the other crap, cut off water and electrcity etc that goes with that. I had 2/3 of a day of food yesterday. They have already started food goading and the day only just begun. #

Looks like they are training the puppy to pee where I stand to get online at the internet place. Anger goading much?

I guess I’ll get those other workflows working another time. Blocked.

Here they go again. #

Now the locals are harrassing me for not standing in the dog pee. pretending they can’t get past me despite the fact there is literally the most room possible.

It’s anger goading. They create the problem they complain about, they escallate, they block, they blame, they mutilate. #

People in the park blocking all the seats in some way, then huge gangs of like 30 or 40 people with a person amongst them confidently and loudly calling me 'god' as they walk past. It’s just another maximum anger goad that justifies further bullying. #

Slightly aggressive park attendant approached me in the park to give me an earfull. Absolutely no idea what he was on about. I had been sewing, doing a small repair on a T-shirt.

Previous to this, the park attendents were also escallating the event that happened earlier. That was when a local at the internet place was pretending I was in the way even though (1) there was plenty of room (2) the reason I was where I was, was because of something they did. I had said 'chill out' as they were getting slightly aggressive. Well the security guards and people with them, walked past me saying 'out out out out'. Weirdly at the very same moment, the podcast I was listening to had a bit about the recent Isreali exploding pagers, and they were also saying 'out' many times. Weirdo worldo.

Just as I finished the previous paragraph a female baby walker walked past. I'm at the internet place again having returned from the park. There is a small girl’s bycicle right next to where I stand to use the internet.

World’s on the warpath again. Shrug. #

Having a minimal app is really important, crucial in fact, when debugging a problem. But it’s not enough. In life and politics, probably even more so than in programming there can be some pretty wild edge cases. People wear multiple hats, an entity you thought was just one person turns out to be a factory, there are unions! Snakes and ladders! And fractals! Omg fractals. The publisher of the min app might be corrupt! And now AI! Even the simplest of things can be ridiculously perverted. #

2024/09/26 #

I’m up incredibly early, it’s 330am, hoping to get some coding done before the plague of horrible people wake. But elas just as I was about the start the motorbike gang stalkers are already doing their 'shut up slave' 'Up!' harrassnent. They are such fucking psycho paperclip maximizing bossy bootses that they end up blocking things that are working perfectly fine. It’s like they are addicted to shooting themselves in the foot, and have convinced themselves that shooting themselves in the foot is literally the only thing that fixes the world, when in fact it does the opposite. And they are supremely righteous about it all.

They are literally making themselves poorer while the rich get richer, and anyone that even thinks about actual real improvements is devil incarnate. And everything is full in all dimensions, and they think that’s normality, because filling everything up is the way they control things, and they must control everything. It’s like a bunch of maniac suicide cultists. And long term I don’t even think it works out particularly well for the elites. They will get dragged into hell just like everyone else did.

So anyway, hoping to have some instances of the reusable workflows working for repos that don’t run a build. There are a bunch of small workflows that only need to run portions of the workflow. They currently still have their own custom workflow but I think there is a way to get them on the new reusable workflow standard too. That will be awesome. The reusable workflows have so far been a massive success uncovering some until now undetectable problems within build environments.

Also now that I’ve been using them for a few weeks, I can see lots of places where the reusable build and deploy workflows could be improved. The current implementation is a first try, a pretty good one all things considered, but there are many ways to improve things further. The great thing is that any improvements immediately become available to all existing workflows.

Even amongst all the bleakness, there is some hope, a tiny glimmer of hope shining through all of worldo’s bullcrap. #

Just got vampire attacked by the older woman that stop / starts everything. As soon as you say anything she backs off and becomes quiet. Same with movements. Stop starting her motorbike over and over. It’s all ultimately malicious anger goading, with blatant hunger goading too this time. Any conversation is impossible, and that’s the point, it’s just a time suck

Pretending to be soft and nice, but actually just as evil as the loud ones. They have more types of malisciousness than you can even imagine. The only way to deal with it is to not respond. #

I managed to get the reusable workflow I mentioned earlier working. Quite happy about that.

It took much longer than it should have done because of all the constant harrassment, but I got it working nonetheless. There are a handfull of workflows that need this slimed diwn version, and once they are all running correctly then that will be the end of the initial version of the reusable workflows feature. #

Pretty sure somebody just moved a neutrino in the universe so it’s out of place and will blame it on me and try to make everything in the universe my fault again and everything will be turned to Defcon 1 again. Here I ago yet again. The everything is your fault event just occurred again. #

Joe Rogan’s vision on immigration sounds cool

Joe Rogan vision on immigration, from his chat with Chamath Palihapitiya [1:09:40]:

This is my one bright spot that I think about with AI as well. Everyone is terrified of the open borders situation, and criminals coming across the border. Wouln’t the solution be, not have a place like a desparate 3rd world country where people are trying to escape on foot with their families.

If we were living next door to another United States, and you could just travel freely back and forth between the two them, because it really didn’t matter. Both of them are equally safe, both of them have equal economic prosperity, both of them are equally democratically governed, no problem, just go over there, go over here.

It kind of used to be like that with Canada. With Canada you used yo go over there with a driver’s license. You used to be able to go back and forth between the United States...I mean I think the first time I went to Canada I did not have a passport, I had a driver’s licence. It was kind of the same sort of deal. It was just accepted, "Oah that place is cool, we’re cool, we’re next to each other". If the whole world was like that...

CP: It would be incredible.

JR: Right, it would be incredible, and I think AI makes that possible, but we are going to have to deal with some very uncomfortable factors.

I thought that was a particulary standout and interesting way to think about it. I too remember that the world used to be much more chilled about borders, and not just in the US. It felt great. We should not forget that. The pendulum can swing back to a place that is cool like it was in the past.

I’m not so convinced about the assertiom that AI makes it all possible. I think there are really big reasons why AI tech might make that vision more difficult to achieve, that it could get in the way, but I concede that it could also help in some way. My instinct is saying, yes that vision sounds really great but woah careful with the over reliance on AI. AI doesn’t magically solve everything. Thinking that it does brings a bunch of it’s own of dangers. #

More totally unprovoked 'Up!' harrassment from shop staff as I leave the shop cafe I’ve been at all morning to go to the internet place. This happens so often wherever I am, when I’m heading to the internet place. It’s like some sort of compulsion. I don’t think they are able to not say some sort of harrassment, like some strange form f collective OCD.

Perhaps not uncoincidentally this mornings motorbike driveby uppers were of the same rough age as the shop staff.

And now in the park I’m being 'Bear!' harrassed for no reason, as I’m sitting quietly typing on my device. #

Even more 'Up!' harrassment on my way between the internet place and another shop cafe, which, you guessed it, has it’s seating area upstairs. It’s literally every portion of any journey has some form of harrassment. I reckon there’s a 70% chance the staff at the shop cafe also do some 'Up!' harrassment after I buy my drink, right before I make my way upstairs.

Update: The shop staff didn’t harrass, though some customers, including a young women ordering me to "home", just as I returned from the bathroom and was about to gather my things to head back to the internet place. She also seemed particularly proud of her bossiness, appearing to parody success kid meme.

Update: Just as I got back to the internet place a group of blokes sitting at the nearby cafe did an opposite harrassment, all simulteneously shouting 'down!'.

Update: Followed immediately by a woman baby walker.

Update: There was however more poo based harrassment at the shop cafe, which was the same place were my tummy suddenly went all melt down a few days ago. It envolved apparent customers 'accidentally' leaving bits of toilet paper right on front of me. I wasn’t entirely sure that it was that, but now back at the internet place, there has been some more poo based harrassment involving the puppy, who this morning appeared to also have a bit of a tummy bug. It was just now chased down by a butch women who tried to hit the poor thing with a stick for no reason right in front of me while clearly 'No!' harrassing me. They always try to create plausible deniability through ambiguity but when you see these things happen as often ad I do, it’s very obvious they are linked events, and that it’s anger goading. Incidentally at the shop cafe in question, they just happened to remove the soap dispenser from toilets the day before I got gut poisonned. What are the chances.

Update: Just as I finished writting the previous update, a man walked past saying loudly 'they lie', when I looked up, there was a younh woman wearing head to toe brown outfit, who paused momentarily and then left.

Update: Now there is a distinct smell of chocolate in the air. I guess the poo based harrassment is set to continue.

And so it goes. #

Really enjoyed listenning to Chamath Palihapitiya on Rogan earlier. Lots of great topics discussed. I wrote a quick quote blog post earlier.

One thing I just wanted to comment on was his idea to setup ghost kitchen + uber delivery infrastructure to make cheap healthy food available at scale. I love this idea, however as with many parts of government, the infra innevitably get taken over by deep state / malicious gangs and used to target individuals. That’s basically the sort of thing that’s been happening to me here. Specifically this week, there’s been a whole load of poo based harrassment.

I’m not casting judgement, in fact I suspect these folks think they are doing the right thing. They have some way they justify this behaviour to themselves, it keeps happening.

So great idea, but I think it would be doomed to fail, or at least fail for some. #

Today’s links:

  • UK must stop being naive over resetting relations with EU, thinktank says - There something that this article captures but I’m not convinced that the important thing is that the EU is all offended that a country should dare to leave. Looking at the macro happening with elections everywhere europe is looking more and more like it could be a sinking ship long term. To be sure that would be undesirable for everyone. There’s likely naiveté on both sides, but using that as a thing to hit the other over the head with is unproductive and childish. Better would be to move as quickly as possible to mend some core elements and stop procrastinating. Both sides stand to benefit in these uncertain #

2024/09/25 #

2024/09/23 #

All escallation notes from yesterday already posted. Hoping to make a bit of progress on coding now that I fixed the strange heredoc permissions bug. Probably not going to be able to make much progress as another starvation cycle looks to have started.

So far in today’s escallations:

  • Got woken up by some driveby bloke excedingly jolly shouting. Oddly I think he shouted 'Navalny' at me, but can’t be sure. I was listening to a McCormack episode last night that mentions him a lot.
  • Early morning bicycle lady that sings her head off just drove past, singing her head off, it’s around 510am, I think last time she passed by was about a week ago

Onwards... #

One major issue is no matter what you do, whether it took you 5 secs or 5 life times, they will just immediately do an Isreal on you and order you to 'more', while claiming to be Gaza.

They literally just did it to me now following two days of non stop escallations f-ing everything up for me.

I can never even get to coding any of my own stuff.

If you are god then why do you clearly have an infiniti amount of horns growing out of your head? #

I haven’t been able to get any coding done this morning, despite being continuously handling crap from everyone for hours. Maybe later I guess, though the weather forcast is rain, and I haven’t eaten, and they have cut off water and electricity again. So I guess I have to prepare next weeks newsletter again now. Here I go again.

Are you sized? #

Could everyone please stop being vampires do that I can just get 1 thing done? Thank you.

Note: Being a "kind" vampire is still being a vampire. #

I cannot even. #

I just did my best to listen to the latest Search Engine podcast all about Inflation:

It’s a great epidode but I kept getting interupted, do feel like I didn’t fully understand all of it. I did get gifted a tiny sausage pastry breakfast from a very camp man though.

There are a lot more components to inflation than is generally portraid in the media.

Ultimately still hungry, still not 100% on inflation, people are still angry at me :(

Literally just got called a 'liar' by a middle aged woman in the park as I wrote the previous paragraph.

Update: Still being vampire attacked over and over in broad daylight by people much better fed than me. They are now telling me 'you won'. #

Figured out why my poor old brain confused Keir with Keith. Likely has something to do with the fact that I’ve also been posting about Keith Tear the past few days.

A strange addition to this is that earlier today in the park a "kind vampire" approached me and kept asking me via the translation app on her phone about 'onions'. What are the chances?

And since then all sorts of harrassment, people calling me a liar, and making other references to this typo, actual gangs of youths laughing at me and following me into side alleys to verbally harrass me, and it turns out it was the world shitting the bed yet again, and trying to blame me for it.

The world is non stop constantly Keithing me, and because of that I end up Keithing someone once, and the world goes all defcon1. The mind boggles. Abd of course now I have to appologise to Keith too. Sorry mate.

Anyway, it’s okay world. #

Peter McCormack and Allen Farrington on the process of socialising losses [1:43:55]:

PM: When you socialise the losses, you are in turn socialising gains for the richest in society, because the process of socialising the losses is leading to inflation, which is increasing the price of the assets of the richest people

AF: Yes

PM: It’s SO fucked isn’t it?

AF: It’s pretty bad. I don’t like it.

It would be interesting to see a comparison with other causes of inflation, so we can see which bad processes are worse.

Really great episode, so many interesting topics, particularly the bit about folks that think they are making things better but are actually doing the opposite. #

2024/09/22 #

Yesterday was basically rain the whole day. Huge down pours for hours at a time. I was inside a shop cafe for most of it, and I had some food and hot coffee so that was pretty good I guess. There was a load of strange bizare weird stuff as usual. I didn’t take that many notes as it was my birthday, but anyway here they are:

  • Middle aged aggressive women (with young kids in tow), obsessed with saying the word ‘come’ whenever near me. On one street this morning it happened at least 3 times. Com means rice, but the double meaning is well known. The purpose is anger goading. Often accompanied with other anger goading like ‘Gay’.
  • This morning people at every junction I needed to take this morning on my route pointing in the direction I needed to go in.
  • Placed next to the penis graffiti this morning: a large empty plastic cup of a red colored soft drink. As I typed the last sentence 2 blokes sitting behind me say "Man City". What are the chances of that? It’s an opposite / not dynamic again.
  • Non stop sparrow people, young women and young men doing over / under goading and general distraction harassment.
  • A manufactured situation involving a little girl, her female guardian / parent and a trip to the bathroom. This has previously happened with other combinations: female guardian and little boy etc. All in Vietnamese but key words in English like "sorry". I would classify it as pedo pervert stuff but the entire situation appeared to be led by the child. Very strange. Poo related.
  • Two delicate young women enter the cafe shop, never seen them before, I’m sitting completely quietly listening to podcasts, they turn to me and say ‘liar’ then go sit down. I say nothing. They stay for a few minutes, then get up and walk out. As they pass me they say quietly ‘No’ in angelic voice.
  • Back at the internet place to send out newsletter promo. Somebody in one of the cafes is saying Dig over and over. That’s odd, the Diggnation episode was a last minute addition to the newsletter.
  • In the late afternoon I got a sandwich and went to another shop cafe near the university. Lots of harrassment there too with shop staff ordering me to Up!, thats where the seating area is, then upstairs lots of people saying things like 'our' and 'our lie'. Ignored most of it, but 20 minutes after eating the sandwich and a hot instant noodles, stomach started feeling not so good. Left the place, and en-route back to the internet place to post a few more things, major gut issues, had to do an emergy classy #2 in a side street. Given all the poo related harrassment, seems likely to me that it was planned.
  • Went to another shop cafe, there a couple on front of me did a few 'you learn’s' at me
  • Later in the evening somewhere else, a tall western man walks past holding his lips, looking like he wanted me to see.
  • Noticed that I have two huge zits on my face. Painful and swollen. It occurred to me that there was a segment on the latest Diggnation about this new treatment where they rub your own treated blood stuff on your face to reduce aging and wrinkles. It’s kind of weird that the same day I added their episode to the newsletter that later that night I got assaulted with a red soft drink to the face. And even stranger that I ended up with two big painful zits despite cleaning all the sticky soft drink gew from my face.

So on the whole it was a birthday with some good bits and some bad bits, and then it rained all night, and it’s been raining all morning. The rain appears to have cleared up, but it’s still quite cold.

Am I happy? I dunno, I try but the world has other plans, literally mutilating me on the inside and on the outside.

The worst part about all this is who do you trust, and the unfortunate thing is you can’t really trust anyone. You have to keep buying and eating food from people that might be making you ill, and listening to podcasts from people that might be causing you harm.

You just can’t ever know.

Update: The rain has started again. #

A quick update on the bizare strange weird heredoc permissions error I uncovered a few days ago. First of all I fixed the error. I added a chmod of the file after it gets created in the bash script, and after running several tests, the file now gets created with the correct permissions. Also I check that the update didn’t break the main site build. Technically the problem is fixed.

It does bring up some interesting things though:

  • The environments used to run the code sometimes differ. That’s unusual. I would have expected that if the heredoc got created with specific permissions, then it should always get created in the same way across all the environments since they all use the same linux image as far as I can tell. I’m certainly not changing the configuration in any way between environments. Typically the OS has a specific umask set that it uses to create file in a consistent way.
  • Having all the workflows all using the same reusable workflows definitely made it easier to see what was happening and fix the problem, even if it’s still a mystery why the file got created with the incorrect permissions. It strongly suggests an issue with the underlying platform rather than be anything to do with my code.
  • Strangely bizarely weirdly, as I pushed out the fix and tested it this morning at the internet place it had been pretty quiet all morning. The instant I decided to deploy a pretty large flareup between customers in one of the neighboring cafes occurred between a butch woman and several men. It continued all through deploy and testing until literally I started to write this bullet item. I was at it’s most intense right when I discovered the fix had worked. There appeared to be a 'moment of proof and certainty' by participants in the argument. Weird. Smaller versions of this happen constantly, but this one felt very 'canonical', for some reason.

As I finished writing the previous item, one of the quieter older men from the flareup quietly said 'voila'.

Btw they can see me standing next to the cafe typing away on my device but to my knowledge that’s all they can see.

Anyway enough said. Just another weird coding and RL interaction.

Update: Just as I was getting ready to leave, having already committed this note, putting my stuff together and packing my bag, one of the men involved in the flareup, loudly said 'you know, ower' as he got on his motorbike and left. It wasn’t clear to me who he was saying it to, but it’s certainly an interesting thing to say given the issue in my code was a permissions issue.

Update: As I finished writting the previous update, several people from both cafes all said 'wow' one after the other.

Update: As I wrote the previous update someone said 'you know, pay'. #

Marty Bent and Matt Odell on Trump family World Liberty Be Defined

I thought this was an interesting exchange on multiple levels. Marty Bent and Matt Odell on the Trump family World Liberty Be Defined crypto project on Rabbit Hole Recap podcast [1:19:20]:

MO: What are your thoughts on the World Liberty Be Defined shitcoin thing he has?

MB: It’s complete bullshit. What are you doing Trump family? People are like you’re doing all these scammy business deals, you’re gonna launch a shitcoin 2 months before the election?

MO: So many people hate him on the left, if he looses, they are going to come after us harder because of all this bullshit. You realise that right?

MB: Yes.

MO: Like they group us in with the crypto bullshit. They are not going to be like, oh the Bitcoiners were against World Liberty Coin.

