

When I look back at my blogging output for this year, I’m really happy about the quantity, because it’s like 5x or 10x previous years. That’s incredible. The blogging virtuous circle really is working for shear quantity. There’s absolutely no question about that.

But the topics I’m writing about, aren’t ultimately what I want to be writing about. I haven’t written about web development for months. Everything is politics, and end of the world AI apocalypse topics, and though I think I’m doing okay at it given the circumstances, it just isn’t the focus I want. The problem is that the writings are really just a reflection of how fucked my current life situation is is right now. Writing keeps me somewhat sane. But I’m spending all this time thinking about stuff that is just getting in the way of my goals. It’s 95% other people’s crap.

Frankly I’m very depressed about it. It’s like getting to the summit of a terribly huge mountain, spending years doing it, and then seing that everything is poop for as far as the eye can see. My laptop that I used to use to write has turned to poop. My SaaS turned to poop. The dingy I am in, one of the few non poop things, is constantly filling up with poop. Everything is poop.

It’s cool that I can these days just write a short note about this without the pressure of an entire blog post.

Nope, I fucking hate the poop emoji. #

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