
2025/01/14 #

Captivity Notes: Tue 14th Jan 2025

06:42 am:

  • Woke up twenty minutes ago. There’s another bloke in here with us now. He looks younger, probably mid twenties. The bloke in the prison cell is making lots of noise this morning.


  • Shouty bloke in prison cell is now saying things like 'my man' quietly before shouting snd getying officers to bring him water. Then throwing garbage in the room I’m sharing with the other bloke. He’s clearly testing out all the dimensions of control available to him.


  • Finally managed to use the toilet, I have to wait until an officer enters so I can go out.
  • Bowl movement not so good, I guess probably because I’ve hardly been allowed to drink any water.
  • No breakfast this morning


  • Prison cell bloke is loosing his shit again, banging on door and shouting. Saying 'Aaaaah' a lot.
  • Officers brought him a sandwich. How long until he throws all over the room I’m in I wonder.
  • Still no breakfast for me.
  • I think bloke that shares the room I am was given some food earlier. No idea if he paid for it or not. It all very much seems like anger goading from my perspective.
  • First appearance of a female police officer.


  • Prison cell bloke hasn’tvtaken his sandwich so it’s just sutting there jammed in between the cell bars. Gosh this pattern is a bit familiar. Note the cold water bottle incident yesterday evening, also note the last thing they gave me to eat was a sandwich, after several hours of will they won’t they feed me.
  • It’s almost as if this entire thing is some sort of routine.


  • So essentially the prisoners that misbehave get fed, the ones that behave often don’t, and at times are told to pay for their own food and water. This really seems insane.


  • Prison cell bloke has been loosing his shit constantly the past 2 hours, officers always in and out of the room, giving him food and water.
  • Officers took some money from the new guy that arrived last night, then returned with 3 large bottles of water. The officer put the water on front of the new guy and sort of half points over at me, sort of like he’s saying 'maybe give one of the waters to him'. The officer then gave him some change. Officer leaves, new bloke gives a water to the bloke in the cell keeps one for himself, and leaves one on the table on front of him.
  • I have hardly had any water today, only a tiny bit left ti drink. No food so far today. Appears like all the officerd have forgotten about me. Which is likely the picture they are painting, given away by the fact that several of them keep saying 'no!' under their breath in my direction. I haven’t asked for anything. I’m used to people randomly saying 'no!' at me. It happens constantly, looks like we are in thr midst of another 'no!' period. It will pass. Hopefully I won’t be dead by then.
  • Almost everyone here appears to smoke cigarettes. They are all guving and taking cigs between each other constantly. Prisoners to officers and vis versa. Not me though because I do not smoke.


  • Officers came in to grt the new boke. He’s been in and out several times to the main room the past few hours.
  • He’s back again after a few minutes.


  • Prison cell bloke who appears to have had food and water, keeps loosing hus shit and saying 'more ahh'.
  • Officers keep walking in to shout at prison cell bloke, they keep saying 'niaah' over and over.
  • Shortly followed by lots of women outside laughing and shouting 'aaaah I'.


  • Officers respond to the bloke in the cell loosing his shit, for what must be the 15th time today. The officer jokes about a bit with the apparent prisoner, with his hands behind his back, says 'com' several times. Thid means rice food dish. Then walks off laughing.
  • Still no food or water for me today.


  • Officer in green uniform enters room loudly says 'Was! Was! What!' at bloke in prison cell. They both laugh and he leaves again. The prison cekk bloke had been quiet for at least 2O mins.
  • Of course now he’s shouting again, and doing his laughing at and like a baby routine.


  • The other bloke in here just woke up and openned the bottle of water that was sitting on the table, which the new guy that artived last night appeared to buy. New guy btw is not here, he left with officers a while ago. It’s very unclear who’s water ut actually is. Anyway he poured a glass.


  • Officer entered room again holding a rice food box. Apparently for the prison cell bloke. Prison cell bloke won’t take the food. Not particularly suprising because they’ve been bringing him food all morning. Officer then turns around and puts the food on the table next to the bottle of water, while very clearly saying 'you’re ready', we make eye contact and he sheepishly walks away. It’s pretty clear this whole situation is food and water based torture / goading.
  • Bloke from last night re-entered the room.
  • The other bloke just got up and brought the food from the table over to the bloke in the prison cell because he was shouting again.