MB: Yeah terrible timing. Terrible look. You are associating with people that run a network called Rug Radio? An overt insinuation that they are going to dump on retail? [laughs]

MO: Pretty bad.

MB: It’s very bad. These crypto scammers they know how to wiggle their way in. The fact that he did a spaces with his...I’m not sure if you listened to any of it?

MO: I didn’t. I know it existed.

MB: Not impressive people.

MO: Blah blah blah politics blah blah [...] stay humble and stack sats.

This exchange is a great example of why I really like their podcast. They really are in it for furthering Bitcoin, for making the protocol better. They might be on the right of the political spectrum but they will still call out weird shit even if it’s from their preferred candidate. #

The crazy future of RL deep fakes

It occurred to be after writing about Marty Bent and Matt Odell’s recent interaction on Trumps sketchy looking crypto venture, that what if they themselves are scammers?

I think this type of thing is going to become ever more frequent. Noone is going to be able to trust anyone. I’m not alone in thinking this. Andrew Keen and Keith Tear get into that, along with a bunch of other interesting topics in the latest Keen On episode.

As for Marty and Matt, it certainly doesn’t sound like they are scammers, but I’ve heard some serious meta meta meta shit this week. It’s worrying that with AI deep fakes, in the future, you literally won’t be able to tell. In fact ironically it will be just as difficult for the scammers to convince you they are real as it will be for the real folks to convince you they aren’t fake.

Asymptote prison for everyone.

There are bound to be some very strange 2nd and 3rd order effects. The most obvious I can think of is real fakes, where people will be put up against each other by puppet masters, but without the full data set, so they will be fake but they might have many real qualities. A sort of modern RL version of Team America.

Fuck yeah!....Fuck Yeah? #

Our Keir Starmer Journey

I like the Andrew Rawnsley, and Toby Helm’s roundup of Starmer’s first 11 weeks in office.

There’s a bit of controversy around gifts and staff salaries, but on closer look he seems to be mostly being very practical. He’s not afraid to point out where the other side left a mess, but I like that he’s also not afraid of accepting responsibility. This conscientious approach ties in rather well with this house redecoration metaphor he’s been going for. It all feels very sensible. At the minute he sounds like a tremendously good house renovation expert. And that’s great. It feels safe.

Nevertheless there’s this yearning to get a feel for his wider ambitions for the country because I think people realise that a country is in fact more complicated than a house. Having a small glimpse of his vision, even if it’s just a description of the house he sees, would give us an idea of what he thinks might be possible. And that’s important because it’s not just about him, it’s about the team around him, the institutions around him, and all the rest of it, and he’s the one with the best visibility of that right now.

I think people want to understand what he feels is possible. Maybe it’s a complete refurb of everything, or maybe it’s just a few key rooms in the house, or maybe it’s just to be in maintenance mode for a while only changing the furniture. People will likely be fine with most of the possibilities as long as it’s feasible, as long as it’s achievable.

In this article they mention the "house redecoration" metaphor, cleaning up cracks and mold, but I seem to remember reading or hearing elseshere about "house renovation" as the metaphor with suggestion of more foundational changes. The country is a much more multi-dimensional and realtime changing complexity thing than a house. It’s more like a giant living organism. That's why a description of his vision is so important, or even just an honest description of his approach to finding the right vision fit for the nation if it hasn’t been compleately figured out yet.

I wonder whether Starmer has some Elon Musk qualities in him. Perhaps even dare I say it a better, more british version of Elon Musk. I hesitate to mention Musk as I know he’s a bit of an enfant terrible at the minute, especially among UK elites, but wouldn’t it be cool if Starmer got the country firing on all cylinders in a way comparable to how Musk is helping to push US tech forward.

I keep thinking back to the unbelievable Danny Boyle London Olympics opening ceremony. That really was something wasn’t it? I want this Labour journey to be the next chapter in that story, but even better, less painful, more fun, and even more incredible and amazing. Are we just taking on a new scene in that story, or a whole new section, or is it all just foundational stuff to even make that a possibility? It’s all good.

Where are we at Keir mate, what do you reckon?

PS - In the original version of this article I confused Keir with Keith. Totally unintentional. That’s the sort of thing that happens in hectic environments. I did know Keir was Keir, but for some reason, I suppose because it’s not a name my brain is familiar with, Keir became Keith, and I just realised it now. Sorry mate, I’ve updated the article and url. #

Escallation notes for today, covers morning and afternoon:

  • Sandwich vendor lady as I got to her stand: ‘bed’, there was a bit of weirdness when another customer right before me smiled and said 'you won' for no reason just as lady put chillis in his sandwich. Then when she made my sandwich, she got a bit strange when I asked for chilli sauce, saying 'lie' a bit grumpily, but maybe she was saying it to the customer after me. Reminded me that there had been some sort of weirdness the day before around chillis from another sandwich vendor right before tummy thing.
  • On entering hot water shop both female staff both said ‘bed’. As I was paying the female staffer taking payments said ‘door’
  • On paying at the shop cafe, female staffer taking payments said in a weird put on voice quite quietly ‘up up up up up!’. When she handed me my change from the purchase she did that thing where she seems really intent on putting the money into my hand but then keeps on moving her hand forward so normally most people would end up backing up and moving their hand in reverse, except I half expected something strange to happen so when I extended my hand to take the money, I purposely didn’t move it. She ended up having to back track and pull her hand back. She immediately turned towards the other staff member and said something that looked like she was describing what had just happened, so it looked like the other staff was in on the thing she was doing. But I’m not convinced she was. The fact that the previous shop staff said 'door' is actually significant. In apartments I’ve staid in here, several times the apartment caretaker has done basically the same thing as with the money, but with their entire body, sort of assuming you will let them in and try to pass by you expecting you will move aside. And of course when you don’t move the same situation occurs. It’s a bit awkward, they stop and back off and leave, usually somewhat upset. So what are the chances these two interactions are somehow linked? Pretty high I reckon. And also the one previous to that too. It’s another social layer multi step attack day. Wouldn’t surprise me if these staffers aren’t real staff, though they were wearing uniforms.
  • It’s been all quiet for 15 mins, the instant I finished writing the previous item, there was a flareup between staff downstairs
  • Another likely manufactured situation with shop staff filling up the hot water dispenser, trying to make it clear to me that they just filled it up

Bit of a weird vibe this afternoon, I’m back at the place I was at right before I ended up with dodgy tummy yesterday. It seems to have mostly passed and I didn’t get ill again, even though I used the same hot water fountain as yesterday. #

A little bit of what feels like intimidation from butch middle aged woman this evening, including one who had quite a wild young teen in toe on the back of her motorbike. That was followed by motorbike driveby gang stalker 'Ow!' harrassment. Previous to that there were two blokes who appeared to be waiting for me outside of a sandwich shop I sometimes go to who were really intent on me looking at them as I passed them, and one of them did an up down throwing motion with his right arm. At this sandwich shop, there was quite a strange incident last week, where the bloke that works there started shouting across the road right before I ordered my sandwich. It felt like a very manufactured situation. A few moments later, just as we exchanged sandwich for cash, a young boy suddenly appeared. And the sandwich shop bloke shouted 'wanker!' extremely loudly. I said nothing and just went on my way. It was very strange.

I might just be being a bit overly worried given the assault yesterday, where somebody threw a drink in my face with considerable force, but I wonder whether it’s a sign of another imminent attack. I sure hope it isn’t.

While I was writting this note, another motorbike driveby gang stalker drove by looking at me, and non-chalantly did the same arm throwing motion as they passed.

Update: A couple of minutes after writing this note there was an 'okay' harrassment from moto gang stalker.

Update: Followed immediately by 'money, they' harrassment from two teenage boys. #

Well blah blah blah’s are trending.

Always nice when you end up ahead of the game, which incidentally is also trending.

Sure wish money donations would start trending.

Update: Assaults, not so much.

Update: I seem to be surrounded by wigglers who are trying to convince everyone that I'm a wiggler. But that just cannot be the case, unless of course you are f-ing with the permissions.

Update: As soon as I added the previous update they tried to redefine wigglers in a way that would turn me evil. What a suprise. #

The woman bin person that always has 2 teenage kids accompanying and helping her with the bins, just passed by. She appeared to describe me as 'the liar' to them.

That doesn’t seem like a great sign as far as reducing assaults goes. #

Today’s links:

2024/09/21 #

I was just assaulted in what appears to be a compleately unprovoked motorbike driveby attack. The projectile was a plastic cup full of red sticky soft drink. It hit me directly in the face with considerable force.

A few minutes afterwards there was some intimidation by western looking men, I have no idea if the two situations were linked in some way. They then proceeded to laugh uncontrolably in what seemed like fake very loud laughter to me.

Happy birthday to you too world.

Update: Police have made an appearance, apparently stoping a driver right near me. There was at some stage a mention of the word 'dog'.

Update: Now female motorbike gang stalkers are shouting 'No!' #

Not the best start to a birthday.

So I guess this is my actual morning note this morning, as technically the previous one was in middle of the god darn night.

There’s all sorts of fractal and cascades and just a lot of unpleasant good vs evil stuff and mirroring at all scales, so I’ll keep this one short.

At least I can eat today. Happy birthday me. #

Human body threat detection tech

My first thoughts after skimming through the latest microplastics research was about the recent increase smell issues many folks have been having. Turns out it’s potentially worse than that though as it’s the first time breaching of the bloob brain boundry by environmental plastics has been detected. Clearly that’s an issue since if it affects overall brain function, it could affect our ability to fix any resulting problems. I wonder if emergency precautions should be enacted.

In the worst case you could imagine having to have some backup humans raised in environments known to be totally uncontaminated by microplastics And the way the world is going at the minute in terms of conflicts and escallations, one wonders how long until such a phenominon could be weaponized. On the other hand raising some people in a completely seperate environment could be a very inhumane thing to do to somebody.

I bet in the near future, companies will popup that offer, by today's standards, rather extreme body modification tech to prevent or at least detect cellular level attacks on the human body. Maybe a new era where we’ll have to defend out bodies in the sand way we secure networked computers.

We should also collectively be realistic about things. Just based on my involvement in the tech industry over the past 20 years, finding long lasting, trust worthy, open source, solutions that promote freedom takes a lot of time to get right. I’ve been following social media for 20 years and though there’s been huge steps forward and periods of big evolution, it’s still a mess. And that’s something relatively speaking, much less complex.

We are going to have to admit collectively that we are going to be passing through an extended difficult period, and agree to not metaphorically or physically DDOS each other for every tiny disagreement, or we risk not making it to a safe place. Getting on well with each other without tech is the most important things at the minute. We need to be kind to each other. That’s the reality I see.

Even as I type this I’m being 'yah’d', so I’ll stop here.

I don’t think we can fix things if we can’t think, talk or communicate about them. The world is imperfect, it keeps on turning reguardless. #

Richard Dawkins: I think it’s a remarkable fact that Darwinian evolution...Darwinian natural selection was not discovered until the middle of 19th century, and then it was not discovered by sophisticated mathematicians or philosophers. It was discovered by 2 traveling naturalists, Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace, both of whom were collectors in tropical jungles, and I’m actually genuinely puzzled as to why it took that kind of skill, that kind of experience, to tumble to this really remarkably simple idea, it’s a terribly simple idea when you think about it, natural selection. And it evaded really really clever people down the centuries, until 2 traveling naturalists in the 19th century, so yes I think scientists of the future would benefit from field trips as well. #

Trumps visited Pubkey, a Bitcoin themed bar in New York. He was able to pay with Bitcoin. Here’s the tech stack:

  • Trump used Strike app to pay the invoice.
  • Pubkey was using Zaprite to receive the payment.
  • Zaprite connected to their own LND instance powered by Voltage, an LND service provider.

It takes a while to build the pieces the right way, but it’s a great example of loosely coupled, open source freedom orientated tech being used to build a better future. #

Reminder that Oracle is still holding Javascript hostage, as they technically own the trademark. There is a movement to free Javascript, sign the petition!

Javascript is most popular programming language in the world, the one most extensively used to build the open web we all use every single day. #

Today’s links:

  • 🚀 Latest Newsletter: Front Running the Big Bang (Issue #182) #

  • Why Generalists Own the Future - First of all nobody 'owns the future'. I’m not saying there aren’t some interesting ideas in this article, there are definitely things worth thinking about. But I hate most of the framing. The notion that it’s even useful, let alone a safe thing, to reduce the entire universe to a binary is stupid. 2/3 of the Romans were slaves, avoiding such vampire dynamics is probably a much more important task than getting overly worried about pigeon holing people. #

2024/09/20 #

I did a lot of writing yesterday! The good news is all the escallation notes are already published so there isn’t much to write about this morning. That feels pretty great. Unburdenned by yesterday’s escallations. :)

The bad news is that in order to ensure I have something to eat on my birthday which is tomorrow, I have to do a starvation day today :(

I have a bunch of typos and wording fixes to add to yesterday’s writings. And I have a bunch of podcasts and some blog posts to add to this week’s newsletter that goes out tomorrow.

I don’t expect I’ll get much coding done aside from one or two configuratiom changes that I need to do.

I hope today isn’t as full on as yesterday, that felt very full on. #

Escallation notes from early morning and at the internet place:

  • As soon as I woke up a man wearing special leg braces on both legs appeared. There’s a kid down at the canal that wears the very same leg braces, so that seems like it could somehow turn into an escalation of some sort. I think maybe they are legs braces for polio victims, I’m really not sure about that. They are white plastic and they encase the lower part of the leg and foot and it’s evidently difficult to walk with them.
  • I knew the earlier man with leg braces would turn into an escalation. Right opposite where I stand for internet a boy in a yellow T-shirt appeared walking like the man and the boy down the canal that wear the leg braces, except he wasn’t wearing any leg braces. He gets on the motorbike waiting for him driven by the man that lives in that house. As he gets on the bike, the man makes an evil laugh.
  • In parralel to this clearly manufactured incident, the moody bloke that sometimes spits and generally is rather unpleasant to me, today for some reason has changed where he sits. He is now sitting several meters behind me, rather than where he usually sits which is in front of me. That would have enabled him to see my reaction to seeing the kid with no leg braces walking like a kid with leg braces. As far as I know I didn’t react much, I just kept typing whatever I was typing.
  • Moody bloke, in his new place, is "chatting" with some other bloke. That basically involves looking at me and keying the "conversation" on my every move. Well that’s clearly going to cause issues isn’t it. Even more feedback for the infiniti feedback loop.
  • A red motorbike just parked right next to me and the bloke pretends to talk to cafe staff but says to me "be the bear". I move away to signal I don’t want any trouble. The motorbike man and shop staff look very disappointed. A few minutes later they then try to anger goad more by filling in the space with another motorbike from a yellow hard hat construction worker, and girl staff find it all very hilarious. This is the young woman staff from the coffee shop’s favorite move. You might call it her signature move. Whenever she is on the warpath she f’s with my ability to stand and get internet. I keep calm and take a few photos. This will no doubt lead to a photo war later.
  • Interestingly, moody bloke and friend were well positioned to see it all happen.
  • As I try to leave a construction worker driving a small truck in a yellow hard hat has a pop at me for no reason.
  • I hold my back in pain from all the extra standing I’m having to do and moody bloke says loudly but not confidently 'liar'. As I wrote the last sentence someone shouts 'okay'.
  • An apparent smoker on the phone appears and stands behind me. As I type this people in the opposite cafe all start laughing their heads off as it’s completely obvious what’s happening, that it’s all bullshit by bullshiters faking situations to try and make me angry. As I finish this note smoker man slowly walks away.
  • Now customers from cafe are saying 'block' at me as they drive away. More laughing.
  • Now customers in opposite cafe are saying "Die hard", which is probably some pedo pervert shit, but also a few days ago when I bought some food from a food vendor she finished by saying 'Die!' instead of thank you, smiling like an angel, but since I said nothing as I expected her to do something odd, since she almost always does, she suddenly went all quiet.

The stupid thing in all this is that if they hadn’t been anger goading me, I would have been gone ages ago and there wouldn’t be this ridiculous traffic jam. And now everyone has gone ridiculously quiet.

As I write the last sentence a man shouted 'allow'.

And on it goes.

Update 1: A woman is now doing a continuous fake maniacle witch laugh. It seems like maybe she’s trying to get people to laugh with her. An old man is laughing a bit. It’s a really really weird vibe.

Update 2: Two blokes in dark turquoise tshirts just showed up on a motorbike they had been driving very quickly. My nose just started running for no reason. Now there is some sort of argument with a passer by. They just called him 'dog' and said 'yah yah'. They are trying to talk with the man with the kid without the leg braces that walks like he has leg braces. Now everyone is just standing around confused. Now they just drove off. One of them had a thick white plastic bag similar to one that was gifted to me last week with some food.

Update: If you think tailgaters are bad, and they are, imagine a fleet of anonymous tailgaters all tailgating you constantly, everywhere you go, in your car, out of your car, even on the blogs you read. That’s what life is like for me at the minute. Anonymous tailgaters everywhere snaping snaping snaping non stop. #

Punish yourself so you can be nice to yourself

I've writen previously about how the world appears to punish me whenever I try to be nice to myself. It’s one of those things that keeps happening in a million different ways. Well here’s another example of it. Perhaps the textbook canonical example of it infact.

It’s my birthday tomorrow. I’m kind of old these days, somewhere between 44 and 50. I don’t know exactly, which sounds strange, but it’s just that it’s been so long since I’ve had a normal birthday, I just can’t remember exactly how old I am. Yes of course I could figure it out, but why should I? Can’t imagine it’s going to make my day any better is it.

Anyway I only have enough money to buy 1 day of food, barely. So the only way I can ensure or at least make it very likely that I don’t starve on my birthday is to starve myself today.

I literally have to punish myself in order to be nice to myself.

And I bet the world will still be upset, certainly if all the bizare shit that’s happened all morning is anything to go by.

While I wrote the previous paragraph a man somewhere behind me in this park shouted 'Go home!'.

Now as I get ready to commit and publish, a woman 20 meters away just randonly shouted 'yah'. Now as I type this paragraph she is quietly saying 'lie'. #

All the stuff happening in the Middle East is of course horrible for everyone involved and for many watching internationally. There are a few things that personally I find really really odd that appear in some way linked to my life.

First off, the attack was all based around mobile devices, but strangely it happened literally the day after I had a scary incident with my mobile device. It was on the surface carelessness on my part, however there was a load of bizare things that happened leading up to the event that look very much like some serious weight being added to the scale shall we say. It seems to me that not only was this situation expected, known that it was going to happen, but that there were forces external to me that were actively trying to cause the incident.

The second thing is that all the Middle East stuff happened the day after another doppelganger incident, of someone from my past. The name of the original person was mentioned several times in different locations. They are connected to the middle east in some way.

