Captivity Notes: Tue 14th Jan 2025
06:42 am:
- Woke up twenty minutes ago. There’s another bloke in here with us now. He looks younger, probably mid twenties. The bloke in the prison cell is making lots of noise this morning.
- Shouty bloke in prison cell is now saying things like 'my man' quietly before shouting snd getying officers to bring him water. Then throwing garbage in the room I’m sharing with the other bloke. He’s clearly testing out all the dimensions of control available to him.
- Finally managed to use the toilet, I have to wait until an officer enters so I can go out.
- Bowl movement not so good, I guess probably because I’ve hardly been allowed to drink any water.
- No breakfast this morning
- Prison cell bloke is loosing his shit again, banging on door and shouting. Saying 'Aaaaah' a lot.
- Officers brought him a sandwich. How long until he throws all over the room I’m in I wonder.
- Still no breakfast for me.
- I think bloke that shares the room I am was given some food earlier. No idea if he paid for it or not. It all very much seems like anger goading from my perspective.
- First appearance of a female police officer.
- Prison cell bloke hasn’tvtaken his sandwich so it’s just sutting there jammed in between the cell bars. Gosh this pattern is a bit familiar. Note the cold water bottle incident yesterday evening, also note the last thing they gave me to eat was a sandwich, after several hours of will they won’t they feed me.
- It’s almost as if this entire thing is some sort of routine.
- So essentially the prisoners that misbehave get fed, the ones that behave often don’t, and at times are told to pay for their own food and water. This really seems insane.
- Prison cell bloke has been loosing his shit constantly the past 2 hours, officers always in and out of the room, giving him food and water.
- Officers took some money from the new guy that arrived last night, then returned with 3 large bottles of water. The officer put the water on front of the new guy and sort of half points over at me, sort of like he’s saying 'maybe give one of the waters to him'. The officer then gave him some change. Officer leaves, new bloke gives a water to the bloke in the cell keeps one for himself, and leaves one on the table on front of him.
- I have hardly had any water today, only a tiny bit left ti drink. No food so far today. Appears like all the officerd have forgotten about me. Which is likely the picture they are painting, given away by the fact that several of them keep saying 'no!' under their breath in my direction. I haven’t asked for anything. I’m used to people randomly saying 'no!' at me. It happens constantly, looks like we are in thr midst of another 'no!' period. It will pass. Hopefully I won’t be dead by then.
- Almost everyone here appears to smoke cigarettes. They are all guving and taking cigs between each other constantly. Prisoners to officers and vis versa. Not me though because I do not smoke.
- Officers came in to grt the new boke. He’s been in and out several times to the main room the past few hours.
- He’s back again after a few minutes.
- Prison cell bloke who appears to have had food and water, keeps loosing hus shit and saying 'more ahh'.
- Officers keep walking in to shout at prison cell bloke, they keep saying 'niaah' over and over.
- Shortly followed by lots of women outside laughing and shouting 'aaaah I'.
- Officers respond to the bloke in the cell loosing his shit, for what must be the 15th time today. The officer jokes about a bit with the apparent prisoner, with his hands behind his back, says 'com' several times. Thid means rice food dish. Then walks off laughing.
- Still no food or water for me today.
- Officer in green uniform enters room loudly says 'Was! Was! What!' at bloke in prison cell. They both laugh and he leaves again. The prison cekk bloke had been quiet for at least 2O mins.
- Of course now he’s shouting again, and doing his laughing at and like a baby routine.
- The other bloke in here just woke up and openned the bottle of water that was sitting on the table, which the new guy that artived last night appeared to buy. New guy btw is not here, he left with officers a while ago. It’s very unclear who’s water ut actually is. Anyway he poured a glass.
- Officer entered room again holding a rice food box. Apparently for the prison cell bloke. Prison cell bloke won’t take the food. Not particularly suprising because they’ve been bringing him food all morning. Officer then turns around and puts the food on the table next to the bottle of water, while very clearly saying 'you’re ready', we make eye contact and he sheepishly walks away. It’s pretty clear this whole situation is food and water based torture / goading.
- Bloke from last night re-entered the room.
- The other bloke just got up and brought the food from the table over to the bloke in the prison cell because he was shouting again.
- The older officer that was here a while ago to give the 3 large bottles of water to the new bloke, openned the door holding 2 rice food boxes. He pointed at me so this time I got up and walked to the door, so did the other bloke who has been here for days now. Officer passes the food to the other bloke who was closer to the door, he passes it to me, and takes the other for himself. I look back with a blank face to the older officer. He looks away somewhat sheepishly. He had a look like he knows something not right is going on. There was no food box for the new bloke.
- The whole situation feels like somebody is trying a set of pre-prepared situations. It’s not much different from what has been happening the past 4 years to me, but it’s in such close quarters, one after the other.
- Obviously if you think about it, to somebody that has just arrived it would make sense that only the bloke in the prison cell is being given free food. But that dynamic is new. Me and the other bloke have been held prisoner in the outer room for 3 days now. Initially the officers were giving us food, then new officers arrived who seem to have a different idea of what the situation is.
- Pretty much impossible to listen to this fucking podcast about quantum computing, which given the situation is kind of ironic. This whole situation feels like a long series of quantum problems.
- New bloke that arrived last night who has been sleeping face down on the table for the past few hours has taken his jacket off. He has a white tshirt underneath.
- Prison cell bloke just threw his garbage into the room that I an now sharing with 2 others.
- I’m half expecting William fucking Defeo to make a cameo. This is so fucking mental and insane.
- Prison cell bloke has been loosing his shit for hours at this point. Shouting and banging, shouting abd banging, shouting abd banging. It’s horrendous.