  • The older officer that was here a while ago to give the 3 large bottles of water to the new bloke, openned the door holding 2 rice food boxes. He pointed at me so this time I got up and walked to the door, so did the other bloke who has been here for days now. Officer passes the food to the other bloke who was closer to the door, he passes it to me, and takes the other for himself. I look back with a blank face to the older officer. He looks away somewhat sheepishly. He had a look like he knows something not right is going on. There was no food box for the new bloke.
  • The whole situation feels like somebody is trying a set of pre-prepared situations. It’s not much different from what has been happening the past 4 years to me, but it’s in such close quarters, one after the other.
  • Obviously if you think about it, to somebody that has just arrived it would make sense that only the bloke in the prison cell is being given free food. But that dynamic is new. Me and the other bloke have been held prisoner in the outer room for 3 days now. Initially the officers were giving us food, then new officers arrived who seem to have a different idea of what the situation is.
  • Pretty much impossible to listen to this fucking podcast about quantum computing, which given the situation is kind of ironic. This whole situation feels like a long series of quantum problems.


  • New bloke that arrived last night who has been sleeping face down on the table for the past few hours has taken his jacket off. He has a white tshirt underneath.
  • Prison cell bloke just threw his garbage into the room that I an now sharing with 2 others.
  • I’m half expecting William fucking Defeo to make a cameo. This is so fucking mental and insane.


  • Prison cell bloke has been loosing his shit for hours at this point. Shouting and banging, shouting abd banging, shouting abd banging. It’s horrendous.

Just listened to Willem Dafoe on the Louix Theroux podcast. Very strange experience listening to it while the bloke in the prison cell periodically looses his shit, while me and the other two blokes in here in the ajoining room sit quietly, while officers from the main room periodically entrr and leave room with cigarettes, water and food for everyone but me. Can’t say I was fully able to appreciate the podcast. The bits I did hear were quite good. #

I’m listening to lots of podcasts while stuck in this bizare situation, but it’s even more impossible than in the shop cafes, because there is so much crazy stuff going on. Starvation, thirst, prisoners, police officers. Really very far from an ideal situation. Sorry dear readers, I imagine this makes fir really terrible reading. I eish the world would allow just a tiny bit, instead of this constant walking into total blocking of everything. #

Today’s links:

2025/01/13 #

Captivity Notes: Mon 13th Jan 2025

08:26 am:

  • Quite an eventful morning. I didn’t get much sleep. The officers have been processing the bloke they brought in late last night and put in the cell. Strange situation this morning, somehow he ended up with an officers shirt, and had put it on and was trying to get my attention through the bars around 5am. Seemed like he was drunk perhaps. Difficult to tell. Eventually an officer artived from the other room, who looked about as confused as I was.
  • When they brought him out just a short while ago, he wasn’t wearing the officers shirt.
  • Interestingly there was an old shirt in the cell on the floor the past 2 days, but they removed it from the cell and put it on the floor in the room where I am sitting.
  • I went into the main room, the door was open since they were dealing with the bloke from last night. I asked the officer that originally brought me here, where the toilet was, he pointed towards the prison cell toilet in his non-challant might be joking but then again maybe not joking style. One of the other officers showed me where the propper toilet is. There is a shower in there too.


  • No breakfast again this morning
  • Everything feels full everywhere. Prison cell is full, this room has been chocablock with officers. The room outside chocablock, and outside onbthe other side of the wall women yakking away most of the morning.


  • The bloke that has been in the room with me since yesterday afternoon just gave me 4 slices of bread.


  • Original officer that brought me here is now walking past door into main room saying 'no no no no no no no' then locking door, then sitting in front of it. Note that I now have no access to a bathroom unless I go through them. So no toilet, no running water.
  • The room is also filling up with garbage as most of the officers, don’t seem very enthusiastic about taking out the rubbish. I can’t do it because the door is locked.
  • Man arguing with woman on other side of wall outside.


  • Other bloke just got given a propper food meal. Nothing for me though. His food meal is in noticeably large food box. Much larger than the usual ones.


  • Officer popped in to give me a regular sizes food box.
  • The bloke in the prison cell saw we were both eating and totally lost his shit. The other bloke had given him a few slices of bread eatlier too. Bread slices bloke gave him some of his food. This is such a strange situation.


  • The bloke in the prison cell starting loosing his shit again, banging the door. Eventually two officers arrived and talked to him, he calmed down. One officer asked me if I wanted some food. I said I had just eatten, but that another bottle of water would be great. The large bottle of water they gave me two days ago is now finished. He asked for money, so at this stage it looks like I’m not going to be getting anymore drinking water.
  • The officers brought food to the prisoner bloke. Prisoner bloke ate food and threw his garbage through the bars and onto the floor of the room that I’m in, with the other bloke that showed up yesterday.