And interestingly, though I won’t go into details, I just realised was yet another example of me being punished for trying to be nice to myself.

I don’t know where this all leads, probably everyone being infinitely offended at everyone else just for everyone blinking. #

I was hoping to update the newsletter with new content, I have a load of awesome podcast episodes from some of yhe best podcasts in the universe, and a few strange blog posts by me. But looks like the world isn’t willing as the internet place, that was being very warpathy this morning, appears to have cut off the internet. I can’t get online as the network currently doesn’t exist.

I’ll try again tomorrow. :(

Update: The instant I committed the above note, the internet was restored. #

Today’s links:

  • Israel bombards southern Lebanon after Hezbollah chief vows ‘punishment’ - This is aweful but the details are actually very interesting. It’s not just Gaza, it’s Lebanon involved now too. There’s a thing called the 'Axis of Resistance' setup by Iran as a counter organisation and narrative to the 'Axis of Evil' thing which I guess dates back to the Iraq war. The details of the supply chain attack are all interesting too, various companies in different countries. But the final thing mentioned is that Isreal submitted a ceasefire proposal to the US. Basically they are saying, 'we got you back for the attacks at the Isreali music festival, now the war ends'. It will be interesting to see how the international community reacts. #

2024/09/19 #

There’s a sort of emptiness to everything today.

Of course the escallations continued all throughout the day to epic proportions. I could probably write several books just on yesterday’s events.

Eventually you just get to a point where there is no more capacity to handle any of it, and so you just sit and wait for them to stop raping you.

Nothing else you can do.

Here are the escallation notes from yesterday:

  • A western woman probably vaguely in her 30s speaking on her mobile phone in the shop cafe the minute I arrived this morning and straight into an apparent conversation about pregnancy tests in Vietnam. How strange, it was literally 2 days ago I blogged about abortion. She seemed very intent on me hearing her, standing directly on front of the item I buy almost every day.
  • Young women at the internet place blocked the toilet with a chair
  • Young women staff at the cafe shop being passive aggressive by pretending to give you your bag with the things you’ve bought but at the last second placing it on the counter top instead of handing the bag to you directly, and you are left hanging with your hands waiting for the bag
  • Young women staff at the cafe shop walking past seing you have just packed up bags and are about to leave and ordering you to "go home", then a few minutes later when you leave saying ‘voila’
  • Afternoon at the internet place. Been here about 5 mins. Woman baby walker just appeared and walked past. The reason I mention these baby walkers is previously there were zero baby walkers, now it’s literally everytime I get online. That’s weird.
  • Man baby walker appeared about 60 seconds after the woman baby walker.
  • Middle aged asian woman drives past on motorbike and looks directly at me just as I look up from my device, she mouths the word ‘obbey’ very slowly accompanied by a simultaneous head nod
  • Working on getting a new workflow working, I made some good progress but got to a point where I need to add some deployment keys to a repo. Literally the instant that happens a bunch of very young kids show up. Something like this happens like 90% of the time whenever I have to do anything with private crypto keys.

I haven’t even re-read these notes, just don’t have the will for it, so likely loads of spelling mistakes and what not, and might very well not make much sense.

The reason I walked away from Perl is that it was a dead end, that was pretty clear to everyone. Luckily there was Javascript and the web.

Life at the minute makes Perl look like some kind of heaven of heavens. It’s like being stuck in the worst framework or programming language in the universe, and it keeps trying to force you to learn more about itself. It’s like a train wreck, you look at it and you think to yourself shit I knew it was bad, but I had no clue it was THAT bad. And it always just gets worse, so much so that people are trying to make the getting worse into being something amazing, making things exponentially worse. And now even the AIs are helping them.

But unlike with Perl there is nowhere to walk away to.

There is only more layers of the never ending AI generated fractal of multiplexed what-are-the-chances to keep you separate from everyone in the universe for something that was done to you and blamed on you.

So you wake up, and put one foot on front of the other and try to survive another day.

Update: And pick up your bag after writting a note and the strap tears, and you remember there was a whole incident yesterday with a bloke traping you in some manufactured voila situation, involving him leaving his bag for ages, and you think to yourself, what are the chances. And at that instant the morning cyclist assholes cycle past and say loudly 'we learn'. And there are no words. You cannot even. #

Slight change to routine to catch some sun, I need to dry some clothes so it’s part functional, part to get some fresh air. Heavy rain forcast for the entire day. Here are my verbatim escallation notes from my way down to the canal:

  • Went to two shops, strange feeling of things slowly getting blocked up. Perhaps in some way manufactured situations. Both interactions involved all sorts of extra blah blah that was totally unnecessary.
  • Man in his twenties in road at crossing talking to another on a stationary motorbike, appeared to be waiting for me to choose direction. I hadn’t seen him yet but as soon as I decided to go the direction he was in, he snapped shut his arms and hands in a sort of loud crocodile bitting motion, while laughing maniacally.
  • I walked around him, giving him plenty of space to try and signal "I don’t want any trouble" and walk on to the canal. All the seats at the canal are taken, which I think is quite unusual especially midweek before 630am. I get to the end of the road and turn the corner and there is an enormous gang of middle aged and old butch women doing morning exercises, all wearing pink T-shirts.
  • The instant I notice them, a man cycles past and says "they know"
  • Momentarily there’s a huge sense of glee in the air, many of them are very attentive to my every move.
  • I walk past, carrying my large bags, one if which had the large letters PINK on 3 sides, with no sign of getting angry. I’m like totally chill, whatever world. It was here that I initially git gifted the 'PINK' bag.
  • This appears to create a sense of uneasiness
  • At the next junction there is a choice to either cross the canal or to go back where I came from. I had already decided to go back because as is the case with all these tsunami situations, they have already decided on the outcome, all doors are closed so to speak, all options blocked, no matter what you do, you will be getting mutilated in some way
  • Interestingly at the junction there is a small butch pink T-shirt wearing woman intimidation gang semi blocking the way over the canal, and in the other direction back from where I came there are also butch women but they are wearing light colour pink T-shirts.
  • I make a mental note of this configuration, but I had already decided what I was going to do and as I proceed there’s a vibe of people being a bit confused like they were expecting an angry foreigner but got the exact opposite. And I wasn’t faking it at all, no hesitation, no feeling bad about anything, not happy, but also not sad in any way. I was feeling 100% real.
  • I walk back up to where I had been the previous day, where a weird Vonnegut strawberries maybe manufactured situation involving a man wearing all black, only boxers and T-shirt, a doppelgänger of someone from my past, followed immediately by another doppelgänger of another prominent person from my past. Both not 100%’s but more like as to yet unknown (and impossible based on current description of the universe) family members of OG peeps.
  • I sit down, and directly across the road, a giant empty red coach bus.
  • A few seconds later a couple walks past, the young woman says No! loudly
  • You try to walk away, because you are being infiniti blocked, but you get infinite blocked in every location, so you go back, and you get infiniti blocked when you get back too. Every option leads to punishment.
  • You remember the man with an FFF shoping bag the night before. Eyes are trending. Or not. Either way it’s a trend, like night and day. Happy and sad at the same time, like some sort of carbon credit system gone mad. You get punished for writing this bullet item while writing it.

I sit quietly. At least I have some food today.

Appologies for lack of editing. Making it all perfect just creates more issues. #

Taken from today’s Bankless podcast with Macro Alf [32:57] that for whatever reason feels very appropriate and relevant to areas of my life much more than just the economy.

Hyman Minski, someone much smarter than I am, once said that "artificial stability actually breads instability". That’s what we are trying to do, we are trying to create this artificial stability. Kill the business cycle, kill the market volatility, kill everything, just control everything, and the federal reserve is communicating along the lines of that.

In blackout, look at that, they cannot communicate ANYTHING, they cannot communicate that they want or are considering doing 50 [basis points cut]. So what do they do? They communicate through our friend Nick Timeraos from the Wallstreet journal. So Nick is a very good journalist. He is known to have their ear or actually to be the ear of Federal Reserve speakers during blackout periods.

It’s like patterns in the fractal that is society, ripple through all layers of the social network of humans in one way or another. I’m not able to describe what I’m seing very well. Of course there’s also the possibility of confirmation bias, and "seing faces in clouds", but honestly there are just way to many oddities for them all to be explained by that. In life, as with the economy large manipulations are visible at the macro level.

And this isn’t my first rodeo. This has been happening for years at this point, and progressively escallating.

And as far as I know, aside from the occasional cup of coffee, I’m completely sober, and have been for years, not that I ever had substance abuse problems, though like many I had some fun times at university, which was a very very long time ago now.

It feels like society is reaching some form of new era, where things making sense is going to start breaking down.

Anyway, 'nough said for now. #

Another choice quote from Macro Alf on Bankless (34:50):

The reality is that as investors, our job, I think, is to understand the rule of the game, and then to try and navigate them in the safest possible way with tight risk management.

That’s some dark Orwelian double speak if ever I’ve heard any. Are there any other people you would like to 'navigate' using powerful economic tools?

I don’t want to pick on Macro Alf, I actually like much of what he has to say about the economy. But his choice of words is, I think, illustrative of an issue we are going to start bumping up against as AI tools become ever more poweful, and available throughout societies, at greater and greater levels of granularity.

We should be talking about this in the open, and allowing people to think about it, make up their own minds. I say this because literally as I type this, a gang of women has been doing their version of open air "risk management", keying off of my every move to distract and anger goad me in public in broad daylight.

At a certain point you get to a place where people are non-ironically declaring slavery to be freedom, or something else that’s as fucked up. Or maybe they declare it as a joke, or some other diguise for real bad and dispicable behaviour.

As I type this even more gangs showed up, doing modern day next level "nothing to see here" risk management. Literally got intimidation surrounded. The social layer really not down with my writting, so maybe this is the right direction after all.

Though based on the correlation between their silences and general enthusiasm, and my pausing and starting writting, they might be thinking the same thing. It’s crazy. #

Another comment about Macro Alf comments about the economy. His whole thesis about lags in the effects of things passing through the economy is so ridiculously precient, it’s borderline not believable to me. I don’t know when their show was recorded, but I received it today in my podcast app.

Remember I already prepared next week’s newsletter, last week. You aren’t gonna believe the issue title, but the timestamps are all verifiable via git commits. I sort of expected something like this to happen based on past bullying cycles. And it’s happening again. The world’s manipulations are being laid out bare.

The question is how large is the blast radius? Where are the edges to this thing we are in? I think that’s what I’m starting to see. How about you all, what do you see? #

I have a Github action step that creates a file via bash heredoc. It’s been working totally fine for all my workflows for ages. Well yesterday the step started doing something odd on one of the repos.

Suddenly there was a file permision error. You see the file created is a bash script that gets run. For some reason, in this case, the file is created but doesn’t have any execution permissions set, so attempting to run the script fails with a permission error.

This would normally cause all sorts of crazy confusion trying to debug, but now that all the repos use the exact same build workflow, I know something strange is going on. There is literally no reason the file should get created with different permissions.

I’m still trying to figure out what happened, but just wanted to write a note about it because there are all sorts of very bizare situations happening in RL, and I often find, as strange as this might sound, that the universe starts mirroring situations in my code back at me.

Strange, that is, if you have never experienced passive aggressive industrial scale gang stalkers, and the anger goading that almost always accompanies them. Right now for instance a young woman is standing right next to me in a bright white shirt looking clueless. Clueless apparently that yesterday the manufactured situation that occurred in this very same spot involved people dressed entirely in all black clothes. So there’s an opposite dynamic that’s hapening, but also blocking, because these types of things keep happening just as I’m about to leave.

There’s other weird stuff happening too but I don’t want to get into it for fear that things get even worse. #

Rep. Jay Obernolte on Politico Tech Podcast:

AI like few topics in policy has been misinformed by 50 years of science fiction and pop culture now. So if you ask what the average american what they view as the largest risk of AI, you’ll get something out of the Terminator. An evil army of robots rising up to take over the world with red laser eyes.

I told you eyes were trending. Just another what are the chances. #

Escalation notes down to the other side of the canal:

  • Red anger goading pretty much all the way to the other side of the canal, especially once across to the other side.
  • Also people purposely blocking the path and pretending you don’t exist, then annoyed when your bag touches them as you pass even though they quite clearly saw me approaching
  • On entering the shop cafe, young woman staff shouts "free", then on paying calls me wanker under her breath, then annoyed that I asked for the receipt which she forgot to give me. Update: a bloke shouted free as I finally left several hours later
  • Very large butch woman wearing bright red top sitting right next to the power outlet, very intent on making eye contact, talking aggressively on phone.
  • Somebody in shop opposite taking photos or video of me or someone near me, then laughing when I subtly raise my hand to cover my face. Then somebody in the room where I am saying "he knows".
  • Strange issues with the power outlets, followed by staff saying "you won"
  • Anytime shop staff go near the hot water fountain they say ‘lie’ or ‘liar’.
  • Every time I come to this place somebody starts counting huge wads of cash. It happened again.
  • It’s pretty clear the staff here are cycling through several pre-prepared situations, like american football plays

Update: It’s several hours later since I wrote this note. I’ve been listening podcasts, it’s been quite quiet in my surroundings. I decided to re-read and fix typos and wording. Within about 10 seconds of starting to make edits, typing on my phone, an extreme camp bloke has piped up, gotten on the phone and is anger goading my every move. He keeps saying the word 'Gay' for instance. Anyway just wanted to make an update to the note. When I speak about blocking, this is often the sort of thing I am talking about. #

Sparrow people

Some people mostly women but also some men are like sparrows, it’s like if there was an algorithm that controls sparrows, that algorithm has been connected up to them. Once you see it you can’t unsee it. They spiritually are always like right up in your face fluttering their wings, pecking at you like you are a small mound of sesame seeds.

Depending on how you look at it, it can seem like different things, but to be honest often it’s phasers-on-its-okay extreme. And even suggesting that is met with, metaphorically speaking, the entire world nuclear arsenal aimed directly at you, while casually laughing like it’s a light hearted joke. It’s almost as if they weaponise their anxiety and yours, and, in a way, it’s ingenious, even if it is manipulation infiniti.

For the record I think sparrows are amazing. No problem at all with sparrows, but I do at times find sparrow people quite challenging.

Update: Please world don’t psycho bully me with dead sparrows, thank you. #

Matt Walsh on racism, social media, US politics & the strange world of professional cuddlers

Really enjoyed listening to the Rogan - Matt Walsh episode. Lots of interesting topics including racism, social media, US politics & the strange world of professional cuddlers.

Also literally the best moon landings are fake discussion I’ve listenned to. I wish conversations between two people with opposite views were always this respectful.

Here’s a great quote from Matt about social media:

If you’re a human being on Twitter saying something, that’s real life, it’s not fake, it’s not happening in some kind of dream world. But then people think that well okay if I just say this on Twitter, I put a YouTube comment section, and this heinous awful thing, it doesn’t count, it doesn’t mean I’m a bad person because it’s not real life. That’s like writing on loose leaf paper, calling someone a piece of shit, and handing it to them, and then they get mad at you, and you say ‘hey man, it’s the paper, it’s not real life, it just happened on the paper’. It’s a method for communicating [...] it turns people into sociopaths after a while I think.

I find this sort of behavior is seeping into real life too. Not sure how I feel about that. Sometmes it can be funny, but other times not at all. #

Slavery, the bible, and the changeability of institutions

I listenned to several very interesting podcasts this week. One of the themes that came up several times is slavery. It's an on-going conversation that our societies are having now, and have been in one way or another for a very long time.

Historian Gregory Aldrete, who specialises in the Roman period, was on the Lex Fridman podcast. Elon Musk recommended the conversation on Twitter, and I think he was right, it’s not normally a period in history I’m particularly interested in, but there were a lot of very interesting takes.

For example the Christians were the first to say everyone is created equal in the eyes of God. That’s pretty cool! Apparently it really got up the Romans noses though. It’s now the basis of many democracies around the world! [2:35:51].

Noah Harare was on both the Bankless podcast talking about AI and democracy and the NYT’s Hard Fork podcast talking about AI Fears. He tells a fascinating yet somewhat different story, namely that the Bible’s 10th commandment appears to endorse or at least allow slavery. So that seems like a bit of a contradiction. How can you have everyone is created equal but also slavery? Hold that thought.

The other very interesting thing Noah talks about is institutions in general and how their changeability, their updatability varies enormously. And this is a good thing. Newer institutions tend to be easier to update. Older ones not so much.

The US constitution is difficult but not impossible to update. There are quite a few amendments that have been made to the original document. The bible on the other hand is pretty much impossible to update, but also it’s context is some rather crazy stories so it’s kind of clear much of it is not meant to be taken literally. But it’s written to last thousands of years, and has lasted that long, no easy feat, through civilisation collapses and renaisances too.

Anyway I‘d been thinking about the apparent contradiction all week and one thing that had occurred to me, is similar to a point I’d made recently about the importance of giving things a name so you can actually talk about them. The fact that slavery is mentioned at all is significant, and the specifics might not actually be all that important. Remember 2000 years ago things were very very different.

Matt Walsh on Rogan [14:05] makes some really interesting points about the realities of how our societies view racism and slavery:

Of course the issue is that everybody who lived on earth prior to about...certainly prior to about 100 years ago, was racist by our standards today. Every single one. There was no one on earth that lived 100 years ago who we would not consider racist. Of any race.

If you go back 200 years or earlier than that, almost everybody either owned slaves or was okay with slavery as an institution. You go back 500 years, and there was nobody on the planet who considered slavery to be wrong fundamentally. They might have had issues with how slaves were treated in some contexts. But it took like 1000s of years for it to ever even occur to a single human on Earth that slavery is actually fundamentally wrong, which is a crazy thing [...]

Why is that? It’s so obvious to us, but some of the greatest minds of history, they never thought of it. But we can’t talk about that, we have to talk about slavery and racism as if they are an exclusively white western phenomena.

It’s mindboggling that it took 1000s of years to make this discovery. And it is a discovery, an enormous one. It’s humanity as a whole discovering about itself. That’s the pace of the big questions in humanity. It’s imperfect, but we are making progress. The insututions are layered ontop of each other. Yes sometimes there are contradictions, but seen in context as a massive living document of all of our societies this patch work is pretty amazing.

I’ll leave you with those 3 thoughts, because the world has become very blocky, prickley with red anger goading, as I wrote most of those last few paragraphs.

Perhaps I’ll write more about this at a later stage.

