

2024/09/29 #

Yesterday’s prediction about everything being blocked was 110% spot on. Understatement of the month. It was more like 1010%. And today it continues. The level righteousness is un-fucking-believable.

Yesterday evening I eventually just started making peace signs with both hands in response to each harrassnent event, saying peace vietnam, peace. My voice had completely cracked, I could hardly speak. It went on for hours. This morning voice is still really broken, but it’s so strange because I’m not ill really in any way aside from a very slight morning cough.

Got gifted an ice tea and a small rice / tuna based snack around 3am. That was nice, pretty much the only thing I’ve eaten in the past 7 days.

I expect the level of righteousness will continue for the rest of the day.

The latest thing from mororbike gang stalkers: "him a lawyer". Who knows who they are talking about. Me, somebody else? Hard to know.

I asked the ether why I needed a lawyer, noting that this was hardly fear and loathing in Las Vegas, and if they really wanted to all be kangaroos given that in Australia they shoot kangaroos like vermin, and that sent the security guards outside the office on the other side of the street into some form of frenzy.

Another day. I don’t suppose I’ll get much done as I’ll need to turn off devices to ensure I’ll last till next weekend’s newsletter. Washing water and electricity have been cut off again. Shrug. #

When I look back at my blogging output for this year, I’m really happy about the quantity, because it’s like 5x or 10x previous years. That’s incredible. The blogging virtuous circle really is working for shear quantity. There’s absolutely no question about that.

But the topics I’m writing about, aren’t ultimately what I want to be writing about. I haven’t written about web development for months. Everything is politics, and end of the world AI apocalypse topics, and though I think I’m doing okay at it given the circumstances, it just isn’t the focus I want. The problem is that the writings are really just a reflection of how fucked my current life situation is is right now. Writing keeps me somewhat sane. But I’m spending all this time thinking about stuff that is just getting in the way of my goals. It’s 95% other people’s crap.

Frankly I’m very depressed about it. It’s like getting to the summit of a terribly huge mountain, spending years doing it, and then seing that everything is poop for as far as the eye can see. My laptop that I used to use to write has turned to poop. My SaaS turned to poop. The dingy I am in, one of the few non poop things, is constantly filling up with poop. Everything is poop.

It’s cool that I can these days just write a short note about this without the pressure of an entire blog post.

Nope, I fucking hate the poop emoji. #

The bloke that lives across the alleyway of the internet place, just emerged from his house, a butch woman wearing an outfit that was covered in bright red pattern also emerged. The butch woman stands to my left, a few meters away. As he emerges and starts locking the sliding gate on front of the house front door, he makes an order 'Blog!'. Kind of weird. It’s clear to me they are on the warpath about something.

Incidentally from the moment I set off this morning many people have been on the warpath, including a man on a motorbike wearing a red tshirt with large black letters 'TRUE' on his back, so you can see it clearly as he drives past.

Anyway, I turn away from them, lean on the wall. They are behind me. I don’t want any trouble. He says loudly in english 'you are lying'. I literally have no idea what he means, I had said absolutely nothing to him. He is not addressing her, she doesn’t speak english. The rest of their conversation certainly isn’t in english.

I simply calmly say, 'you are on the warpath', and I say no more.

He walks off with the butch woman, which is unusual as he always drives a motorbike. The butch woman has in her hand 3 large food boxes. Clear food goading, and anger goading, and total reality inversion.

I rest my case, as it were.

Update: This is the same bloke that alternates between being normal, and being 'evil', with evil laughs and last week with the small boy that walked like he had leg braces, except he has no leg braces. I note that yesterday a small boy on a small bycicle with stabilizers was cycling around me over and over, and when he finally stopped two walkers passed and announced I had 'won' whatever that means. At the internet place for the rest of the day, right next to where I stand at the internet place, was a small girl version of the bycicle. You are not going to be able to convince me there is nothing strange going on here. At least some of these events are linked, maybe all of them. It’s clear intimidation, anger goading, food goading and complete reality inversion.

Update: As I finish writing this note, the young woman staff from the cafe arrives on her red motorbike right on front of me, and says 'him learn' to the other woman staffer. After which she appears to be waiting, listening for me to say something. I wait until she has gathered all her things and enters the cafe, and I calmly say, 'her on the warpath'.

Whatever weird strange bizare ambiguous doublespeak is going on here. It’s clear things are very far away from Okay imho. Everyone is teetering on a warpath, just waiting for an opportunity to pin it all on me.

Note: They are still starving and thirsting me. And btw, the butch woman that cleans up the puppy’s poop earlier started calling the puppy using the same word the bloke that gifted me the rice this morning: 'Hey'. That has been a term of harrassment for a few weeks now since one of the sandwich vendor women addressed me by saying 'hey dog'. All these things seem small, but I’m telling you, whatever network they use, whether it’s encrypted chats or word of mouth, is absolutely optimised for passing around exactly this type of info. This sort of subtle corruption of the social layer of public society is happening constantly. #

I’ve burned through so much battery dealing with everyone’s bull crap this morning, I doubt I’ll get anything done the entire week now. Washing water and power still cut off, I’m still a pariah, though I’ve done nothing wrong.

Even saying peace via words or hand gesture, or saying I don’t want any trouble, is considered some sort of war move, and escallated against.

Everything is the worst form of poo, utterly hopeless poo. #

Well 'ya’s' are definitely trending.

Gosh 'Ya’s' trending in shitville, never seen that before.

Oh 'our' is trending too. what a suprise. #

Finally some food. I got gifted a small rice and small pork chop takeaway box. Starvation, especially when you just don’t know if you’ll ever eat again, is the fucking worst thing. No idea why but the last two weeks basically no one is gifting me anything, only harrassment.

In the last 7 days only 1 day of food. Just unbearable, especially with all the harrassment.

There is now a gang of recycling butch women that have a loud speaker with an automated announcement attached to their pedal powered vehicle. It sounds like gibberish at first until you realise it’s saying 'Ya! bear die' over and over. One of the main places I go, for quite a while now has grafiti’d the word BEOR right where I sit, and many people shout it at me as they pass.

I’m now doing double peace sign, one with each hand to the world after every harrassment. I just don’t want to be angry, it feels so horrible.

Turn darkness into light.

You get a lot more gifts when you get angry. At least currently. I hope things improve because I can’t survive on 1 day of food per week.

Update: The new thing seems to be to shout 'Blog!' at me. Right after I finished eating the small meal I got gifted, a butch woman stopped opposite me on a motorbike. She paused to adjust something on the todler chair, and right before speeding off, said 'Blog!' loudly. WTF world? First of all, no food, no blog, brains literally don’t work without food, just like motorbike’s and petrol, second of all why in the fuck are random butch women, with kids no less, stopping to order me to blog? This is some seriously f-ed up twisted shit.

Peace vietnam, peace ☮️🕊✌️ Peace world, peace ☮️🕊✌️ #

For enquiries about my consulting, development, training and writing services, aswell as sponsorship opportunities contact me directly via email. More details about me here.