  • They are playing silly games with the drinking water. It’s the same old bullcrap that’s been happening for months. Making it look like they are helping whild creating problems and trying to blame me for everything. The bloke in the room with me often goes up to the officers and gives them money and gets things like coffee and bread. I previously got given a large water. I was then repeatedly told to essentially beg for food and water right after they gave me the 3rd degree for begging, which I had not been doing and being in a begging gang, which I have never been in. Then when I finally politely ask for some water to drink they say no, and ask for money. Then they bring a bottle of room temperature water to the guy in the prison cell, which appeared to have been paid for by the guy who is in the room with me. Then prison cell guy throws the water back through the bars into the room. Eventually the other bloke goes over and picks it up and gives it back to him. Prison cell bloke is constantly making noises like he is consoling a crying baby, while acting like an angry crying baby himself. Then an officer enters the room with a large ice cold bottle of water and puts it on the table, saying something to the other bloke in the room, who ignores the officer. So now there is a perfectly good bottle of cold water warming up on the table, and I’ve hardly had anything to drink all day. Oh and another officer just came in and gave the prison cell bloke another meal, but no meals for me and the other guy. And prison cell bloke in a second will throw his garbage into the room and it will just sit there filling up with cock roaches.
  • It’s all just the same old bullcrap that always happens here. Food goading, water goading, anger goading, plus infiniti minus infiniti. Will I get water to drink or food to eat this evening? Who knows? But one thing is for certain everyone will be more unhappy than they already are.
  • I had made quite a lot of progress on an unfinished feature from last week’s sprint. It’s solved and tested, but implementing it in all the repos is tedious and error prone. I speng several hours on it but have run out of energy, and without water I can’t focus. Oh well maybe some other time when worldo isn’t angrily blocking everything while trying to make me angry.


  • The other bloke in here just got given some tastey dinner, nothing for me though. The cold water is still sitting there unopenned.
  • No doubt I’ll get blamed for my own statvation and thirsting in a second.


  • The officer that denied me water earlier just entered momentatily, asked if I was going to drink the water, I said I thought it was the other bloke’s, I said any water or food would be great. He said why? And walked off.


  • The officer that originally brought here just showed up with a ban mi sandwich which he gave me, then tried to decant some of the water into an existing empty bottle belonging to the other bloke. It’s good to get some water finally but I insisted on having the 1/2 bottle in the new bottle because the other bloke has a really nasty cough.

Today’s links:

2025/01/12 #

Something is very wrong with open source

All this open source craziness has me thinking about my plans.

Mullenweg is perhaps the most successful open source dev ever and look how many issues he’s having. How would I even stand the tiniest chance in hell developing everything with my fucking ipod touch while everyone else is using AI laptops from the year 3000.

Sometimes "communities" really fucking suck. And that’s not even considering my current living arrangement if it can even be described as that, or my last 10+ years of forced war of attrition led development.

Which isn’t to say that there aren’t people doing good things, but net-net, it isn’t working.

Open source is not just impossible. It’s impossible to the power of impossible. And that’s not even fully describing it. Yet somehow it works for some.

Something is very very wrong in the universe. #

Captivity Notes: Sun 12th Jan 2025

09:34 am:

  • Nothing particularly noteworthy this morning. An officier entered the room a few times earlier to open and close a few drawers. No breakfast as of yet.


  • An person in the main room wearing a black tshirt, I think it was the officer that initially brought me here, shouted 'yah', then walked past the door which has a window in it so I can see through it, and checked it was still locked. Still no food today.


  • Another person has been locked in here with me.


  • The plain clothes person that locked the other person in here with me just came back to pick him up.


  • Officer in light green uniform who was a bit of a Dr Dré doppelganger just popped his head in holding a bag with food, and said 'hey, yo!'. I went to the door to take the food from him, and I said 'thank you'.


  • Several plain officers walking in and out of the room. One of which was the officer that brought me here initially. He is no longer wearing green uniform, just shorts and tshirt. He was holding a mac silver laptop against his chest, said to me that they will take me to the visitors center in a few days, and just to relax until then. His new thing is to randomly say 'very very', yesterday it was 'very very good'.
  • One of the other officers said 'learn'. I have no idea what he was talking about.


  • The bloke that they locked in here with me earlier returns drinking a take away ice coffee. This time they don’t appear to lock him in here.


  • Coffee bloke offered to buy me a coffee, and perhaps food. I said that food and coffee would be great. He called one of the officers over and I guess must have asked him to get some coffees because a bit later he returned with 2 coffees.
  • A while later another older officer came in and they talked for a while. The only thing I understood was 'ban me', which means sandwich. A bit later the older officer returned with some shoping bags with food stuffs. The older officer gave me a food box with rice and meat. I have no idea who the food was from.
  • It’s a very bizare situation. Why is a bloke they are also locking in here buying me coffee and maybe food?