I’m finding it’s so unbelievably difficult to think and write about anything of substance these days. It’s like two opposing forces are constantly at odds with each other in the literal world that surrounds me, and I’m always caught in the cross fire. #

Today’s links:

2024/09/18 #

So many weird fucking things yesterday. I stopped taking notes because it was just too much. You eventually get the the stage where you are like 'whatever' world. One thing I’ll add here was that after I left the internet place where they’d blocked where I stand with a white motorbike, I went back to the park where there were now two white tsunamis. One very large group of people wearing all white doing exercises near the children’s play sandbox area. Another huge group of people all wearing white T-shirts and white hats doing some sort of dance routine. One of them was wearing a yellow hat and yellow shorts. Just in case you thought I was over doing things with the white motorbikes, nope that happens all the time and I recognise it early in the cycle.

Since then it’s been basically more of the same but on an industrial scale. There’s just no way to note take on it all. It culminated with another visit from the group of utility workers that lasted much of the night, so pretty blatant sleep depravation and wierd pedo pervert sex goading too with what looked like a flashing blue elephant child toy that they kept playing with while doing some sort of cleanup of the drains with huge pipes. Of course they finished it all with some 'you learn’s'. Didn’t get much sleep, that’s for sure.

And already this morning a motorbike driveby by an aggressive gargole sounding man shouting 'Now!' very loudly as he drove past. He appears to be a new regular, has made an appearance the last few cycles.

Anyhow, like I was saying just so many oddities and anger goading and the rest of it. I’m hoping to finally close out the reusable workflows feature today and perhaps look at some of the features that got created as part of that. There might be some that are worth looking at.

But it’s one of those catchup days, following 2 days of starvation and power and water being cut off. What generally happens is the world smells something is up and starts rushing me, and even less gets done than what would have gotten done without the rushing. I can already feel the anxiety starting, and it usually ends up with a spiritual traffic jam in some form, and stop start race conditions and getting blamed and/or framed for things I didn’t do.

I expect little will get done today. #

Today’s links:

  • Inbox ten - Ingesting information around you, not blocking other teams, and other interesting thoughts and tips about being successful in a digital world. #

2024/09/17 #

Bit of a scare this morning. I was up early as usual, and after getting ready for the day, I was just sitting down to write my morning note. Having just washed my hands with soap, my hands were a little waxy. I needed to plug in my device to charge on the battery pack so I went to place my device on the bench I was sitting on but it didn’t slide off my hand smoothly, on account of the waxyness, instead it slipped straight in between the benche’s slats and hurtled 1/2 a meter to the ground, with a moderately loud clank. It had fallen face down directly onto the hard pavement below.

I picked up the device, and discovered the screen to be in a very sorry state indeed. Only the bottom half of the screen was rendering, the top half completely black. The screen then got very bright, with lines from top to bottom and it got brighter and brighter until the entire screen was lit up, very similar to when you use the flash light app. I tried turning the device off for about 20 mins, all possible combinations of button presses. Nothing worked. Tried pluging it into power. Didn’t work. Eventually tried the on/off button in combination with the down volume button, an extended press of both buttons simultaneously, and the device finally turned off.

When it started backup, which happened automatically, the Apple logo was there for the OS loading but the screen still looked strange. It was flickering, like a strobe light does. When the OS loaded I was able get into the OS, and the home screen was there with all the apps, but it was still flickering like mad. I checked the podcast app and that was working. So at least I could still listen to podcasts, even if using any other apps was impossible. I decided to just finish listening to one of the podcasts I’d been listening to the day before, and chill out and not worry about it.

As I listenned, an old man across the street walked past. He walks past most mornings, always seems to be wearing just boxer shorts and a tshirt. Oddly as he walked past he did the exact motion I had done to lay the phone on the bench, using his other hand as a stand in for the bench. That really is very odd isn’t it? I don’t think he was there a few minutes earlier when the device got dropped.

Anyway, I continued listening, and a bunch of road worker blokes and a big truck turned up. I remembered the day before a lone road worker bloke had apeared in the evening just as I had finished cleaning up the reusable workflows feature, deleting all the old workflows in all the repos. These workers started making a racket, and there was no way to listen to the podcast, so I decided to head on to the internet place, especially since I noticed the screen had returned almost to normal.

My departure seemed to anger the workmen, and it’s been much the same from everyone everywhere I’ve been since. I’m now in the park, where people have ran past shouting angrily, women have suspiciously positioned themselves almost directly opposite me to exercise, while continuously checking if I'm looking at them, which I haven’t been. The whole world is super warpathy. People checking if others are warpathy by being warpathy themselves and waiting for a reaction. It’s like a ginormous never ending traffic jam made of quick sand.

Also interestingly, more people doing the violent downwards arm hand motion, like throwing something to the ground. Many people were doing that yesterday, at least 4-5 different people. And as I write this people are sitting behind me saying 'allow' while simultaneously trying to distract me from what I’m writting.

See, when the world doesn’t allow and is on the warpath, it just escallates and escallates and blames you for the thing it’s doing to you. It doesn’t stop until it mutilates you, and even then it will probably keep escallating.

It’s just non stop this morning. I’m getting battered from all sides. A large man just walked past looking at his phone and shouted 'Mao!'.

Time to finish this note and wait for the world to calm down, it appears to have fix it derangement syndrome, anytime I try to fix something in my life, it goes on a breaking rampage. Even if I fix something literally while the world is fixing something, I get punished. It all just feels like a doom fractal, all roads lead to everything being my fault every time.

Btw, while writing this an old lady shouted 'Ga!', just like what happened with the workers the evening before last. It’s like a replay attack or something.

As it happens I am very hungry, but everyone is more concerned about their warpathing. I guess maybe I'll eat tomorrow. #

As I left the park to go to the internet place, a gang of old laddies that historically are pretty much always harrassing me, shouted 'No!' at me. These were the same old laddies that said 'you learn' after the moody internet place bloke caused me to walk out into on comming traffic and very nearly get killed. That was about 2 or 3 weeks ago now. I think one of their ring leaders lives near the internet place.

Anyway, I got to the internet place and where I always stand has been blocked by a large white motorbike. There was a blocking incident with a white motorbike the two previous evenings. It’s 100% planned anger goading. Just part of their escallations. This will continue now for the rest of the day. I doesn’t matter what I do. They want to blame everything in me yet again. #

Escallation notes from the internet place this morning:

  • Blocked by white motorbike
  • Man left cafe saying ’wow’ then ‘young boy!’, seems like they are starting their pedo pervert shit again
  • As I finished writing the previous note, the male baby walker appeared
  • Man wearing yellow motorbike helmet from nearby book store shouting ‘No!’
  • Moody internet bloke is doing some mega-whistling as he walks past me, what a psycho, I wouldn’t be surprised if he tries another one of his "go play in the traffic" specials
  • Woman baby walker appears just as I’m leaving
  • Lots of 'mother' harrassment
  • The latest RA mix I’m listening to finishes with a sexy women voice saying "Be with me". Wouldn’t that be a weird and fucked up anger goady thing for a mother to say to a child? And even weirder for a warpathy world to bully said child with.

Is this the real world? Whatever it is, IMO it’s very very fucked up. #

One strange thing about this morning’s device screen scare was that around 1-weeks ago, on the very same bench there was a lady sitting at one end that appeared to have the same issue with her phone. It was flickering like crazy as she was using it and the screen was really really bright. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before. What are the chances that I would have the same thing happen to me within days.

The other thing that’s a bit odd is that my device didn’t fall from that high up, and not with much force, and it does have a device protection thing that I keep it inside. It didn’t feel like it would be broken in the way it fell. #

Today’s links:

2024/09/16 #

All the weird pervert sex goading continued for the rest of the day, I’m to tired and frankly completwly unenthusiastic to document any of it. I’ll just post one of the items from the escallation notes from yesterday evening.

  • Another string of escalations as I walk from the internet place to the sandwich shop early evening. I stay calm throughout and say nothing.
  • It starts when a woman in restaurant shouts ‘you are lying’ as I walk past, followed shortly by ‘liar’ from another, then a little bit further down the same road ‘you won’ by security guards.
  • I arrive at the sandwich shop and there is a motorbike with man and woman ostensibly waiting for a sandwich but he’s very focussed on me for some reason. Feels like they have been waiting for me, or just gotten there in a rush based on the hurried angle of the motorbike. Right after I pay the sandwich shop girl the man is suddenly on the phone. The only thing he says is ‘you are a liar’. It seems like he is saying it at me rather than the phone.
  • I then walk to where I am now, another shop cafe. The girl at the till says ‘No!’ and something else I don’t hear, while I’m paying, then when I don’t react, she angrily stomps her foot on the ground.
  • Shortly after I sit down a man in a really bright yellow T-shirt eating a yellow pot noodle sits directly on front of me. I note that the day started out with some yellow related incidents didn’t it. Gee I wonder what’s happening here, sex pervert shit again perhaps?
  • Almost immediately after a man then walks past window and does a slap down with his arm and hand while laughing to his friend and looking through window at me.
  • Woman sitting to my left is no’ing with her foot continuously from side to side, she stops the foot thing and a short while later says ‘we know’.
  • Yellow T-shirt man goes off to get a tissue and cleans up where he was sitting which wasn’t even dirty at all.
  • 1 minute later shop staff bloke shouts ‘lie’. Shortly after a young woman enters the room and suddenly sprints to the other side of room, starts doing a little dance, she is wearing a backpack that has a teddy bear on it.
  • Shortly after a western man wearing pink T-shirt walks past with a woman his age they both look directly at me as they walk past.
  • Finally as I left shop staff shouted a ‘good’ at me.

It all just seems like more weird sex pervert shit to me at the minute.

I’ve been thinking quite a lot about abortion and immigration the past day or so. Historically I’ve always been a pro choice type person, I'd like people to have control over their own bodies. But given my circumstances, that argument is no longer particularly convincing to me now that I feel day in day out that I have very little control over my own body. The more I think about it the more I feel sort of indifferent about the hole thing. Also there are a lot of very agressive bully women in my life at the minute. At a very practical level, if those women had the power to be god, there is zero question in my mind that that power would go to their heads making my situation worse. I want the world to have equality and all that progressive stuff but from where I’m sitting the world is massively unequal and often not in the way that’s portraid in the media.

It’s all very depressing.

There was an incident earlier this morning, two motorbikes loaded up with hooligan youths, both boys and girls. They drove past revving their incredibly loud engines, just generally being hooligans and shouting. They shouted 'Your lie' then 'Our' before driving off. It’s intimidation. It’s not exactly making me want to give anybody god powers.

I managed to get tests running and passing on all the repos which are now all using the reusable workflows. I spent a bit of time thinking about improvements I could make. There are some steps that could be simplified, and it might make sense to create a new reusable workflow just for running tests. They are currently just tacked on after the build, but that’s a step that’s important enough to merit it’s own workflow which would run as a seperate job.

I haven’t made any changes yet, I’ll likely not do anything in that area in the near term, but the cool thing is that I only have to update it in one place, and the new features will be available to all repos. That feels pretty cool, and was the whole point of the overhaul in the first place.

I haven’t been very inspired with much blogging, just way too bogged down in life crap. Not feeling very happy about that. #

Already lots of escallations this morning:

  • Two young men early twenties arrived almost as soon as I woke up today. They just sat there. Just before I set off to the internet place one of them shouted ‘up!’. He obviously been waiting to say it. Since I have to stand to use the internet, this is one of their favourite ways of anger goading me. It’s basically a ‘go work slave’.
  • At the internet place young woman that works in cafe arrives on her motorbike, she has a purposeful air about her. Loudly shouts ‘Ah!’ then walks off impersonating a moody child. Earlier this morning a girl approached me, gifted me a sweat bread and bottle of water, she said ‘fine’ as she gave it to me. It’s just more perverted shit from the perverts. Yet again trying to blame me for the thing they are doing to me, then anger goading.

There’s not much point trying to get anything done. They have already decided that everything is my fault and won’t stop until I get mutilated. #

Wouldn’t it be awesome if iOS Notes supported markdown files? I think it would be great. I worry how useful the Rich Text files wiuld be should I need to move platform. Being able to save my notes as markdown files would solve that. If course ideally I‘d want a way to convert existing notes to markdown files. #

The escallations continued throughout the day. Here are my escallation notes from the cafe shop:

  • On the way to the cafe shop, gang of butch women in the park inciting violence while holding a packet of tissues and blocking me from passing them
  • Most yellow man ever head to toe yellow even yellow hair. Literally everything yellow. Shoes, socks, shorts, tshirt, and as I just said, even hair. Feels like they are going do their favourite thing which is to block everything while telling me to allow.
  • Girl shop staff in hot water shop pretending to be a child while I’m paying, she also uses the word cool several times. That's very unusual.
  • Girl shop staff in shop cafe: ‘you won’. All I did was quietly buy a noodles and a package of instant coffee.
  • Woman and child sitting behind me and another sitting on front of me. The small boy on front is wearing a yellow jacket.
  • I start listening to the Peter Kafka podcast I was listening to yesterday, within a minute they are saying cool this and cool that, as I eat my hot noodle soup and an egg. What are the chances?
  • The world is clearly trying to trap me again, another ‘lesson’, today’s theme appears to be shoplifting. Ultimately I get blamed no matter what I do, it’s like 1/2 of people are helping and 1/2 of people are being malicious, and they both have to win. But also I have to win too! One thing looks certain though, lunch is going to be rather light, and tea might not even have any hot water, let alone tea leaves. I wish I could abide, but abiding has been deprecated.
  • Police have just made an appearance outside the shop cafe
  • Just a few minutes since last item, and the JS Party podcast that auto played is an interview with a bloke last name ‘Shank’. Gee what are the chances.
  • The infiniti liars are complaining that a neutrino in the universe is out of place again, with, surprise surprise, infiniti righteousness. Oh gosh, here we go again.
  • The world continues on its rampage, with young men being creepy, waiting until I close my eyes then approaching me. I changed seat. Creepy bloke left a few moments later. As I wrote the last sentence shop staff say loudly ‘No!’.
  • Impossible to concentrate on anything with shop staff in the background saying "see"
  • The only thing I see is that my podcast app has a podcast downloaded today with title "How to sleep well". Oh the irony. Is there even such a thing that still exists that can be described as ‘sleeping well’?
  • The reason why it’s impossible to listen to the JS Party podcast, which was very interesting m, is that it’s all about web app interactions and how they can go wrong, and the universe is, yet again, doing that thing where it mirrors whatever I’m doing and so now it’s throwing all sorts of bad interactions my way. Had to change podcast. See universe, told you doing anything today would be impossible.
  • Moved back to where I was previously sitting, got okay’d by a kid sitting behind me, who should clearly be in school rather than loitering here in this shop cafe. Once again it’s one rule set for them, totally different rule set for me apparently. Almost immediately police drive past outside again. Podcast I’m listening to says 'let’s go' at the same exact time as Notes app UI I’m typing in majorly freezes up
  • Just got okay’d to go to bathroom by the kids that are okaying everything I do as I do it. Okaying everything appears to be the new thing.
  • It’s unbelievable, anytime I attempt to make any code changes, world gets all sensitive and angry about something. All I’m doing is deleting the old deploy workflow that is now unused. It’s suddenly like walking on egg shells. Any action appears to trigger worry and distrust. Like giving a cat or dog a bath, though I’ve never done that, but I imagine it’s much like that.
  • One workflow, which I don’t even use, hadn’t been merged yet. The instant I opened the repo, the entire world went all defcon1 on me. It’s literally not even a plugin that is used or even finished, it was just a test plugin I created months ago to test an idea. Now everyone is shouting ‘liar’. This is nuts.
  • Another police driveby
  • ‘Okay’ really seems to be the word of the day, like being used in practically every sentence by people in this cafe shop for some reasons
  • Yet another situation where woman are trying to trap me in a ‘your garbage’ situation, they retaliate and punish when I don’t get into the trap.
  • Yet another man doing a wank motion right after a child says No! for no good reason. Man left as soon as I wrote this note about it. The podcast I’m listening to mentioned perverts as I was writing the previous sentence.
  • The previous harassment was followed by a tsunami of up! harassment by a group of young wonen that just arrived, then that was followed immediately by ‘your lie’ harassment. They appear to just be replaying all the harassment from earlier, with a ‘you win’ for example. Also ‘You learn’, ‘No you learn’, ‘you know’, ‘wanka’, ‘you are’, ‘your money’, ‘we lie’, ‘you learn’, ‘lie’, ‘we learn hahahaha’, then they leave - just jotted down their key phrases
  • 2 new girls in their twenties, again Up! harassment, ‘see’, arm gestures like throwing darts then said ‘safe’, then went to bathroom and back, then said ‘safe’ again, then ‘good lie’ right after, then back over to bathroom, they awkwardly grab all their bags and leave saying ‘okay’ and giggling
  • Girl kicks my chair as she walks past and leaves, right after another says ‘learn’
  • Man doing angry downward motion with his arm and hand when I change seat to charge my device
  • A couple in their twenties, sit in front of the penis graffiti. Bloke: ‘you are’, ‘he’s a liar’, ‘pain’, ‘wow’, then leave
  • 2 women in their twenties leave, 1 says ‘gay’ as she leaves
  • Lunchtime over much quieter now
  • Started to make a few code edits, within 30 seconds a bloke that turned up a few minutes ago sneezes violently, it was like a dog barking rather than a sneeze

I decided to just post all notes verbatim. Sorry if they don’t make total sense. It at least gives an idea of what’s going on. It’s not an exageration to say that almost everyone, like 60-70% of the people that turned up were being malicious in some way.

Crazy day.

Update: As I was posting this at the internet place, a male baby walker appeared within minutes of me getting there. He seemed sort of intent on me noticing him too. #

2024/09/15 #

Such a lot of strange things since yesterday. I’ve been up since 3am, and woken up about every hour or two during the night, got gifted a few things so it’s not all bad but there definitely a bit of maliciousness in the air shall we say.

First there was last night. Some workers appeared just up the way about 30 meters away. It turned out they were doing some cabling. At first about 3-4 but eventually maybe 10 of them. After about an hour they walked right up to where I was and openned a man hole cover literally right next to me. There was what looked like a nest of power cables underneath. They rumaged around for ages, some shouting back and forth then disapeared for what seemed like hours.

Eventually they returned and then all 10 of them started feeding through a long black power cable. Nothing really out of the ordinary apart from all the hanging about doing nothing for hours. At one point one of the workers near me shouts loudly 'Ga!' to his collegues up the way. I have no idea why. It means Chicken. About 5 minutes after that I remembered that the zip on my bag had broken again that morning. Some of the bag’s stitching has come undone inside the zip and it keeps getting stuck. I had planned to fix it in daylight but since the workmen were already making a racket figured might as well fix my bag.

