
2024/09/28 #

I’m only just awake and it’s clear that the world is going to be doing it’s best to block my every move. Quiet so called goody goody two shoe angels maliciously and righteously blocking all while claiming everything in the universe is my fault. What’s the point in doing anything, on days like these, all doors have been closed, all possibilities accounted for, everything already determined, I know it sounds defeatist and strange, but these days really do exist. Nothing I will do will make the world happy today. And I’ll get blamed for everything, oh and guess what I was already being starved and thirsted, so it’s a double whammey.

On the plus side, I got reusable workflows deployed on all repos, even the ones that just required part of the full workflow. That’s a big step forward. Finally got to close out that feature in the backlog. What a difficult one that was. That’s probably why worldo has gone all passive aggressive warpatho.

Literally just as I finished writting the previous paragraph it started 'Ya Ma!' -ing me via motorbike gang stalkers for no reason, nevermind it’s blocking me in all dimensions. Creating the problems they complain about...etc etc, here I go again. #


Another political minimal app.

Perhaps we are all waiting for those that are in the shit to get out of the shit. Perhaps it’s gotten to the stage where we’re really hoping that they get out of the shit because it’s starting to affect us who are not in the shit.

The problem is though that some of them really love being in the shit. They think it’s the best thing ever. And some others of them pretend to love being in the shit, but are actually secretly in Champagne.

They’ve turned being in the shit into an entire ideology. Merdeism if you will.

IANAL, and remember even min apps have edge cases.

Yes, I know IANAL is amusing in this context. But is it really, or are you just being a merdeist?

Note: Merde is french for shit. #

The instant I committed my latest blog post about merdeism, a small well todo gang of morning walkers in the park walked past and 'No?' harrassed me. Literally 1 second after the commit completed. This sort of thing is happening constantly.

Interesting that it was question based rather than the usual order based.

Anyhow just wanted the full context of writting this post to be out there.

Btw, I’m not even kiding about any of this, in some ways I really wish I was.

Update: Committing this note was followed almost immediately by an aggressive 'No Ah' harrassment. No doubt this update will be countered too, so I’ll say no more on the matter today. The last sentence just got extreme passive aggressive silent countered. #

Vampires Vampire Attacking Vampires (Issue #183)

This week’s newsletter is out!

In this week’s edition:

Genes need a future, Russia is mental, specialists vs generalists, VC tough years, inflation demystified, rewilding the Earth at scale, deep fakes future, and Uk politics

Issue details:

  • Title: Vampires Vampire Attacking Vampires
  • Issue: 183
  • Page: issue webpage

Another awesome issue of the newsletter. #

Altman’s reality distortion field

OpenAI’s CEO Sam Altman certainly seems to have some sort of a reality distortion field. First there was all the commotion and strangeness about getting fired then re-hired, then there was changing from a non-profit to a for profit company and the bad blood with Elon Musk over the $50 million dollars he put into the company, and recently a long line of important OpenAI employees leaving the company.

Altman has also testified on front of Congress famously saying that he didn’t get paid and just did it because he loved what he was doing. And now he’s been spotted driving a $4 million dollar car. Rogan has done a very hilarious segment on one of his shows that appears to have gone somewhat viral. The All-In podcast had an entire spoof funeral / death themed intro on this week’s show all about the employees leaving. Lots of hilarity. There sure is a lot of smoke even if there isn’t any fire. Yet somehow he’s 'getting away with it' for some reason.

Isn’t it super interesting that all this crazy and extreme reality distortiom should occur with the first big AI company leader? I wonder though, could it be fake news?

As a counter example from where I am. There’s a security guard of a nearby business that I see most days doing the day shift. Just a regular security guard. I doubt he makes much money. Yet a few weeks ago I saw him drive past in a vintage custom Ford Mustang. He looked pretty happy, it’s a pretty fly car. But I doubt it’s his car. He’s probably just taking it for a test drive. I’ve done that before. Probably one of the coolest things I’ve done. It was awesome. Isn’t it possible that that’s what was happening.