  • A load shouty bloke just got brought in by loads of officers and escorted into the prison cell.

Just taking notes cause this whole situation has me quite freaked out. No offense to anyone intended. #

John Gruber: "Project Digits is a genuinely innovative idea. And Jensen Huang is a charismatic presenter. He’s good. But one thing that’s very clear to my eyes is that they didn’t rehearse enough. Or more specifically, they didn’t rehearse nearly as much as Apple did when Apple performed live keynotes. Part of Steve Jobs’s on-stage appeal was that he came across as largely winging it, speaking off the cuff from an outline of prepared Keynote slides. But that was an illusion. Jobs rehearsed, rehearsed, rehearsed, and then rehearsed some more. Jobs might have been better than anyone else even if he had just winged it, but he still put in the work of rehearsing long hours to be as good as he could be."

Given that Gruber has been one of the most faithful Apple reporters over the years, really interesting to hear his take on Nvidia’s new Digits project. Some great anecdotes. #

Today’s links:

2025/01/11 #

Captivity Notes: Sat 11th Jan 2025

07:25 am:

  • Slept alright I guess. The metal bench is really really uncomfortable, bits sticking in your back, but it’s just about bareable. The bathroom is decrepid. It’s a whole in the ground toilet. No sink, just a tap and several holes in the ground, where the water disapears down. I guess some are just potholes. There are lots of bloody hand prints on all the walls.
  • Also the bathroom is connected to the prison cell which is connected to the room I’m in so if the door shuts while I’m in there, I guess I would be stuck. I’m using my bag to prop open the door just in case. interestingly the first time I used the bag to prop open the door, the next interaction I had was shen they locked the other door which leads out into what appears to be the main room of the place.
  • The ventilation is terrible, there’s a fan in the metal bench room, but it’s just pushing around old air because the ventilation fan in the wall is broken. It got really hot in there last night, very stuffy, felt like there wasn’t a whole lot of oxygen in the air. I was dozzing off even though I wasn’t all that tired. There’s a bit of air that is comming through very slowly through the large metal doors that are closed, on the otherside of which there are regularly people yakking away.
  • I still have a bit of drinking water left



  • Downloads of podcasts still very very slow but today’s pod that just won’t / can’t download is the Zuck episode of Rogan. It has restarted at least 10 times already while others completed. Weird.


  • No breakfast this morning I guess


  • The officer that originally brought me here just popped his head in and asked if I had eatten anything today. He looked quite smiley, eyes possibly a bit glazzed. I told him I had not. Yesterday was the last time I ate something. He then spent a few minutes trying to get me to agree to knock on the door window and ask the other officers for food when I get hungry. I just said food would be great and that I had not eaten. Note that the plain clothes bloke from immigration yesterday asked me if I had been begging, and seemed shocked, apauled and somewhat angry at me. I explained that I had never begged, since I had not. He also asked very seriously whether I was a part of a begging gang. I told him no I was not, because I’ve never done any begging and never been part of any begging gang. So this whole situation with the officer trying repeatedly to have me agree to ask for food seemed very bizare to me. I answered him the best way I knew how given the circumstances.
  • Note that it was the officer that made some jokes about drugs. Also as he left earlier he made a sonewhat angry sounding 'Aaah' noise.


  • The same officer just returned. The looked a little bit more serious. He asked if I wanted hamburger or vietnamese food. I asked if it was rice. He asked if I wanted fish or meat. I said meat. He paused momentarily and said wow as he walked away. I said thank you.
  • I write all this detail because I’m quite weirded out by all of this. Everything feels like a tit for tat situation. And also very muchblike the strange push me pull you situation getting into the pickup truck. Similar but in different situations. I don’t know how else to describe it.
  • The officer returned with the rice and meat food. He gave me the food and left, appearing to look a little bit hard done by as he departed. I don’t see how I could have handled the situation any better.


  • Yesterday evening an officer did give me some dinner, I see now that I didn’t write about it. I thought that I did. Seems like no dinner this evening.
  • The odd thing yesterday evening, which again I thought I’d written about, was that before the officer brought the food, another officer entered the room pointing at his stomach, he said something like 'food?', and while I replied 'yes thank you', he said 'hurry up!' and motioned to hurry up with his hands, rolling them one over the other round and round.


  • Lots of drilling into the wall and hammering the past hour. It’s right near where my head is when I sleep.


  • An officer in lighter green uniform entered room gave me some food and said 'eat' and departed.

Just taking notes cause this whole situation has me quite freaked out. No offense to anyone intended. #

I notice Zuck is on Rogan today. He always seems to appear on podcasts at the same time as big events are happening to me. It’s very bizare.