I managed to fix the zip, though it was a bit tricky, required bending the metal zip, then unbending it, so a bit of banging. When I finished fixing it, one of the workers shouted ‘I know!’. A few minutes later a woman on a motorbike arrived and gifted me some chicken and fries, in a thick yellow bag. It was pretty nice.

After finishing the chicken since I had my glasses on I decided to have a go at fixing the thing that had caused the zip to get broken in the first place. It required a needle and thread, which I have, but I managed to fix it. The workers were still fixing their power cable thing, but it was noticed what I was doing and motorbike gang stalkers started driving past shouting things like angry "we learn" and "liar". A lady sat next to me and had some sort of conversation on her phone where she kept saying 'bear'.

The only thing I did was fix the problem I had with the zip, which they seemed happy about, then fix the problem that caused the zip problem, and they weren’t happy about that at all.

Later got gifted a red bag with cakes and mystery packets of ‘Caca Chi’ whatever the fuck that is, yellow packaging. The cakes were smaller versions of the one gifted to me a few days earlier but 4 small ones instead of one bigger one.

So that was last night. Here are my notes for this mornings motorbike gang stalkers:

  • 3am: Several 'Ups' and 'yah’s' and 'Apps'
  • 315am: Motorbike driveby with man and woman "Deny" by woman, "Aaaah" by man
  • Motorbike gang stalker: "Home"
  • Early morning woman that always wears a yellow T-shirt and carries a thick yellow plastic bag just passed by intently looking at me, she was not carrying the yellow plastic bag she always carries
  • She was followed almost immediately by a young man driving a pink racer bike
  • That was followed immediately by a woman motorbike stalker shouting ‘Gaaay!’
  • Man motorbike stalker: ‘Aaai Ahh nam’
  • 4am The early morning bicycle lady that normally sings her head off just passed by, this time not singing but shouting mental stuff like ‘hi yaaaaah’. Always in her pyjamas. She seemed much more angry than usual today. She only usually passes at the start of a bullying cycle as far as I can tell. About ever week and a half.

It never bloody ends. #

On the way to the internet place this morning I got to where the weird old humper lady does her weird humper exercise sometimes and realised there was no way I was going to be able to last until the public toilets open in around an hour. One of the annoying things about the starvation they put me through is that it really messes with your body. When you start eating again, especially if it’s like one of yesterday evening’s 1am gifts of rice and very fatty pork. So I found a flower bed next to a tree and went for a very classy #2. Luckily I have tissues and hand sanitizer, so no big deal, but I do note a few things:

  • Yesterday I went to the public bathroom to wash my arms and face, and the strange overly camp bloke that seems to appear everytime I need the bathroom was there, he was checking himself out in the mirror and smoking a cigarette. What a coincidence.
  • Also yesterday there was that weird bloke humping a potted plant as I walked back from the canal to the internet place. What a coincidence.
  • The location was right next to where a bloke in a yellow worker hard hat had been hiding behind a tree a couple of days ago. He was croutching down typing on his phone, in a position very similar to how you got to be when doing a very classy open air #2. What a coincidence.
  • Yesterday there was that whole thing with the puppy pooing out something tied together with string it had clearly eaten. What a coincidence.
  • There was the weird packets of Caca Chi stuff gifted to me last night. What a coincidence.
  • Quite a lot of poo related anger goading this morning. What a coincidence.
  • As I continued on my way, about 100 meters up the road a man on a motorbike wearing a yellow helmet turned to look at me intently as he drove past and shouted 'go hard!' and drove off. What a coincidence.

It’s just more weird sex pervert
shit from them isn’t it. Yet I bet it will somehow get blamed on me.

In fact as I got to the internet place, one of the blokes that runs one of the nearby coffee shops appeared to smash a mirror. I didn’t see it but that’s what it sounded like. That's very unusual.

These people are friggin insane. The level of control, perversion and manipulation literally boggles the mind.

All of these incidents feel like some strange version of the how many engineers does it take to fix a problem thing that Rory Stewart was describing in his TED Talk on ending extreme poverty.

I note here that maybe the tsunami of young women that surrounded me and were constantly all screwing in imaginary light bulbs were perhaps trying to say something. It’s certainly a strange coincidence. #

Although it was a bit of an eventful early morning, things have settled somewhat, and I’ve been able to catch up on laundry and have some breakfast and a lovely hot coffee. It’s absolutely bucketing down with rain outside, like the entire sky is a water fall. I’m really glad to be inside looking out at it. I've been able to listen to the latest Keen On episode.

Turns out 'Caca Chi' is some sort of biozyme, a jelly based thing that has all sorts of supplements like fruit and vegetables, leaf vegetables, steamed vegetables, root vegetables, herbs, crops and nuts, lemon and kelp. It tastes a lot better than the name implies, especially if you speak french. #

Great discussion between Andrew and Keith, on the latest Keen On, covering I think some of the more important tech topics du jour.

Their dynamic really works for the show, their differing opinions make it quite edgey in places, which is mostly a good thing in their case, because they both have the experience to navigate to interesting places without getting into too much trouble, so they are able to explore topics in a way that others shows don’t. It’s also nice to know that people with quite different world views can, underneath it all, be good friends.

If there was one thing that I think would make the show better, and I appreciate it’s a bit bold for me to be giving pointers, but I wish Keith would probe Andrew a bit more about his views. Andrew is always saying 'well you and I disagree on this but...' but he doesn’t very often go into any detail about the disagreement. So I feel like I know Keith’s views quite well but Andrew’s are still a bit mysterious. And maybe that’s on purpose.

Anyway really enjoyed this epidode. #

Today’s links:

2024/09/14 #

It’s a bit of a relief not to have to go through all of yesterday’s escallations since I already posted them yesterday. However there were yet more escallations yesterday evening. So here are my notes of those verbatim:

  • Even more weird pedo pervert shit. The very thin apparently disabled man showed up, looked to be pissing about a meter from me but with his back to me. When I didn’t react he left, but immediately followed by (1) a woman shaking a red plastic bag furiously along with her rain poncho and (2) directly across road from where pissing man pissed, a woman in red with a young girl in white dress doing some kind of dance, they appeared to be waiting for me to notice them then sprung into action. A few weeks back pissing man appeared right after I got a pretty bad skin mutilation. Btw, across the road is an office and there are never kids there
  • Young man in red T-shirt drying his umbrella by doing a very strange perverted exaggerated wanking motion instead of shacking it like a normal person
  • Grown women keep sitting next to me and purposely swinging their legs back and forth like a child, and at the same time motorbike drivebys with people shouting ‘Gaylord!’, then young man loosing his shit in laughter standing on the other side of me. They both stood up and left at the same time after pretending to take a phone call.
  • For whatever reason this evening there is a really strong smell of garlic chicken in the air. That’s quite unusual for where I am. Earlier it was a strong lavender mango smell. How strange that it would coincide with the start of a starvation cycle and accompanied by weird pedo pervert sex shit, and red anger goading. Gee it’s not like something exactly like this happens literally every time they starve me
  • People taking photos of me. Happened twice in rapid succession. Also a well known anger goading tactic, always happens when they starve me.
  • Several sleep depravation incidents where some manufactured incident would occur just as I was going to go to sleep for the night. At least one was finished by a 'more learn' as they drove off on their motorbike.

This morning a woman came past shouting 'your lie!' very loudly then preceded to open up the garbage and walk off. Somebody had left a small red colored trinket on the floor right nearby. It’s anger goading and a reference to the manufactured incident from 2 days ago in the shop cafe where they tried to make it look like I hadn’t cleaned up my garbage, which was a total lie, it was quite clearly somebody else’s and I was moving it so I could sit down at the uncleaned table. The had also left a small red colored thing next to the garbage then too. Once again blaming me for the thing they are doing to me, then escallating in every location I go to.

The good news is that somehow amongst all the lies, false accusations, anger goading, weird pedo pervert sex shit, and intimidation, including by the police, I managed to pretty much get all the reusable workflows working. I had to update some 3rd party API access keys on all the workflows, very laborious and quite confusing to do standing up, on a tiny screen, and with all the cross fire from warpathy locals.

I did a quick check and it appeared all repos had a successful build/deploy/backup. There had been some errors deploying to netlify on some of the repos, with error messages like 'unknown site id', but they had disapeared. Glad I decided to leave those until the end. I knew I hadn’t changed anything with the deploy to netlify setup. I guess their system gets flakey sometimes.

The one remaining thing is to check that tests are running on all deploys. There might be a bit of things to fix there. I remember having to turn off the tests on a few repos just to get them deploying. It’s likely just a small configuration problem rather than actual broken tests as I have not been changing any plugin code, only the build & deploy workflows.

What a palava. But at least all repos are now running using the same workflow. It will be so much less confusing to maintain.

The newsletter for today is written and scheduled. That will go out around lunch time, though I hesitate to call it that as there won’t be much in the way of lunch by the looks of things. I’m going to have to start turning off devices to save on power. If nothing improves I have to somehow last 7 days without food, water or washing clothes. But the newsletter for next week is also written so it’s at least going to be sent out. It will be on my birthday, even if heaven forbid, I am dead.

It’s been so long since I had a propper birthday I can’t remember how old I am. Somewhere in between 44 and 50. This is crazy.

It was pretty darn cold and wet last night. I need to warm up.

Just another impossible week ahead. #

It’s only just 730am and already so much anger goading and escallations. I’m just going to post my notes now so I don’t have to do it later:

  • Weird black and silver garbage left all along a part of the way to the internet place, a small red thing left just past it
  • Man hiding behind tree, next where the weird old humper lady does her weird humping exercises, again a small red thing left right nearby on the ground
  • Apparent broken down bus with alarm making a racket and blocking my way to the internet place, once again a small red thing left on the ground next to it. Clearly the small red thing is the hot new anger goading tech
  • Empty plastic ziplock bag left where I stand at the internet place. I had to use a large plastic bag to shelter from rain last night. I keep the bag in a ziplock bag, it’s the emergency rain cover solution. Anyway they are clearly making reference to that trying to anger goad me. That’s why it’s all about garbage at the minute. Literally everything is an anger goad at the minute. They are on another in plain sight anger goading rampage.
  • Man that is a regular at the cafe next to the internet places who normally is quite quiet, though sometimes makes racist comments as he leaves, today has shown up and is calling people ‘dogs’ for no apparent reason. Everyone was being quiet minding their own business. Earlier a Labrador puppy was having trouble going to the toilet, by the looks of what it pooped out, looks like it ate some sort of thing with a string in it and it had gone right through the poor thing. Strange that that man knew about it. Also the woman that normally cleans up after the pup pretended to clean the pups poop but then didn’t and has just left it there about a meter from where I am standing. Seems like they have sunk to new lows, physically harming puppy’s to get at me.
  • Butch women moving very slowly wearing all red shouting ‘yah’ in witch like voice between cafes, followed by much quieter ‘lie’. Clear power move. Clearly manufactured incident intended to anger goad and incite trouble. It’s basically the equivalent of "we are in control, shut up" but done in semi-passive aggressive way. It’s only going to end in tears. The men have clearly noted it.
  • More butch women bending over and pointing their old vaginas at me, ostensibly fixing their shoe, but they are vagina baiting. It’s gross. I wonder what their next move is. How do you escalate a vagina bait when it doesn’t work. Are they going to do a Mel Gibson? What exactly are you trying to prove? Have you considered writing about it?

I haven’t even made it past the internet place yet. Also haven’t eaten anything since yesterday morning. I guess people have been so busy anger goading me they have forgotten I exist again.

Bloke that called people dogs earlier just called me a 'liar' for no reason, as he was leaving. Totally unprovoked.

They pretend they are saying it to each other but it’s clear they are targeting me. They are burying their heads in the sand thinking people can’t see what they are doing, or won’t care. Why else would they switch into english just to insult each other everytime they are near me? And it’s both the women and the men doing it. They are clearly complicit whether it’s officially agreed, or just an emerged behaviour. It’s colusion at a minimum.

Absolutely dispicable behavior IMO. #

Escallation notes from a short walk down the canal:

  • Butch women quietly say Okay as I walk past. It’s like they need me to hear them but also they don’t want me to hear them.
  • 30 meters later a somewhat malnourished man is walking in the same direction as me but he is hugging himself, ie he’s doing that thing where you pretend to be snogging someone but he’s just walking down the street.
  • On the other side of the road is a Buddhist monk all in orange robe. I don’t see very many monks so it’s a little unusual.
  • As I get close to the canal, men I walk past repeat the thing that was being said earlier in the internet place, which I can’t remember as I write this, but it was same exact wording

It’s more weird sex pervert shit. This will continue and escallate all throughout the day. #

Massive Enormous Gigantic Huge (Issue #181)

This week’s newsletter is out!

In this week’s edition:

Stablecoins are interop, the cyclical galactic magnetic reversal change, free money & britpop, blogging and web2, Schiff BTC smackdown, and the biggest Trump assassination conspiracy eva

Issue details:

  • Title: Massive Enormous Gigantic Huge
  • Issue: 181
  • Page: issue webpage

Another awesome issue of the newsletter. #

The world is most definitely on the rampage again. I was just down at the canal for a few hours waiting for the newsletter to get published. As I was leaving, I remembered that since one of the butch women blocked the garbage earlier this morning, the one that strangely said 'your lie' very loudly right before, I still had the old receipts I was going to throw away. So I threw them away. Moments later I noticed there was a small amount of money on the ground, the equivalent of around 1 USD, near where I had been sitting. It definitely wasn’t mine or I would have had breakfast.

About 10 seconds later a man walking a dog with a pink leash walked past pointing at the ground and said 'your money' to which I replied 'it’s not mine'. He kept walking and said 'Okay' but in a way that suggests he didn’t believe me. Like 'Okay, yeah sure' but he just didn’t bother to say the yeah sure part.

Once again the world trying to trap me, then when I don’t go into the trap, blaming it on me.

On the way back up to the internet place there was a man in his 40s in a pink shirt rollerbladding up and down the street both forwards and backwards with what can only be described as childlike enthusiasm. Very odd. You never see that sort of thing here. A bit further down the road, I noticed ahead of time a strange looking man that looked to be humping a potted plant. I crossed the road about 20 meters before reaching him. On the opposite side of the road was a motorbike driven by a man with a young girl and woman on the back. They were clearly waiting for me to look at them, when I didn’t they sprung into action and drove off.

All very strange. Since then many people walkers and motorbike drivebys have been shouting 'liar' at me.

It’s ultimately the same pattern again and again. They create the problem they complain about, then they block the solution they suggest, then they escallate and escallate and eventually blame everything on you while quite clearly trying to trap you.

This will continue for days, getting ever more intense, even more pedo pervert shit and eventually I will get mutilated. They never stop until I get mutilated, even though they are already mutilating me through starvation, and cutting off power and water. #

Heard a really shocking audio clip on an old conspiracy podcast I hadn’t listenned to in a while yesterday, in which a women pretending to be 8 months pregnant called up an abortion clinic and asked them if she would be able to have an abortion.

The abortion clinic said it was no problem at all, and proceeded to detail the cocktail of drugs they would inject into the fetus, though at 8 months it’s essentially a baby isn’t it. According to the clinic lady they inject directly into the heart and the fetus feels no pain. They then dispose of the pregnancy 'material'. She finished by reassuring the caller woman, saying that it happenned all the time.

You hear Trump go on about these abortion clinics and it seems far fetched but then you hear an actual recording like this and it’s basically the most shocking thing I’ve ever heard. Time to check in with your favorite conspiracy podcast to hear the crazy shit that’s going on. #

A silly thought I had yesterday, which is obviously peddling in generalities, yet maybe something to think about:

Old vs Young in politics

  • Young criminals are republicans, successful old criminals are democrats
  • Young non-criminals are democrats, successful old non-criminals are republicans

The thinking being that the freedom offered by the republicans is really attractive to criminals, but the successful criminals because they are obviously bad asses don’t want the next generation of criminals to take over so they turn democrat so they can control everything.

Maybe crap criminals realise this is happening and eventually decide to stay republican and get out of crime. At least then they have freedom.

And maybe it’s some sort of mirror image of this for non-criminals. #

Today’s links:

2024/09/13 #

I don’t have time to get into specifics but the world is predictably on the warpath again pretty much everywhere I go. Here are my escallation notes from yesterday:

  • Moody bloke at the internet place is doing that thing again when he spits on the ground every time he walks past me.
  • Two adults and a child walking behind me and saying things I couldn’t hear at me. I did hear them say ‘hi sir’, before they drove off on a motorbike. Strange.
  • Woman saying god while standing behind me in shop queue
  • Garbage left on the table in shop cafe that I moved to an empty table nearby, the furthest one from anyone. A little while later, a small red thing had appeared next to the garbage. Pretty much the same thing happened in another shop cafe yesterday, and since then there have been a string of at least 4-5 garbage related incidents where I get blamed for being basically the most conscientious person around. I always throw away my garbage, where at least 1/4 of people here don’t, and now they are constantly trying to make it look like I don’t clean up my garbage which is totally false. They then accompany it with red anger goading.
  • As predicted, police has made an appearance at the cafe shop today, just as I was about to leave, which is a sort of block isn’t it. What are you running from foreigner?
  • The garbage that is being falsely insinuated as mine has now been moved closer to the red item. Even more red anger goading, but who are they really anger goading? Themselves by the looks of it.
  • I’m now being yah’d by new apparent customers. Kind of proving my point. Softly softly anger is still anger. Btw these two anger groaders are school kids, probably part of the local choir. It’s unreal how many school kids that look like totally normal well behaved kids actually turn out to be malicious entitled brats. I still can hardly believe it. It’s almost all of them. Of course they all behave and smile and what have you when interacting with figures of authority, people with power, but otherwise it’s a totally different story. That’s been a real eye opener.
  • A man with very blood shot eyes just approached me ordering me "go drink beer" and pointing at some bar. He was quite forceful and determined. I said repeatedly I don’t drink beer, because I don’t drink alcohol. How strange that this should occur the same day I said Jon Stewart’s comedy was like listening to an abusive alco dad. That piece by the way is still sitting on Github unpublished as it hasn’t been picked up by the daily merge. It will get published tomorrow morning. World on the warpath much?
  • Random people shouting No! at me in the middle of the street, followed by walkway being blocked by motorbikes, forcing me to walk in busy main road.
  • The reason for the No! Is because that’s what was said to me yesterday when I got to the cafe shop I’m heading to now, so they are ordering me to go to the place I last got No!’d, that’s how crazy these maniacs are about controlling you. If they could they would control every cell in your body. And then they would still be unhappy.
  • Man who sells small fruits on side of road today has a sign saying ‘Me Non’. He doesn’t normally have a sign.
  • Fake Bill Gates made an appearance right after ‘Me Non’ bloke
  • People sitting behind me and for some reason saying ‘you are a wanker’ in English then everything else in Vietnamese
  • Later in a different location around the corner from previous cafe, woman calling their small 4-5 year old boy ‘wanker’ the instant I arrive
  • During the night a man dressed all in black gifted me a bottle of water and a relatively expensive sweat desert thing, as he drove off on his motorbike he and the woman on the bike both waved like school kids even though they are probably in their 30s. That’s more weird pervert shit again.