I dunno, maybe with Sam Altman he really is just all concerned with money, and is secretly just a greedy capitalist expert liar. I guess it’s possible. But again isn’t it strange it should all be happening with the first famous AI company leader?

I wonder, especially with powerful AIs mediating and organising our futures, won't this in fact be likely to just become another pattern that could be repeated at will. Like a photoshop fill tool. Unbelievable complete reality problem..."Hey AIs, make it so".

I know I see these types of reality inversions in my own life all the friggin’ time. There might be dislocations, similar to in crystallography, in the fractal of reality. A place where the pattern flips. It wouldn’t suprise me if this sort of thing was a common thing in general. What will we do in the future when there will be no way to know what the reality really is. If the person you were infiniti mocking was in fact in extreme poverty? That would be much less funny, wouldn’t it?

Freedom advocates will say, we want free speech, we should be able to parody and make jokes etc, and I agree. But if you can deploy a reality inversions at the click of a button, then follow it up with cascades of internet mocking, doesn’t that mean rising from poverty will basically become impossible?

I see some version of that every day here. You are either a crushed quiet poor person or if you get angry and say something, you are derided as liar / actor. Literally. And often you get rewarded for getting angry, then punished. It’s mental, I don’t think I’m able to describe it very well.

In recent years many in the west have discovered the dark patterns of the World Bank and IMF. Exploitative deals that trap third world countries into debt. It’s horrendous. But maybe these types of practices have been going on for years everywhere, at much smaller scales, in many of these places. Maybe we couldn’t see it before because we didn’t know it was happening on smaller scales too. I see money exploitation happening every day here in Vietnam. All be it on a much smaller scale, but really predatory, very well practiced, exploitative practices.

At the big World Bank / IMF scales, it just doesn’t seem plausible. That’s why people don’t believe it at first. But think about it for a second, slavery / exploitative thinking has been with humanity for much longer than the more modern liberal way of framing things. Being against slavery and exploitation is actually quite a new way of thinking in the overall scheme of humanity. Is it really that much of a suprise that some of these horrid practices got scalled up and deployed?

I’m aware that my thoughts on this reality distortion stuff is all quite a mess at the minute. Life is insanely aggressively evil for me right now. Just want to get these thoughts out there while I still can. I really wish I was more articulate on the matter. #

Pretty sure I’ve been mutilated again. It follows me going to a store where they always say 'It’s Okay' as you enter, which when you think about it is kind of offensive, not to mention borderline racist. But anyway the real passive aggressive onslaught doesn’t start until you yourself say 'It’s Okay'. If you dare to do that even if it’s in a totally normal situation where that’s exactly what you would say, you then get 'No!’d', and if you dare to signal you mean no harm via a peace sign, you get double 'No!’d'. Oh yeah and I ordered by an 'Up!' just before I was about to go up to the seating area. I really had been perfectly polite.

Makes you wonder if things were really Okay in the first place or not when you enterred.

Anyway, I continued the rest of the day, not too many harrassments, until this evening a woman walked past the dark green bin and tapped it for no reason. Then a while later a young woman in a light green dress, who was being really excessively prim and propper like she was Mary Popins or something, did some elaborate thing where she was droping tissues, then using baby wipes, then radomly swinging her legs. Anyway it all had a sketchy air to it and wouldn’t you know it my nose had started to get blocked, and my voice appears to have gone walkabouts. No pain at all in my throat, and I haven’t been shouting.

The theme from harrassers this evening seems to be financial, lots of things like 'money' and 'pay', but also 'actor', 'young', and one very loud and determined deep voiced 'good liar'.

So yeah looks like I got mutilation punished yet again, a side dish to the starvation and thirst they are already inflicting on me.

Update: Noticed this earlier but I didn’t see the connection to today’s events until now. They’ve cordonned off the pavement in a really bizare way that is totally innefective. Just another block to add to all the blocking. It’d been mostly fine this afternoon but they were in blocking over drive in the park this morning. #

Today’s links:

For enquiries about my consulting, development, training and writing services, aswell as sponsorship opportunities contact me directly via email. More details about me here.