Also what a week for the wildfires in LA to happen. Was looking at some posts on twitter last night. That looks completely foobared. Never seen anything like it.

Saw a post on Threads from Kevin Rose. Apparently his house got burned to the ground. The whole thing looks not far off a scene from a nuclear bomb aftermath movie. #

Maybe the end of Season 2? (Issue #198)

This week’s newsletter is out!

In this week’s edition:

Economics, censorship, wild science, next phase of bitcoin, CES & AI, Elon vs Starmer, annexing Canada, AI agents, anti-globalist theories

Issue details:

  • Title: Maybe the end of Season 2?
  • Issue: 198
  • Page: issue webpage

Another awesome issue of the newsletter. #

For whatever reason, Rogan podcasts are not downloading. Both the Zuck and Mel Gibson podcasts are not downloading. They keep failing at around 60-70% complete. Other pods, though they are taking ages, are successfuly downloading. Strange. #

Today’s links:

2025/01/10 #

Captivity Notes: Fri 10th Jan 2025

8ish am:

  • A pickup truck with apparently police turned up last night around 10pm. Just moments after the apparent Colombian bloke that has been stopping by for a chat every now and then these past 4 or 5 weeks. As he left he had gotten uncharistically serious suddenly and said ‘lie’, walking off much faster than usual. He had also been sitting most of the time we talked with one arm behind his back. The police have turned up before and we’ve spoken several times but nothing has ever ensued, though one officer has previously mentioned a "visitors centre" which apparently was new and apparently was about a 20 min drive away. Somewhere near the RMIT university, on the other side of Phnam Gu Lau from where I am now.
  • This time the officers weren’t so nice, they grabbed me sort of violently, certainly sturdily and ordered me to get in the pick up truck. They have previously asked me to get in one of their pickup trucks but didn’t do anything when I didn’t. This time though it was obvious that was very unlikely to happen when they grabbed my bags and threw them into the back of the pickup truck.
  • There were two officers in green uniform, one of them was the guy that previously said he would be back in one week to take me to the visitors centre but then never returned. There were also 2 or 3 military police with batons and a random bloke wearing a T-shirt that had a big Union Jack on the front. He was very keen on getting me into the pickup truck. I eventually said okay, but it was this very strange mélé push me pull you sort of thing that unfolded where when I said ok I’ll go voluntarily they all at the same time holding me, would block me from going into the truck, but then when I stopped trying to get in the truck they would stop forcing me into the truck. It was very bizare, quite a lot of shouting. I imagine it looked like to passers by that I was resisting them, but I very much wasn’t. Quite the opposite. I guess that was the point of it. It’s all very confusing.
  • After several of these stop start situations I was eventually in the truck, my bags in the back. My backpack was partially open as I didn’t have a chance to close it before they grabbed it. I hope nothing fell out. So far it appears nothing did.
  • They drove around the block a few times and we ended up at what I suppose is the local police station. It’s a few minutes walk from the bus stop where I have been spending most evenings this past year of so. There have been apparent police officers in uniform sitting outside the building for as long as I can remember so it does appear to be a legit police station.
  • Inside however it’s a bit more like a squat to be honest. Like a disused police station. It looks like it might have been abandoned or something. It’s really messy. They have put me in a room that is attached to what looks like a prison cell. It has a desk and there is a metal bench which they told me to sleep on. Last night when I arrived they asked me for a urine sample and did some sort of test. They said it was testing for various drugs. All the strips on the test showed up with 2 bars which apparently was good, showed I had not taken any drugs. The officer from before made a few drugs jokes, which was a bit unnerving. I just said I don’t do any drugs or alcohol or cigarettes, which I don’t.
  • He asked me to sign the back of the urine test with a sharpy, which I did. He took some photos of me holding the test. He said something about the visitor centre again. When I asked him when, he said over the next few days. I said how many, he said maybe 10 days. He asked for my passport, which I got from my bag and gave to him. He went away with it, said he would give it back to me. Came back with a plain clothes person, much more mild mannered, who sat with me and made some notes about when I arrived in Vietnam. I answered his questions as best I could. Found a piece of paper with the address of the apartment I used to rent. Looks like my last visa was back in Nov 2020. I was surprised by how long ago that was, 4 years since it’s just 2025 now. He was surprised too. Eventually he left taking my passport and said he would be back tomorrow and would arrange documents or forms and something about the ‘visitors centre’. It’s still very unclear as to what is going to happen. It’s 8am Friday.
  • They said I could use the WiFi for internet, so I was able to schedule tomorrow’s newsletter issue, which is looking very strange, just a few words, not really sure what to say. I don’t know where I will be by tomorrow. I am able to browse web pages but downloading podcasts isn’t really possible. The latest Liz Truss Mr Obnoxious pod has been downloading for about an hour and is only at 79% complete. I’m half expecting it to get close to 100% then fail to fully download.
  • Oddly the WiFi network looks like it’s just the default router name, no password. You would never know it’s the WIFI from a police station.
  • Also the green uniform officer from before gave me a sandwich and large bottle of water.