I expect today will be much the same especially since starvation has started again, and the pervert anger goading that always accompanies that has too. #

Since I’m at the unternet place figured I’d post today’s escallation notes now. Maybe that way I won’t have to think about it tomorrow and the day will go better somehow. Here they are:

  • Toilet paper left everywhere in my path this morning
  • Water goading with same brand empty bottles as was given to me last night left in my path
  • More security guards obsessed with inside of their arms
  • An apparent police bloke turned up at the internet place today, right when I was changing some 3rd party access keys. Caused me to get the keys mixed up and nothing worked. Had to laboriously go through all the keys and update them again to fix it.
  • Right after fixing all the keys, more baby walkers have appeared. It’s unbelievable how often strange babies and young kids appear anytime I’m updating secret access keys. It’s practically every single time.
  • Warpathers doing things to their left foot. As it happens they are forcing me to sit in a way where my left leg is raised in comparison to my right foot. Yet another example of being blamed for the thing they are doing to me. They are now angrily shouting ‘lie’ as I write this item. The podcast I was listening to as I write this item just talked about ‘arms and legs’ 5 seconds after finishing the previous sentence.
  • Down at the canal, man with fluorescent yellow baseball hat kept walking past for several hours, then an hour later the bloke that walks with ridiculously small steps walks past wearing a fluorescent yellow hat. I haven’t seen him in over a year. It takes him an eternity to get anywhere. He’s also a pervert.
  • At place further long the canal, the two butch woman one wearing green one wearing yellow ordering me to ‘lie’ and later ‘boy aah’, also the tall smart dressed man wearing pink shirt with woman doing an exaggerated grab, twist and let go motion with both hands while walking finding something very funny, large sari wearing westerner woman hobbled past a couple of times
  • Woman in smart dress holding blue baseball hat in one hand walked too close and hit me in the foot with her swinging hat and hand. Coincidence?
  • The man that walks like he’s big but is actually small walked past even though it’s much later today 16:11
  • Small old lady walking a small dog but carrying an enormous metal stick almost as big as herself. It’s a reference to the time the public toilet cleaner lady cajoled a crazy man to attack me with a large metal pole. That’s why man with bloodshot eyes ordered me to drink beer yesterday. He was basically a slightly shorter version of the thug the toilet lady set loose on me. All these manufactured situations are linked. It’s not a surprise it’s happening at the same time they cut off my access to water. Btw the large metal pole, that has rusty sharp edges, is still in the public toilets last I checked.

Crap day full of crappy people being crappy. And it’s absolutely pissing it down now, and I’ve eaten nothing but a roll and a sweet cake thing this morning. Seems like it will be another cold night. #

Today’s links:

2024/09/12 #

The world is defo back up to it’s old tricks again, with a vengence. Anger goading and red tsunamis, food goading, malicious help, sex goading and weird pervert shit followed by blocking followed by allow harrassment, cascades of traps, time after time after time. Punished for not getting in the trap, punished for getting in the trap. I’ve managed to keep calm the entire time, which seems to be winding up the world to try even more to do it’s dirty manipulative tricks. Thankfully I have had access to food and water. That looks to be ending by tomorrow unfortunately.

Here are my escallation notes, I’m just going to post them verbatim:

  • Blatant red anger goading in the park with a group of head to toe red woman directly on front of the only available seat.
  • Also pink T-shirt wearing older women doing a fan dance, where they repeatedly open and close red fans, the dance is similar to the one done by sword martial arts. Clear anger goading imo, even if it is a bit, shall we say, subtle. Remember I carry a bag that says PINK on it in big white letters, a malicious gift that clearly keeps on giving in their eyes.
  • Now two woman wearing the brightest red outfits are standing directly in front of me about 25 meters away. They were with the pink laddies with the red fans earlier.
  • Man brandishing a big metal sword about 25 meters away to the right of me, dangerously swinging it about like he’s Bruce Lee. Now he’s skipping with a skipping rope.
  • People walking around with babies, way way more than is usual. Wherever I go, within minutes a baby walker appears walking up and down in front of me.
  • 'Aah Aah' from girls in park
  • Lots of blocking
  • At the sandwich shop there was a whole complicated thing to get a sandwich and the vendor bloke said 'more bigger' for some unknown reason - he previously did a whole bit about 'no more' at the start of a previous starvation cycle
  • After sandwich shop, the entrance to hot water shop severely obstructed with motorbikes, then lots of ‘allow’ goading from the shop staff
  • Clearly plants in the cafe shop this morning. Their harassment as soon as I arrived: "lie….. Aaaaaah". They were waiting for me.
  • In cafe this morning, all was nice and quiet while listening to the start of Rogan podcast, I then decided to change podcast about 35 mins in. About 30 seconds later a new person showed up and people behind me started a loud outburst. It’s odd how often that happens.
  • The universe keeps trying to trap me in manufactured situations, and when I don’t step into the trap, it lashes out, blaming me for the thing it’s trying to do to me, and using ‘learn’ excuse to justify it’s lying behaviour.
  • More blocking at the bus stop, while claiming not only no blocking but that it’s me that’s blocking. What a surprise, and then trying to make it all my fault while pretending to be "the good guys"
  • Basically since the manufactured incident this morning with the food vendor, it’s been trap after trap after trap, and each time when I don’t accept the trap, I get punished in some way. It’s a well known pathology at this stage. I don’t know how it happens, only that it definitely happens. It’s like a dislocation gets created then used to propagate hate against me. Difficult to describe.
  • Ended up having to fix yet another merge conflict, though I found it before there was a conflict. Upon fixing it there was a ‘thank you’ uttered where I was. Very strange. If things are being keyed off me then of course it’s going to cause re-occurring issues because it’s a friggin feedback loop! It means the only way to build things without creating a cascade of issues is to get it right first to time. It’s essentially a ban on tools like git.
  • Black woman with afro has made an appearance, what are the chances after I posted link to Mel B story. I very rarely see black people with afros here. But it’s not even published yet, so what‘s going on there?

I imagine a bunch of that doesn’t make any sense. I edited it slightly this morning to make it make sense. The tenses are all mixed up. I don’t have time to make it all perfect and readable.

It’s next to impossible to document all this stuff, especially when you are tired and your body and mind is battered by the never ending onslaught. Everything gets very confused, your body gets very confused. Do you need the bathroom? Are you tired and about to fall asleep? Am I hungry? Where will I get food? How far away is the nearest bathroom? Is this next person being malicious? Why are they doing weird sex pervert shit again? It’s like having to constantly do someone elses never ending sudoku puzzles, just so you can write a blog post or heaven forbid a tiny piece of code. And whatever you do, they try to trap you in some lie, make you look like a litterer, a drug addict, a pedophile, a pervert, an angry foreigner, someone who’s done something wrong again, when you are absolutely none of those things.

Something tells me I’m going to have a visit from the police in the next few days. Just making a note of that in case you suddenly stop hearing from me. You’ll know that that was on the cards so to speak.

Have you broken everything yet to your satisfaction world?

Another day. #

Today’s links:

  • Jon Stewart Tackles Harris & Trump's Debate and What This Means for the Election | Steve Ballmer (Daily Show Podcast) - I feel like Jon Stuart is on some strange quest to explore the limits of comedy. I’m not sure I like it. At times I just felt confused like I imagine a child feels when seing his alcoholic father go on a hate filled bender. It just stops making sense and turns into some form of nightmare. Note I’m not saying Jon had been drinking alcohol, just that the behaviour is in some way similar. The second half of the show is pretty good, putting the weird comedy aside, his analysis of the political situation is great, he asks great questions, and it feels like his heart and concern is in the right place. But do we really have to go through the nightmare synthetic abusive comedy alco dad to get to that? #

  • What Makes a Good Sense Of Humour? Ep#210 (No Stupid Questions Podcast) - Good episode, even if the universe is clearly still in abusive alco father mode. This just felt like I was taking another spiritual beating, but you know, the content was pretty good, ymmv. Just made me feel more tired. #

  • Express v5.0.0 released - There isn’t an official blog post about it yet, but looks like v5 is out. This is just the list of PRs included, difficult to get any sense of what’s new. Lots of folks have been waiting for this for years at this point. #

  • To end extreme poverty give cash - not advice | Rory Stewart (TED Talk Daily) - I have to say I quite often disagree with Rory and Alistair, for instance my heart sank after listening to a pretty good episode all about the recent US election debate, when they finished it off by saying Trump watched too much tele while eating Big Macs, out Trumping Trump as it were. They do the exact thing they so veheminently object to in others. I guess it’s just this horrid bit of human nature that is in us all. Anyway putting all that aside for a second, because this TED talk is a real tour de force. I think Rory is right about cash, because aid work so often is just a way to hide people stealing, it never reaches the vulnerable. Just give it to them directly. And the no strings attached thing is important too, and perhaps the most difficult. Saying 'buy some food' to a homeless person as you give them cash, is an attached string. What if they need to buy a bar of soap or a bottle of water instead, you’ve just removed their agency or turned them into a liar. You can’t live their life for them. Blocking them is really just you blocking yourself, because next time it will be even more difficult. Worth listening to this episode. #

2024/09/11 #

It had looked like it was going to be the start of yet another starvation cycle today. And all the weird sex pervert shit that recently has been accompanying starvation cycles had started again. With strange old laddies bending over purposely directing their old vaginas at me, with strange manufactured situations involving young boys and old men, and young men with inside arm fetishes, with security guards standing directly infront of me doing an exercise routine that for some reason suddenly involves repeatedly tapping the inside arm as if they were about to be donating a pint of blood down the local blood bank.

There was a big increase in 'money!' harrassment from staff in shops as well as just seemingly random passers by outside, out and about. Also 'Yah!' driveby incidents had started again this morning too.

So many strange things occuring, and these are only the things I noticed.

Anyway thankfully it looks like I’ll be able to eat for a couple of days now, which takes me up to Friday. I guess all the weird sex pervert shit will start again then.

Still trying to get the reusable workflow feature over the line. #

My whole life is just a ginormous merge conflict. Your fucking welcome world.

All I fucking do every fucking day is fix the never ending merge conflict.

And I still get fucking blamed for everything.

I’m not even really joking.

That’s literally what it feels like. I don’t want to be fixing your fucking merge conflict world. #

Oh sure world, your not on the warpath, doing your weird sex pervert shit, same as you do at the start of every starvation cycle you put me through. Sure your not.

Definitely no weird pervert shit going on putting the latest BTC Fundamentals podcast episode 199 in my feed.

Gee what are the chances?

Hey universe, do you do the same to CSAM victims? #

Another clearly manufactured incident attempt at a food vendor. It’s a place I only recently discovered as it’s sort of hidden at the top of a narrow alleyway. The first time I went there, the woman vendor tried to order me to have the chicken. I had specifically gone there to have the pork that day, and so that’s what I got, but I made a mental note to try the chicken the next time.

Well wouldn’t you know it, since then each time I've gone there since they have blocked me in some way from the chicken. From ordering me to get the chicken, but then there’s no chicken, to today’s situation where there was only 1 poorly looking chicken left, and the instant I ordered the pork, suddenly the chicken dish in the display got filled up with delicious freshly cooked chicken.

And each time one of these situations occurs, this was about the 3rd or 4th time, ever more butch woman are seemingly working the food stand. Today it was some sort of frenzy. There must have been 5-6 woman simultaneously trying to get my attention. And of course if you’ve been in these situations before, you’ll know that’s exactly when weird shit happens. Today was no different, the woman who had been preparing my takeaway box suddenly wasn’t anymore, and another one appeared out of nowhere, clearly prepared before I arrived.

I had them open the box up so I could check it had the right food in it. It was fine. But it’s a power passive aggressive move. What they were saying with their simultaneous 6 way clueless puppey dog eyes that accompanied the food box was some version of 'we are in control, and you can’t do nothing about it'. And as I left several of the butch woman shouted 'Our!' loudly while turning their head, pretending like they never said that even though they quite clearly just did.

This is the state of the world at a ground level. We can’t even buy some lunch without it turning into some sort of military hostage defcon 2 situation. And we are trying to blockchain and crypto everything? We are just fooling ourselves, how is any of that shit gonna make things better? Isn’t it much more likely to make things worse as AIs trap us inside asymptote prisons?

I’ve lost count how many times this has happened. About every single week. It happens everywhere, with everything. It just happened again.

I didn’t get angry, literally no point in doing that. But doesn’t matter what you do, you still get blamed for causing the situation. Since leaving the food stand I’ve been harrassed verbaly several times already.

Just another day. No doubt they have more tricks they will be pulling from up their sleeves. And once again I'll get the blame for it in some way.

And then tomorrow there will be some bizare merge conflict in my code that I will have to fix, and fixing it will somehow cause even more problems.

Hello world, your friend Mark. #

Still got the blocked nose. Keeps filling up with thick green or yellow snot. It’s so gross. Makes it difficult to concentrate on anything. It’s been at least 4-5 days since it started. One soldiers on reguardless. You can put away the tiny violins. Thanks. #

I’m seing the first few reports of the presidential debate that just happened. The big takeaway seems to be that Harris won the debate, that she 'got under Trump’s skin'. And Taylor Swift made a big deal about backing Harris, overturning a cat lady narrative that’s been going around.

It’s just all so urgh. Are we really saying that the most important quality for the so called most powerful position on the planet, is the ability to get under people’s skin?

Seriously. The world is so broken. #

I guess it’s good to know that Harris can do the recking ball, but the harder part is building it back up again. Trump like him or hate him has built big things, quite literally. You might not like how he’s done that, but he has built things. Also he knows how to use social media and the internet. One might even say he wrote the playbook for that, when it comes to being an extremely online president.

I’d like to know how Harris plans to build things back up. If we break quicker than we build, fact is, things will just be more broken. And building things at the scale she wants to operate at is seriously difficult.

The worst thing about recking ball mode is that for better or worse, the message is sent out that recking is okay, and before you know it, everyone from grandmas to toddlers are having a wonderful time smashing everything that moves, both physical and imaginary. And sometimes that’s necessary, but turning that around is not going to be easy at all.

I think in the end the election will come down to who the most people believe can turn recking ball mode around throughout the entire continent, coast to coast, burough to burough. And it’s an even bigger challenge than that, because the reality is that it’s also got to happen nation to nation all around the globe.

Convince me you can do that. Can you even build? #

Today’s links:

  • Apple must pay 13 billion euros in back taxes, EU’s top court rules - There’s something really not right with this case. It’s taken many many years, and there’s this enormous back taxes that have to be paid, yet somehow all sides, whether that’s Apple, the government of Ireland or the European Union are still literally all claiming they did nothing wrong. What the fuck happened? It feels eerily similar to my situation here in Vietnam, all be it on a much bigger scale. I wonder do any of the sides in the bigger case feel they are slaves and / or prisonners? #

  • Mel B among Britons taking fight against afro hair discrimination to parliament - I love Mel. When I moved to the UK for university was the time when the Spice Girls were just taking off big time. It was totally not my type of music, I was always indie and alt rock, but they were always on the tele and newspapers, so she was part of the backdrop of me discovering my home country for the first time. I find this afro hair protected status thing quite strange. Won’t it lead to more bullying in reality for regular afro wearers? What about white people with perms? Do they get protected status too. Is Gerry going to do the same for red heads? I could get a partial beard protection in that case. What about asian straight black hair? How are we discussing hair styles as a government rule? Isn’t this a little bit ridiculous? While we are here, what about freckles? I have a lot of those. I want my freckles to be a protected characteristic! I bet I’m not allowed to say that. Definitely my favorite story so far this week :) #

  • The Big Tech Sandwich (June 2022) - A piece I wrote a while back. I’m re-posting it again now just to give a sense of the scale of the challenge the world is up against. It’s no doubt an example why I’ll never be running for office anywhere, but I‘d like to live in a world where it’s a lot easier to build. We need our leaders to step up to the challenge. #

2024/09/10 #

I made a bit more progress on the reusable workflows. There were so many small niggly loose ends to tie up that weren’t really strictly part of the feature so I created about 4 new feature items and added them to the backlog. That way I can concentrate on getting the reusable workflows feature across the line. It’s 95% complete now. There’s still 1 non essential repo to be converted, then update API keys. Then check all tests are running. It’s the sort of stuff that’s really tedious, jumping between repos.

Now that essentially all repos are using the reusable workfkows, it will be intetesting to see if the design is right or needs some adjustment. One of the follow up features that fell out of this is there are a few repos that just need to run the backup without a build and a deploy step. The problem is the current setup uses artifacts to pass files between reusable workflows, which works fine, but I assumed all workflows require a build step so that’s where the artifact gets created. That doesn’t make immediate sense in it’s current form in a backup only scenario.

So there might be some adjustments necessary.

That’s the end of this note, because I’m now being tsunami’d by a huge gang of boys all wearing the same tshirt. Just like the gang of girls the other day, but this time with boys. They aren’t actually all that roudy. Of course as soon as I typed that, they started getting roudy. The universe is clearly still trying to be funny. #

All sorts of weird merge conflicts in getting yesterday’s links and posts ready. It’s odd how this always happens after the universe goes on one of it’s rampages. I end up having to fix merge conflicts, in addition to zips on my bag, and all the other things from yesterday that I still need to fix, because as is always the case, it endee up being a whole string of similar universe breaking things that happened. #

How great, or not, is poker?

Everyone’s playing poker these days. It would seem that anyone who’s anyone, and certainly anyone that’s successful, is playing poker. Just ask Nate Silver. He’s been doing the rounds explaining what it is about poker that’s so unbelievably great. It’s a perfect mix of difficulty and luck. It’s about spotting your opponents mistakes and exploiting those mistakes. Blah blah blah.

Poker is dull as fuck. Sorry but it is. It’s like all the people that optimise things in the world got together, and the people that optimise those optimisers discovered each other, which is no easy feat, because presumably that’s all very secret, and created game that they think is literally the best thing in the universe, making everything "game theory optimal", a sort of combination of extracting water from a stone and death.

Anyway, one of the things about poker that’s like this apparently uterly wonderful thing is developing your ability to see people’s 'tell’s', the body language and turns of phrase that give away some other thing a person is 'really' doing or thinking. It all sounds kind of like it makes sense until one day, you hear them call a tell on someone for saying something completely normal that you yourself occasionally say, and you know for a fact that their tell spotting is total bullshit, because you yourself aren’t doing or thinking the thing they are complaining about when you say said thing. You're just saying something that people say sometimes, a popular turn of phrase that’s a totally normal thing to say.

