Yesterday was basically rain the whole day. Huge down pours for hours at a time. I was inside a shop cafe for most of it, and I had some food and hot coffee so that was pretty good I guess. There was a load of strange bizare weird stuff as usual. I didn’t take that many notes as it was my birthday, but anyway here they are:
- Middle aged aggressive women (with young kids in tow), obsessed with saying the word ‘come’ whenever near me. On one street this morning it happened at least 3 times. Com means rice, but the double meaning is well known. The purpose is anger goading. Often accompanied with other anger goading like ‘Gay’.
- This morning people at every junction I needed to take this morning on my route pointing in the direction I needed to go in.
- Placed next to the penis graffiti this morning: a large empty plastic cup of a red colored soft drink. As I typed the last sentence 2 blokes sitting behind me say "Man City". What are the chances of that? It’s an opposite / not dynamic again.
- Non stop sparrow people, young women and young men doing over / under goading and general distraction harassment.
- A manufactured situation involving a little girl, her female guardian / parent and a trip to the bathroom. This has previously happened with other combinations: female guardian and little boy etc. All in Vietnamese but key words in English like "sorry". I would classify it as pedo pervert stuff but the entire situation appeared to be led by the child. Very strange. Poo related.
- Two delicate young women enter the cafe shop, never seen them before, I’m sitting completely quietly listening to podcasts, they turn to me and say ‘liar’ then go sit down. I say nothing. They stay for a few minutes, then get up and walk out. As they pass me they say quietly ‘No’ in angelic voice.
- Back at the internet place to send out newsletter promo. Somebody in one of the cafes is saying Dig over and over. That’s odd, the Diggnation episode was a last minute addition to the newsletter.
- In the late afternoon I got a sandwich and went to another shop cafe near the university. Lots of harrassment there too with shop staff ordering me to Up!, thats where the seating area is, then upstairs lots of people saying things like 'our' and 'our lie'. Ignored most of it, but 20 minutes after eating the sandwich and a hot instant noodles, stomach started feeling not so good. Left the place, and en-route back to the internet place to post a few more things, major gut issues, had to do an emergy classy #2 in a side street. Given all the poo related harrassment, seems likely to me that it was planned.
- Went to another shop cafe, there a couple on front of me did a few 'you learn’s' at me
- Later in the evening somewhere else, a tall western man walks past holding his lips, looking like he wanted me to see.
- Noticed that I have two huge zits on my face. Painful and swollen. It occurred to me that there was a segment on the latest Diggnation about this new treatment where they rub your own treated blood stuff on your face to reduce aging and wrinkles. It’s kind of weird that the same day I added their episode to the newsletter that later that night I got assaulted with a red soft drink to the face. And even stranger that I ended up with two big painful zits despite cleaning all the sticky soft drink gew from my face.
So on the whole it was a birthday with some good bits and some bad bits, and then it rained all night, and it’s been raining all morning. The rain appears to have cleared up, but it’s still quite cold.
Am I happy? I dunno, I try but the world has other plans, literally mutilating me on the inside and on the outside.
The worst part about all this is who do you trust, and the unfortunate thing is you can’t really trust anyone. You have to keep buying and eating food from people that might be making you ill, and listening to podcasts from people that might be causing you harm.
You just can’t ever know.
Update: The rain has started again. #