  • A somewhat younger green uniformed police officer just appeared almost as soon as I stopped typing the last update. He had been milling about in the connecting room for 20 mins or so. Walked in looked at me, appeared like he was about to smile but didn’t, so I didn’t either, and he took one of the chairs, the blue foldout one, and walked out without saying anything.


  • Download got to 91% but appears to have stopped
  • Eventually did download, took over an hour.


  • Green uniform officer from before just entered room gave me a hamburger from 7/11 and said ‘more, for you’. I said ‘thank you’. He left.
  • Note there have been people yakking away on the other side of the wall, which has a large metal door, for over an hour now.


  • A different plain clothes person just came to talk, said he was from immigration. We spoke for an hour. He said I have to:
    1. Pay a fine of 17,500,000 vnd
    2. Buy a plane ticket home
  • He said I would be taken to ‘the camp’. He also referred to it as the ‘deportation centre’. He said that I wouldn’t be able to leave. But also later said it was possible to leave.
  • He said I was staying illegally in Vietnam.
  • I explained the full story. That I am here and have been stuck here because of COVID.
  • He said I needed to contact my consulate, I explained I already had done that, that I had been there in person and told them what they told me, that they essentially could not help.
  • I was very clear that I never worked illegally. He asked me if I had been a teacher. I said no. I have not at any time been a teacher here, though many people have tried to get me to work as a teacher. It always seemed like it was going to be illegal. So I always said no.
  • I tried to go through all the official channels: consulate said they couldn’t help, immigration told me they only operate via agencies, the agency though they initially said yes and I payed 50% deposit of approx 1000 dollar total cost, eventually said it was not possible and canceled the order. I showed him the receipt, told him the full story.
  • The full agency story: the agency in question was previously able to issue visas to me. I got several with them but during COVID they tripled the price. I eventually ran out of money. Anyway, one day about a year after I’d gotten stuck here, a British person I met tried to help me by giving me 1000 dollars to fix the visa conundrum. I explained the full story to the agency, and they called immigration who apparently said it was possible to fix everything, and get a new visas. I paid 50% of the cost as deposit, approx 18000000 vnd, got a receipt. When I went back to pay the second half, he said there might be an issue. He rang his immigration contact and they talked at length. Eventually he came back to me saying it was possible but would only have a success rate of 80%. I asked why, because it was a huge amount of money, and each time I asked a question, he called the immigration, and spoke and the % went down. 60%…40%… and eventually it was a no. The agency refunded me the deposit. Then I was stuck.
  • I am waiting for them to take me to this other place which has been described as the ‘foreigner centre’, and today as ‘the camp’ and also the ‘deportation centre’. I have no idea how I will pay the fine or buy the air ticket.
  • Whenever I asked how I would be able to pay if I can’t work, he always started to lecture me sternly about not being allowed to work, even though I had already told him that I had not worked because it was not allowed. This happened 2 or 3 times at least.
  • He kept saying that I would only be able to leave when I had ‘completed’ the fine.
  • Sounds like I am going to be stuck in this camp place indefinitely since I can’t pay the fine or buy a plane ticket.


  • I’ve been making edits to my notes the past hour. It’s all so confusing, I’m trying to put it into words as best I can. It’s so many years now that I’ve been stuck. It all started in such a crazy time in the middle of the COVID lock downs. I tried to follow all the rules, I ended up outside, it’s been 4 years of hell living outside, and now they appear to be taking me to a camp where I will be stuck indefinitely. I’m trying to be optimistic about it, and as understanding as possible, but that’s how it seems to me at the minute.
  • I’m currently sitting writing this in a small local police station in HCMC near Le Van Tam park. It’s very confusing, I really don’t know what’s going to happen to me.


  • The green uniform officer from before poped in with a sandwich. This time when he left he locked the door. I think I am now locked in here from the outside. Until now they had just been closing the door without locking it.


  • A different green uniformed police officer entered the room talking on a mobile phone, paced up and down a bit, said 'lie' then exited. This time it’s 100% crystal clear they are definitely locking the door. It was unclear if he was saying 'lie' to me or to the person on the phone. People saying 'lie' then walking off has been trending since yesterday evening.