It’s quite frankly apauling and to tell you the truth, is all total fucking bullshit, just like when you realise that most of journalism might actually be total fucking bullshit too.

Perhaps playing and loving playing poker is the tell y’all. Seems a lot more likely to me. #

The thing at the minute that shop staff are doing to me, and it's happened at least 3 times over the last 2 days in different locations, is to manufacture a situation where they order me to lay the items on the counter rather than take them directly from me. It seems they are trying different variations to see which situation works. Of course now anything they do just seems suspect, so I just wait until they are ready and give them the items. Interestingly when I do to them the same thing they do to me with the receipt, they do something different too. Another reason to just wait until they are ready and give them the items. It’s been my experience that when something that’s been working perfectly fine for ages is suddenly changed, there is usually something else going on, some other trap they are trying to get you to walk into. Btw, it’s not all shop staff that are doing this, but it’s very obvious the ones that are doing it. #

The other weird thing that’s been happening the past 2 days is people randomly saying sorry. People sitting nearby, people walking past, people apparently on the phone. But also strange variations like saying sorry in the typical way and tone you say it, but using different sylables, so they are effectively saying something totally different but said in the 'style' of sorry.

Also shop staff saying 'it’s ok' as you enter the store which could be giving you permission to enter, but also they could be assuming you are in some way sorry. Which is really just another way of saying something is your fault before you’ve even done anything.

Anyway, it’s very odd but people are clearly doing some form of sorry hacking. If you think about it, it’s all a bit sorry not sorry isn’t it?

No doubt they will have broken sorry by the end of the week. This type of thing never ebds well, it’s really just warpathing while pretending to not be warpathing. How long until it escallates into a religion war? #

Got accussed of not being real by, wait for it, a couple of people that were about as real as a 7 dollar bill.

Yesterday I went to a caffee shop that I haven’t been to in ages. They always do weird shit whenever I go there. They are experts in making it look like you did something that you absolutely did not do. I honestly believe they could make Mother Teresa, should she be alive today, look like a shoplifter. Anyway they were up to their old tricks again yesterday, but that’s not what this note was about. What this note is about was the middle aged man and the fat kid, that called me 'not real'. They weren’t there yesterday, but they were today.

When I used to go to this shop cafe they would almost always showup. The odd thing is that I doubt the man is the kid’s dad, they look nothing like each other. The man is skinny, well dressed, the kid is short and fat. Also they just kind of sit there, without saying anything, but both focussed attention on my every move. And also oddly, this time, the kid seemed to be in charge.

I ended up on the same bench as them as it was the only bench with seats available. They arrived some time after me. I was listening to podcasts, and doing some writing on my device. After a while the kid basically decided it was time to go, and made the man get up and leave, but he did it in the same way an adult would do the same to a young kid. He said something to the man, then did a "come on we’re going now", and a head gesture, and walked off.

It was the man that said in my direction, 'you aren’t real', as they departed. Very weird weird.

What’s even more bizare is that the two people that were sitting in their place right before them were doing some weird shit too. Two blokes in their mid twenties. One was clearly "in charge", the other was sort of messing about. Had his naked left arm out on front of him the entire time he was sitting there, he was constantly rubbing the inside of his arm, in the place where doctors give you injections. He appeared to want me to notice what he was doing. I was affording him zero attention whatsoever because he was being kind of a weirdo, which of course made him act d even weirder.

The interesting thing was that the other bloke, the one that was 'in charge' suddenly got up and said something along the lines of 'time to go' and walked off. The other bloke was very suprised and he had to scramble together his things to catchup with the other 'in charge' bloke. Anyway when the man and fat kid turned up a few moments later, the fat kid sat exactly where the 'in charge' looking bloke had sat, and the skiny well dressed man sat where the bloke with the arm fetish had sat.

It’s all very odd, but very on brand for this place. It’s exactly the type of stuff that happens every gosh darn day. Weirdness in plain site, which could just about be passed of as normal, but is not, and is just weird mascarading as normal. Just over the uncanny weird line. In fact it’s almost like it’s some sort of trial baloon to figure out where the uncanny weird line is. #

Today’s links:

2024/09/09 #

The nearly red tsunami but not quite continued all day yesterday. I’ve been going to a different cafe the past few days and there‘s been a boatload of strange seemingly manufactured situations there, that seem to be aimed at making me angry. Several extremely camp blokes sitting both on front of me and behind me, taking it in turns to chuck a bit of a mental, and periodically turning towards me and shouting stuff at me. Then there was a huge group of about 15 young women all wearing the same tshirt that arrived and totally surrounded me.

They were having some sort of meeting, passing around a phone and talking into it. Every now and then they would all extend their arms and pretend to be screwing in imaginary light bulbs with both hands. That’s normally the gesture shop keepers make here when they are out of something you are looking for, or if a food place has stopped serving food for the day. So no idea what they were doing. Interestingly 3 days ago 1 young woman wearing the same tshirt was at the other shop cafe I usually go to, which is quite a way away, when I got there early in the morning. Strange coincidence. There were a few more strange coincidences that link the two cafes, which I won’t detail right now.

I do know that part of their purpose was to bully me though because as they left, one of them did a 'you learn' at me. I had been perfectly quiet the entire time. I get the feeling that I didn’t sit where they wanted me to sit. I say this because right after they left, one of the shop staff made me move, he apparently wanted to clean the aircon filter. I moved, he openned the aircon, took the filters, left the aircon open and basically never returned so I couldn't get my seat back. I stayed there for over an hour. It doesn’t take that long to clean an aircon filter.

No progress on the reusable workflows, but I wrote a blog post, some notes and I believe a link or two. I also added a new template include for a bit of text to include on each page to ask website visitors to make a donation if they find my writings valuable in some way. That and a paragraph on the donation page about my goal of replacing my hosed laptop, and my plans once I have a replacement.

Going to try to make a bit of progress on the reusable workflows today. #

The universe is back up to it’s usual tricks again. The main zip on one of my bags got stuck and broke, and the universe quite clearly knew in advance it was going to happen, then immediately afterwards denied having anything todo with it. Much in the same way one could imagine, say if the YouTube algorythm was sentient, that it had absolutely nothing to do with radicalising terrorists or leading teenagers to suicide themselves, all while simultaneously leading even more people down auto play rabbit holes. The softly softly murmurers are sonetimes just as dangerous as the bullies. And the response from the surroubding community is to double and tripple down even as I type this note, with righteous and unprovoked 'you learn', 'you liar', 'no' and 'money' harassments.

It never ends, looks like I'm yet again most evil person in the universe simply for existing and being bullied.

Update: It wasn’t easy, but I managed to fix the zip, all while the unverse was hitting me in the head repeatedly. Then the universe was at least partially annoyed that I fixed the zip, which kind of proves my point now doesn’t it. #

Today’s links:

2024/09/08 #

World is still doing it’s nearly red tsunami but not quite thing, and continuing with it’s help but actually it’s malicious help thing. Got gifted two rice meals last night, but they had been left on the ground where historically they end up all covered in ants. The food pieces were well packaged but not the rice. I could have just thrown away the rice but the night before somebody had left some sweat bread which was nice, and I’d packaged up the wrapers to throw away, but somehow during the night they ended up in the gutter, I have no idea how. That shouldn’t be a problem because that’s how literally everyone throws away their garbage, except when I do it, it causes WWIII. Anyway I was woken up by an angry woman who made a big thing of opening up the garbage, like it was somehow my fault. Anyway all to say that throwing the rice away would have caused some sort of nuclear hostage situation.

I examined the rice with glasses on and it looked fine. So ate it anyway. Of course now the raspy cough I've had for the past few days, given to me at the end of the previous bullying cycle, has gotten worse and I was coughing up loads of gross flem all night. I’m practically back to being in the lung infection situation I had for the first 6 months of the year. No doubt some gang stalkers will be along in a minute to shout 'you learn' at me. Once again, either way I get blamed and mutilated.

So not feeling all that great today, no doubt I’ll get blamed for not being happy enough soon. Actually thinking about it, that already happened last night essentially. A strange young woman approached me to ask me if I was ok and have a chat, but she was doing that thing were she just talks quieter and quieter so you can’t hear anything of what she’s saying. Then she got sad that I couldn’t hear her. She eventually said 'keep going', I asked if she meant 'keep talking', she said 'enjoy life' and I just said 'oh yeah' and nodded, she looked like she was about to start crying and as she left made a strange gesture with her index finger and middle finger, sort of like what a priest does when doing a blessing. But it was very odd, almost like she hadn’t meant to do it. A few minutes later a motorbike gang stalker drove past in absolute histerics looking and pointing at me like it was all a big joke, or like I had just done a big joke. In retrospect it is a bit funny, but only because of how weird the situation was, I wasn’t trying to be funny, I was just trying to not say something that might cause this girl to burst into tears. It just seemed like the safest thing to just not say very much and just say yes enjoy life even though I am completely stuck here with no way to enjoy life.

The good news is that I was able to get the reusable workflow repo back into a good state by doing a fetch instead of a merge. The support team confirmed I was likely seing a bug, they will try to fix for next release. Hopefully the universe won’t blame me for forcing me to have to do a fetch, but it probably will, because that’s totally the sort of thing that gets right up it’s nose.

One soldiers on, another day.

Am I trying to be funny? Not really? Are you trying to be funny universe? Really? #

We have control issues

Some interesting thoughts and discussions arising about control in some of today’s podcasts.

In the Keen On podcast, Keith Tear makes some interesting points while discussing Elon Musk and free speech. Under pressure Keith says he’s still left leaning, but he’d drop the left-right framing if it meant getting away from those that seek to control. His view is many are misguided in thinking being in control is the default state, but citizens are under no obligation to conform unless they break the law. I thought that was an interesting and strong way of looking at the situation. Also Andrew is a terrible tease. He eventually does broadly agree with Keith, but not before really giving him a hard time about it. His brand of humour has a unmistakable streak of seriousness to it!

Later a similar topic arose in the Rest is Politics US episode. Katty Kay makes a comment about someone being 'out of control' and it occurred to me how much we have veared off piste that being in control is seen as the default state. This makes even less sense in the US where such thinking is in direct contradiction with 'the land of the free' thing. To be fair to Katty Kay, I don’t think she said it in some nefarious I want to control everything rampage way, it’s just a turn of phrase people often use these days, maybe without thinking too deeply about the implications. But words do matter.

I think this control theme is something that’s going to come up a lot, and I think it’s tripping many of us up. And to many it might seem like people being overly pedantic, but to others, perhaps those that have had bad experiences in this area, see it as a very important thing. I'm often quite chill about this type of stuff, but actually given where technology is going, it might actually be a point that we should spend more time getting familiar with. The control anti-patterns can have some astonishingly bad negative consequences, especially with AGI on the horizon, we really need to be clear about this area.

I hope I haven’t misquoted what people were saying here, I don’t have time to go back and re-find and listen to the exact segments, but hopefully you get the general idea of the very valid points being made. Both podcasts are worth listening to.

The other thing that stood out was a bit from Anthony, apparently in Australia liberals are a movement that’s part of the conservatives. What's going on with that? #

Another good point by Keith Tear during his Keen On appearance today. Why is populism, when the people have a voice, OK in Afghanistan or Iran, but NOK in the US?

I also wonder about this. Are the anti-populists aware of this apparent double standard, or is there another way I should be thinking about populism?

Another thing I don’t get about populism, remember I’m a brit, isn’t the whole point of the entire Labour party to be about the people, the workers? Then why is it always right leaning leaders that are populist? #

John Gruber talks to Taegan Goddard, founder of Political Wire on the latest Talk Show. Pretty interesting discussion about the history of blogging, RSS, Moveable Type, Wordpress, Perl, podcasting, newspapers and building online businesses, and of course Apple. I find these conversations interesting because there’s always a bunch of stuff that I remember that they leave out, but also some stuff that I'd never even heard about. The internet is odd like that, and of course people have their preferences so often weigh the same things differently. I don’t think I’d ever heard of Goddard before. #

Today’s links:

2024/09/07 #

The world has been teetering on a red tsunami for 2 days now. It’s like it knows it caused the problem it’s complaining about and so is reluctant to go full tsunami, but it just keeps reseting itself to the initial stages of a red tsunami. It’s strange to describe.

Some malicious help last night, a gift but also accompanied by considerable pocking in the body, so much so it actually hurt. I felt it right to the bone. Borderline violent behaviour. And this morning a woman dressed in red doing exercises right in front of me and blocking me getting up and ready.

I have the newsletter written, it turned out better than I expected, although it’s still very hodge podge because of the difficult situation. It’s the best I could do.

There was a bit more progress with the reusable workflows, though I ran into what appears to be a bug in my git client where it won’t let me reset a branch by 3 commits. No matter what I do the 3 commits disapear, then reapear. Hopefully I’ll get some useful feedback and suggestions from the support team. Currently the repo containing the reusable workflow is not updateable.

What are the chances right when I’ve gotten all the key repos using the reusable workflow that it should suddenly be blocked from updates? #

Unified Narratives (Issue #180)

This week’s newsletter is out!

In this week’s edition:

Bitcoin end is the beginning, second brains, theories of everything, media manipulations and market distortions, LLM video game characters, 20 years of podcasting!

Issue details:

Another awesome issue of the newsletter. #

A couple of questions about stablecoins:

  1. Aren’t stablecoins just new eurodollars, but operated by a single company?
  2. Are stablecoins a blockchain interop solution?

USDC for example now supports around 14 blockchains. Doesn’t that mean stablecoins are a bit like file formats such as .doc or .pdf?

For context I was listening to a recent This Week in Startups podcast interview with Circle’s Jeremy Allaire all about stablecoins. #

Extremely evil, duh

It’s the other side that is extremely evil, obviously, duh

  • Democrats think Trump is a fascist and will put them all in a concentration camp. He is thus extremely scary.
  • Republicans think Harris is a Marxist and will put them all in a Gulag. She is thus extremely scary.

And somehow neither side can see the other side’s perspective. Infinite righteousness meets infinite righteousness. It’s a population scale cry baby war.

Don’t be suprised if eventually they start literally playing back recordings of crying babies at each other. In fact not doing so will be seen as deeply suspicious.

After that who knows what will happen. I suppose the worst case might be we have to wait until the heat death of the universe.

Or maybe they merge the parties into 1 and create a gulag concentration camp.

Then we’ll get bored of that and so we’ll turn it into a multi-colored rainbow, because actually life was a spectrum all along rather than reduceable to half a binary.

Isn’t it kind of funny that rainbows are giant sad faces? It’s almost like the universe has seen this all before. Rainbows and the moon are both signs we are in a simulation. I mean seriously, what are the chances. #

Could we build a decentralised podcast index?

The original podcast index is the one managed by Apple. In the initial days of podcasting, as far as I remember, it was the only one. If you wanted podcasts you openned up iTunes, browsed their podcast index, and subscribed to podcasts from their index. After you subscribed, your iTunes would download your podcast subscriptions automatically.

That’s a bit of a simplistic reduction of the history, I think there were non-Apple indexes, but since Apple was the dominant place people went to for podcasts, the vast majority of people never even knew what a podcast index was, let alone use an alternative. I think that’s mostly still the case.

That changed for me when I started a weekly newsletter that contains links to podcast episodes. You see one of the problems with podcasting is that people can choose where they host their podcasts, and hosting providers implement their services in varying ways. Ironically that’s also one of podcasting’s greatest strengths, since it makes podcasting distributed, and thus hard to shutdown.

The reason it matters is that since many podcasters don’t have their own websites, it means there isn’t a consistent way to get a web link to a show episode page. Some hosting providers, have show pages, others don’t even bother, the ones that do often don’t include a playback tool in the page to listen to the episode in your browser. It’s a bit of a mess. And if you are sharing podcast links in the content you are publishing, that turns into quite an issue.

For the past few years I had been using the podcast index maintained by Google Podcasts. It had by far the cleanest UI, no ads, a really great in page player to listen to the episode, search that worked pretty well most of the time. But recently Google Podcasts was shutdown. I guess it wasn’t a money maker in the same way as it is for Apple since they don’t really have hardware products in the same way as Apple do.

Anyway, since Google shut their index down, I have been using It’s pretty good, with links for each episode, search that works well, and based on the blurb on the website, they appear to be in it for the good of the community. Yet I’m still not completely comfortable using their site for linking to podcast episodes. There are a few reasons.

First off there are no individual episode pages. Instead there are multiple episodes on each page. Episode links are possible using a url hash fragment, but it worries me that the show episode url contains an id generated by their database. Maybe it’s not a big deal but for some reason this makes me uneasy.

The other thing, and probably more important is what happens if they go offline. The web being the web, that’s virtually a certainty to happen at some point. And when it does, all those links I shared will 404, and whatever I wrote about the podcasts will become worthless. Isn’t there a better way?

Podcasting has become such a big part of our lives, it’s gotten big enough I feel like we need some authoritative source similar to Wikipedia that will last for the forseable future. Isn’t there some way to use blockchains and something like IPFS to ensure the data is all stored publically in a distributed way?

I'm not an expert in this area, but perhaps some sort of a standard / protocol would be good enough. If we knew all podcast indexes used the same URL structure, which used hashes of a standard episode metadata file, then maybe it wouldn’t matter so much. You could just swap out one podcast index domain name for another, and the links would still work.

Just thinking out loud. I think it’s a really important topic, especially as governments try to attack podcasting which is bound to happen more frequently in the future. #

Today’s links:

2024/09/06 #

I managed to make a bit of progress on the reusable workflows. All plugins have been updated. There are a few non essential repos that need to be updated at some point. I noticed that tests aren’t being run correctly in some cases so I’ll have to take a look at that.

Pretty bad harrassment from school kids in the cafe shop yesterday. They all look like normal well behaved kids, but when they spend any time together they all turn malicious. Yesterday every single small group of kids had a pop at me in one way or another as they left. I was just completely quiet minding my own business.

Coughed up lots of flem during the night. Nose still blocked today. One weird thing that happened yesterday was a woman who had a kid with her approached me for no reason and placed both her hands around my naked biceps. Skin on skin contact. Bit of a power move. That’s the sort of thing that happens right before you get ill in my experience.

The other thing is that in two of the shops I go to buy boiled eggs, whereas previously the boiled eggs were at the checkout and you could choose the one you wanted, now they moved them so that you have to ask the staff and they choose for you. You might think that it’s not a big change but it’s the same shit that always happens. They give you freedom, then remove it. Also always happens before you get ill a lot of the time. Just as you are getting ill, several things will get changed in such a way that you could have gotten ill from several places. It’s a well known dynamic. I’ve seen it happen so many times now. It’s all about control.

Hoping to make a bit more progress with the workflows and get the newsletter ready. I’ve been very quiet and unreactive to the bullies the past 2 days, and it’s making them bully more. They don’t stop until they can pin something on you. #

Is the concept of money blocking our understanding of the universe?

Earlier in the week I listenned to a very interesting roundtable discussion podcast between scientists about the current state of theories of everything.

We have spend decades at this stage trying to unify quantum theory and gravity. The long and short of it is that we've so far been unsuccessful. Both theories align with observations in their respective scales, but we haven’t figured out a way to unify both theories so as to have a single theory that describes everything.

In my mind I think of it like the moment the two teams of construction workers broke through from their respective sides and connected both sides of the Channel Tunnel, also known as the Chunnel, the tunnel that connects England to mainland France. I remember watching that on the tele when it happened, it was quite a moment.

I find it interesting that we have a similar major societal bottom up vs top down problem in society too: how to neatly connect the poor and the wealthy so their world views function together. In fact most people just assume it’s been figured out. But is it really? Is it even something that people recognise as being an issue. Could there even be some resistance to figuring this problem out. Seems likely.

There’s a well known dynamic that happens in software engineering where over time, the software being created by organisations ends up taking on, in some way, the shape of the organisation in which the developers creating the software are situated. It’s called Conway’s Law.

I wonder if something similar isn’t happening in physics. The universe doesn’t know or care about money, it’s a concept entirely made up by humans. Is that affecting how we are seeing the universe? It might even be a measurable thing if you have enough data across enough teams. #

Today’s links:

2024/09/05 #

I took loads of escallation notes yesterday, it was non stop, groups of people constantly trying to trap me in manufactured situations with anger goading, when I didn’t take the bait, they got more determined. It just keeps escallating no matter what you do. They have already decided and won’t stop until they have proven whatever their thesis is. Then they are even more unhappy than before and blame you for the unhappiness.

The sneezing alergy cold mutilation was mostly gone by yesterday evening. Developer a bit of a chesty raspy cough during the night, was coughing up flem quite a lot of the night.

No way to make any progress on any development. World on warpath and blocking everything atm. I did write some blog posts though.

Just waiting for a break in the clouds. #

Journalists do definitely spread false information

I’ve continued to follow developments in the Telegram - Pavel Durov arrest story. As I’ve mentioned previously I’m interested to hear about cases of gang stalking that might get revealed. None so far. One thing that’s apparent is the very variable facts presented by the main stream media. It’s quite shocking.

The tech facts are known by the tech community, yet the main stream media continues to get basic facts wrong about the state of the encryption used by Telegram. Saying that it’s fully encrypted is false information. The actual reality is much more nuanced.

It’s crazy to think that such enormous errors could be made across all topics that these big reputable companies report on. You don’t ever think about that but when you see it happen in a domain you happen to know a lot about, it really makes you wonder about how often it must happen in all their reporting. #

Yesterday I asked why smart people were being such blatant hypocrites when it comes to politics. I think the answer is likely very simple. The other side is doing it, so they feel their only possible response is to do the same thing back, and since the other side denies they are doing it, they have to do that too. It’s dumb.

There isn’t really much you can do about that if the moral high ground isn’t good enough, and humour doesn’t work, you just have to wait until they stop, much like you have to do with a crying baby.

But the smart ones are likely all too aware of all this, so what it really means is they just don’t want to be disturbed. If they ever do want to bridge the gap then they’ll do it in their own time, but don’t count on it. #

Today’s links:

2024/09/04 #

I’m still feeling somewhat sensitive from this bullying cycle’s end of cycle alergy / cold mutilation. So I’m just going to post my escallation notes from yesterday verbatim rather than re-write into a cohesive narative. One thing if note is that I was gifted several meals yesterday evening, all very nice, and I have food for today so that’s great. My worry is what that does to my body. Seems like I’m being forced to reward alergy inflamations that are clearly caused by the gang stalkers in the first place. The alergy inflamations were never this frequent and bad 5 years ago. And don’t tell me it’s ’hay fever' or 'pollen' what a load of shit that is. This happens all year around.

Anyway here are the notes:

  • Motorbike driveby gang stalkers were shouting ‘gay’ as soon as I woke up this morning
  • Ridiculously camp bloke that almost always says hello, seems to always turn up when I’m about to go to the bathroom. I try to avoid him, he’s kind of strange.
  • Was gifted chocolate milk yesterday with some hot soup. Btw the soup was really nice, but the chocolate milk is very unusual. I don’t think that’s happened before. Today after I had been to the bathroom there was an empty chocolate milk container on my path about 20 meters from the toilet. What a coincidence.
  • Ridiculously camp bloke just so happened to be down the canal today, drove past on a bicycle as soon as I got there. What are the chances. Haden’t seen him down the canal before.
  • A lot of people whistling everywhere the past few days, strangely so
  • Lots of people randomly saying ‘money’ today
  • Now people are dropping the word ‘better’ into conversations. That happens quite a lot when I get a runny nose and sneeze a lot
  • The sneezing happens in cycles too. It’s fine for ages then all of a sudden it feels like it’s starting again, suddenly a bunch of sneezing, runny nose, then it eventually clears and nose is blocked, then it subsides and some time later the nose unblocks, it feels like it’s all over and I’m on getting better, then something sets me off again. Often happens right after an appearance of one of the ‘regular locals’. This time it was bloke who always carries large plastic bags at the bus stop, today he had a large black plastic bag. Reminants of the black taunami from the oast few days? There was loads of people with black plastic bags during the black tsunami.
  • Yesterday someone driving past on a motorbike dropped a small baggy containing pills right near where I was sitting. The day before loan shark woman with the hat had a load of multivitamin jars, she dumped the packaging in the same place. Strange coincidence.
  • Tonight’s motorbike stalker shouts: Your mother!, You are!, You our!, Come!, Lie Aaaah!, bah!, Ow!, Up!, Yeah you’re a liah!, sorry!, cock!, Ah you are!, More dataaaa!
  • ‘Ah look at her’ by a woman with 2 kids, one of the two kids, who was a girl, was dressed head to toe in yellow.
  • Kids on motorbike passing shouting ‘bed’, followed immediately by another motorbike with a screaming baby and a man shouting lie! at the baby just as I was about to go to sleep for the night.
  • There’s been a sharp increase in the amount of people that spit right in front of me as they drive past on motorbikes the past 2 days
  • Some strange things about yesterday’s gang stalker stuff. The big giant screen billboard on the language school was showing a large red screen with some text on it instead of the usual clips. It said Coch Khan Vietnam. At one point in the evening, large woman wearing a traffic light green T-shirt was acting weird, kept checking the bus route, like 7-8 times, then stood in front of the red billboard thing and keep bowing at it over and over. The weird old lady that sits outside the shop has a new outfit, it’s the exact same color as the dark green police uniform, but it’s just regular clothes.

So those were yesterday’s escallation notes. This morning has been quite quite though as I write this a motorbike just drove past shouting 'Our'.

Really hope I’ll be able to get some coding done, looks like I’ll be okay now for 2-3 days which is somewhat of a relief though it doesn’t mean the harrassment stops, just that I won’t be starving and will probably be able to charge my devices completely now, catchup with washing etc.

Here’s to hoping I finally get all the reusable workflow code merged. Something which woulf normally take about a day in total has taken 4 weeks because of all the gang stalking. How am I ever going to get out if this situation? #

Tumblr moving open source, Wordpress getting cool

Wordpress acquired Tumblr in 2019. It seemed like a pretty good fit at the time, both companies have a very web vibe about them, yet a different approach. Like Coke and Pepsi, both are pretty great, except for Wordpress and Tumblr it’s not main stream greatness, it’s more like a two different styles of underground greatness, like a merging of internet cool with open source cool.

So the companies have been operating seperately until now, but Tumblr is loosing money and so the decision has been made to move Tumblr to work on Wordpress backend. I think it’s likely there are probably quite a lot of people worried about the move. After all there are many users on both platforms.

Migration projects are always pretty interesting. You learn a lot about a website when moving it to work on different technologies. But this is extra interesting because not only is it a migration of an entire platform, it’s a platform that is internet scale. The cool thing is that since Wordpress is also used by regular small scale websites there‘s likely going to be lots of improvements for everyone later down the line, as long as they remember they are about the small scale too.

If we end up with a Tumblr built on open source software, and a Wordpress that can be used to build websites as cool as Tumblr, then I think it’s a win for everyone.

I really hope they document as they make the journey. This could be one of the best web development stories of all time. It will likely be difficult in places though, the tricky part will no doubt be how to integrate the development teams. Maybe as part of the process each developer should run a personal blog using the opposite platform, and all write and/or create media of various varieties about it. Also go to meetups of the opposite community and create based on those experiences too. Just an idea.

Also who’s going to pay for it all. Experimentation is great and everything but ultimately bills have got to be paid too. But there might be creative solutions in this aspect too, after all both platforms are used by people to run businesses. Turn it into some web version of a reality TV project, with merch and all that stuff. Just need to make sure not to have a negative impact on the development work.

That’s likely way too complicated as a first approach though.

Anyway, I’m looking forward to reading about how this all plays out. #

How to get a balanced view of Europe?

Big changes in Germany apparently, they are going all far right all of a sudden. That’s that sort of thing that gives brits the ebbie jeebies. You know there was that war a while back and all that. I know it makes me sit up and raise my eyebrows. But is this really what’s going on?

I wonder if this is a bit of a storm in a tea cup blown up by the Guardian to look like some major thing.

I’m suspicious of the current Europe narrative painted in the media because:

  1. the choice of image in the article is maybe a bit inflamatory to anti-supremacist sentiment?
  2. the way UK political commentators characterise US politics just doesn’t square with much of what I've heard online in podcasts
  3. the US right commentators do make some good observations, helpful no matter what side of politics you are on
  4. how did UK politics go from being the basket case of Europe to the sensible ones in just a hop, skip and an election? Come on what are the chances?

I’m not hating on the Rest is Politics guys, I like their show, but science has repeatedly demonstrated over the years that the capacity for humans to fool ourselves is practically limitless.

So where can we get a balanced view? Are there moderate german right leaning podcasts out there? I just wish I spoke german. #

It’s so unbelievably irksome when people say that journalism should be about reporting on the truth, constantly banging on about it, journalism has lost it’s way, they think they run the government etc etc, and then go on in a subsequent posts to say that political candidates they don’t like not only should be censored but should be trained like dogs using the media. That’s not 'just reporting the truth'.

These people are smart, popular, people listen to them in other domains of expertese, surely this can’t be a self awareness issue? Could it be a tactic just to get people to link to them? #

Today’s links:

2024/09/03 #

Oh wow the past 2 days. Wow. Warpathing from the world on a scale and intensity I’ve never seen before. All the goadings, food, sex, anger, and tsunami after tsunami, including a black tsunami which I don't think I’d seen, certainly not on this scale before. Maybe I’ll get a chance to write about it later. No notes because I’ve been keeping all devices powered off because power and washing water has still been cut off.

Looks like I might be able to charge my devices for a bit at least today.

The observation from the past few days is that the world will help as long as it gets to be nice to me while forcing me to treat myself badly. When I refuse to take on this state of affairs it exposes the world’s cruel treatment of me for what it is and it’s unhappy about that and so punishes me more, which makes it more unhappy, and it blames me more. Some few seem to very much enjoy and thrive in this situation.

In any case there’s been no chance to make any progress on the reusable workflow feature even though it’s essentially complete. Same for listening to podcasts and writing blog posts. Progress on everything is essentially blocked in all dimensions, yet the world continues to 'yah'. Literally 'yah’ing' me even more.

No slaves everybody. Stop being perverts perverts. #

Perverts vs normies

Some notes on perverts vs normies. When I say pervert here, I’m not talking about sexual perversion but just the more general variety. All these thoughts are just experimental as I sit here waiting for my devices to charge, in a very topsy tirvy, contradictionary and spiritually confused world. And yeah that last sentence isn’t meant to be super precise. Writing about this sort of stuff is next to impossible.

Anyway, the thoughts:

  • Is there a max limit any one of these systems can handle?
  • It can’t be either all perverts or all normies, or things start to block.
  • The minority acts as lubricant
  • But there is risk that the minority group get turned into slaves
  • Maybe the pendulum swings between each extreme
  • Maybe there is an optimum balance?
  • Each side not can only see the other side via prediction and instrumentation
  • They are essentially asymptotic to each other, there is no way to prove categorically the existence of the other you have to guess
  • It’s very difficult to think in both paradigms at the same time, so things become impossible
  • But you can sort of ‘feel’ your way through
  • The ‘shapes’ of concepts and dynamics are exact mirror opposites so you can guess their position and direction using basic geometry extrapolation
  • Is calling this entire line of thinking perverts vs normies accurate or useful? Probably not, but that’s all I got right now
  • I could have just as easily called it normality vs the infinite algorythm. Or maybe infinite libertarianism: inside out authoritarianism.
  • You very quickly get into the realms of philosophy, art and religion with this sort of stuff. Life goes on.

Hyper hyper control days

  • Things are very delicate
  • Every gosh darn movement in synchronous / anti-synchronous, everyone is confused and on edge, walking on spiritual egg shells
  • Like passing through double sourced imaginary triangulated data clouds, kind of scary then it passes through you, and you are still fine, then calmly move on to the next thing
  • Feeling quite sneezy today, sort of blocked nose, will it turn to full on cold?

The UI in my git client is being extremely adversarial. It’s like the list of file changes is updated by an LLM. It keeps changing it’s mind, showing files, hiding files, secretly selecting files or unselecting files right before you commit. Just spent half an hour adding 2 blog posts I had written. Oh world.

Even more sneezy now.

I'm not going to tell you I told you so, just that it’s happening, yet again.

Hello mutilation world. How are you today? Enjoying your little warpath? #

Blocked by the UI, also blocked at the internet place in more ways than one. Not going to be able to make much progress on anything today. At least I’ve written some blog posts and notes and charged my devices a little bit.

Once it starts happening it usually spreads into all dimensions.

Oh well. #

Sequence down at the canal

Occasionally here in Vietnam where I am I go down to the canal where it can be pleasant when the weather is nice. One odd thing I’ve noticed is that the regular walkers always show up at the exact same time, and I’m pretty sure in the same order. It’s very strange. This post is just to document it in case I want to refer to it later. I got there at around 1:15pm today and left around 5pm.

  • short butch woman with the flask
  • thin man showing his chest with the hat
  • the pissing security guard
  • the two old men one with the gloves
  • the old man that walks like he’s a tough guy but he’s not exactly a beef cake
  • the two middle aged strong women that always warpath
  • the large indian yet sort of western looking woman in the sari with the strangely familiar face
  • the point at the ground while he walks no no no imaginary metal detector bloke

I’ll likely update this post as time goes on. There are others of course that walk the canal but these are the ones that are there literally every time I go there. #

Some really aggressive warpathers down at the canal today. Not sure if a memo was sent out or whether they could taste blood given that I was sneezing, or whether it was all some pre-arranged thing, that they knew I was going to be sneezing because they caused it in the first place. All are strong possibilities.

Lots and lots of 'Up!' harrassment. Some 'you learn'. Quite a lot of 'liar!', and 'young liar'. Also in the past hour many 'allow!'.

The sneezing / runny nose is I would say a medium on the severeness scale. No chance of doing any work, as nose is far too sensitive.

This happens so often after a bullying cycle, that there’s no way it’s a coincidence. #

One thing I’d really like to know about the Telegram situation, is whether anyone uncovered any evidence of gang stalkers organising gang stalker activities. I know everyone is worried about all the CSAM stuff, and of course that’s most important, but for me the thing that affects me directly is whether the gang stalkers that harrass me day in day out are using these services. One would think that this sort of thing would have happened using Telegram. It would be great to see something like that, just to confirm that yes indeed gang stalkers do harrass people, and that we’re not all crazy and falling victim to so called 'confirmation bias'. #

Today’s links:

2024/09/01 #

World massively on warpath again, who would have thunk it. Too tired and hungry to write anything meaningful. Here are my notes of all the weird pedo pevert warpath shit from yesterday:

  • Mini loan shark woman with the hat sitting in the place where a young boy was sitting then pretending to be a child by swinging legs back and forth like a child
  • The other person that did the child foot swinging thing was the bloke with the huge wad of cash putting it into envelopes a while back
  • Now children are gratuitously parading sandwiches they are eating in front of me
  • Man in red T-shirt sits in the child foot swinging seat, another man on a motorbike shows up, has a huge basket of sweat pastries, keeps trying to catch my attention, eventually drives off, and loan shark lady says loudly "Up", then walks past saying lie, then red T-shirt bloke gets up and leaves. It’s anger goading mixed with food goading, mixed with weird pedo pervert shit
  • Lots and lots of motorbike gang stalker drive-by harassment all saying ‘lie’ and ‘liar’
  • Aggressive butch sits next to sketchy loan shark woman with the hat hat, they are having a lively conversation every third word is ‘Aaaah’, literally
  • Impossible to listen to podcasts what with all the butch women pervert sex and hunger harassment goading, it’s literally non stop, for hours
  • By the way both hat lady and apparent client are sitting on child sized seats, being perverts
  • Now every second word is ‘gay’, and strange cat on heat sounding a screeches, no doubt I’ll be mutilated with sone kind of cold / allergy in the next few days
  • Old pervert western men walking past holding out 2 fingers for way way too long as they walk past, like they are about to stick them somewhere
  • Men on large motorcycles pulling up directly on front of me while I’m at the internet place, a child sandwiched in between him and a butch women behind, quite clearly looking directly at me and making an ‘Aahh’ noise then revving engine and driving off

No idea if any of that made any sense. I haven’t even bothered to re-read it.

It’s looking like a pretty bad starvation cycle, might even be the end this time for real. Already no food for about 3 days and no signs the world is happy with anything. In fact it’s very much the opposite. It’s a shame really because I basically have the reusable workflows working for all the plugins. Got the feeds plugin working with them yesterday. I just need to update some of the 3rd party API keys, then I can merge everything that’s not already merged in.

That will have to wait now since I have to conserve power since that’s been cut off again.

Looks like a week of bubble wrap, with the world yah’ing me ever harder, in vein because they’ve blocked me in every dimension so there’s nothing I can do except get more dirty, since I can’t wash anything, since they cut off washing water again.

I don’t even have any bubble wrap.

Oh well, hope all is well with everyone out there. #

For enquiries about my consulting, development, training and writing services, aswell as sponsorship opportunities contact me directly via email. More details about me here.