Just taking notes cause this whole situation has me quite freaked out. No offense to anyone intended. #

Me: "I’m currently sitting writing this in a small local police station in HCMC near Le Van Tam park. It’s very confusing, I really don’t know what’s going to happen to me." #

Today’s links:

2025/01/09 #

Slept in a little later than usual to try and catchup a bit on some sleep. Feeling better than I would have done otherwise but running a bit late compared to normal. I’m relatively happy with the amount of blogging from the past few days though not necessarily with the quality. Much of it has felt a but rushed and forced.

Anyhow, development-wise I’ve made a few small fixed to the RSS feed refactor that so far hasn’t had any major conplications so I’m going to slowly move ahead with that one small piece at a time, trying to make sure I don’t run out of build minutes.

Figured out that the logging synchronisation fix I made hasn’t worked. There was a bit of movement on the issue I raised in the debug module repo that said as much, but it was good to confirm it in my code. I have to re-read their latest advice because I couldn’t make heads or tails of it when I read it a few days ago. #

Elon vs the UK

Somehow all the posts I’ve been writing these past few weeks appear to be creating some sort of line of best fit through the blizzard of craziness. So without too much phanphare, a quick catchup paragraph.

It’s pretty obvious to everyone that we need growth, but it’s also don’t want to turn into robots so be the change you want to see in the world, who knows, maybe we’ll get the first podcasting prime minister sometime soon, especially since having basic communication networks is ever more important in difficult times. We are collectively starting to finally see the scale of the problem facing us, and with that in mind let’s try to listen to the other side, it might be the best way to try and not make things worse. I really didn’t plan any of this, so yeah we probably are living in some sort of simulation.

So what’s up with Elon getting all trolly with the UK this week? Not sure exactly, but it is a bit funny. Oh and it’s not just the UK, he’s trolling the entirety of continental Europe. The fact that this is even possible has got to be one of the funniest things to ever happen to humanity. Did I mention it’s all been done by sending 140 character text messages? Hey, it’s serious okay, this could totally be the end of civilisation as we know it. Stop laughing. I know it’s not easy.

Tom Luongo [36:17]: "Musk going after Farage was a big discordant move. Musk going after Farage tells me they know the parameters of the problem, because remember as we’ve gone on over the years, I’ve fine tuned my analysis to say we’ve got Davos, and we’ve got the british remanent. And those two things, they are not the same group of people. Starmer clearly represents the EU and continental european globalists. Now at the same time we have british globalists. Now they are both aligned with the idea that they need to get rid of the russians and the americans but one of them wants to be in charge when this is all over. And if you map Farage to the old british remenant, then it makes sense that Musk is going after both of them. And saying no no no we are taking out the whole fucking kit and caboodle, this is the real american revolution."

I’m not saying any of this is true, but to use Luongo’s analogy, it gives you the parameters of what kind of a meta story is possible. Whether it’s lunacy is beside the point. It situates you as to vaguely where in orbit you need to be. The interesting thing would be to create counter narratives, preferably a little more optimistic and fun, that can play at that level.

Then again it might all be true, and London really is the heart of darkness and all that, even though on the ground it seems a lot more like a third rate re-imagination of dad’s army, written by the children of the folks that wrote Grange Hill. It’s strange to think that only my generation can truely understand the innocent hilarity of the common sausage. I can almost see and hear the intro now. I bet that will turn out to be a fucking pedo ring too.

Anyway, pop punk anyone? But also, death metal!

I'm getting the familiar sense of another plus infiniti minus infiniti tsunami. Here we go again.

Update: Just listening to the rest of the episode, and the recursive fractalness is off the friggin charts! Oh my word. #

Following on from this piece I just wrote, which is effectively a dénouement post of the past few week’s blogging, I wouldn’t be suprised if worldo has a hissy fit and makes me ill. We shall see. I wrote this note because I just had an impromptu very brief runny nose, barely a few minutes after finishing said blog post. #

Jason Calacanis on the Nvidia Digits workstation [42:15]: "I’d say the thing that’s teally interesting about things that start as toys, or as hobbies, this feels like the raspberry pie, it feels like the PC in the early days. These things were toys and people were tinkering with them, and then an application comes out, and then people really want it, and then everybody has to have it. The Palm Pilot, the General Magic machines were these little digital assistants, they were PDAs, personal digital assistants, they had a dictionary on them, a calendar on them, they weren’t connected to the internet, you had to plug them in with a big fat cable to your computer to get the data to sync, it never worked, it took an hour, and then all of a sudden, now we all have iPhones and Android phones." #

Today’s links:

2025/01/08 #

I got quite a bit of rough sketch, slightly scrappy blogging done yesterday, and resolved a really annoying bug in my code. Several very interesting podcasts, all seemingly related at a high level. I had a quick look at the RSS refactor, I might try and fix a few bugs in that to get a feel for how much work it might be.

The thing with blogging is you need to absorb a bunch of stuff, have time to process and analyse it, putting it into context, before the good quality posts start to flow. The world at the minute doesn’t understand this and just expects posts to pop out on command. It’s constantly trying to maximum. But it doesn’t work like that. Also blogging doesn’t work if you are being starved and have no fuel in the tank so to speak, and that’s another of it’s favorite things to do.

Anyway here’s to hoping worldo will figure out a good balance, and allow itself to do the things it needs to do. #

Why right leaning folks should listen to the Rest is Politics

I’m still after several months trying to place the Rest is History podcast. Rory and Alistair claim to be from the right and left respectively but after listening for a while the cognitive disonance of that simplistic view is too much to bear. Rory is very often more left wing than Alistair, giving out scathing criticism and distortions at anything a micron to the right of center, which is no doubt why he gets on so well with Alistair.

It’s almost as if he’s a mole sent in from the Conservatives to try and teach the left wingers how to do their jobs. It’s like his main thing is to brand everyone as extreme right just so he can pull them back into the center.

Having said that, his analysis is very good. I’d recommend all right wingers to listen to the show, even if they disagree with much of what is said to get an idea of how they are being painted.

I’m also finding it somewhat interesting listenning to Alistair’s views soften somewhat. He’s still very left wing but he’s open to ideas when him and his bum chum haven’t scared the wits out of each other with ghost stories. And to be honest some of their ghost stories do have grains of truth and insightfulness to them. Worth remembering whichever side you are on, the US is playing offense. And that’s okay. They might have good reason to.

All that to say, today’s show was great, worth a listen, especially if you are right leaning:

Starmer vs Musk: Why the richest man in the world turned against the prime minister

While I remember, why don’t Rory and Alistair go on Rogan’s pod? I think that would be spectacular.

Oh and one more thing, and I had to go digging to get this, having to trawl through nearly the entire episode, to find the following quote from Alistair, which I think is perhaps the most important thing said in the entire episode [44:29]:

"By the way though Rory, though I agree with you that it’s not just you and me talking about mushy idealistic values, I still do think that one of the challenges of all non-extreme parties, which includes extreme left and extreme right, is how we do build a sense of excitement and optimism about things that we believe."

This is the real challenge. It’s easy for the left and right to fight. Much harder to build together. Zoom out and realise that at the minute it’s 99% fighting, and one meager, lonely, starved of life sentence, of building together. The fact is that if we don’t do something to start growth, we are going to fucking die. We’re not able to build anything together at the minute because we only fight, so the only thing left is beatings. And then everyone complains about the beatings, because yeah beatings suck, but there’s no other way...unless of course we find a way to work together. #

Was planning to spend some time this morning reading and posting links, it’s been a few days since I’ve had a chance to do that, but worldo has other ideas. Specifically an exageratedly loud young teenage boy has situated himself nearby playing video games on a portable, smacking and door nocking the table over and over, as well as periodically having strange epileptic type convulsions of his pelvis. He’s wearing a school uniform. It’s almost as if he’s been sent to annoy me.

Earlier there was an apparent motorbike taxi bloke wearing a yellow top who wouldn’t sit down, insisting on standing next to the white washed grafiti dick. Then he kept leaving then coming back. Must have done it 5 or 6 times.

I guess I’ll read and post links later when worldo has gotten over it’s episode. Are you getting angry again worldo, while trying to say it’s me that is angry? #

Worth noting that yesterday I door knocked the glass at the sandwich store to get the attention of the sandwich guy bloke, who is always moody with me. It was a busy morning so I wanted to make sure yet another person didn't cut the queue ahead of me, something that has been happening almost everyday the past few days. As it happened it appeared he was already preparing my sandwich even though I hadn’t asked for it yet. He seemed annoyed at me. Yet was happy to recieve orders from the queue cutting overly loud and bossy women.

I decided against a sandwich this morning. Strange then that teenage boys sitting next to me are going on impromptu table knocking rampages today.

Worldo trying to create contradictions so it can get angry perhaps?

Also multiple coffee and small bottle of water situations today. Coffee and water bottle incidents have been trending since coffee was blocked a couple of days ago at another shop cafe. #

Pressure cooker world

Just listened to this recent Eurodollar University pod this morning. It appears pressure cooker analogies are trending [02:19]:

Jeff Snider: It’s looking like things are really starting to really break here. Where it’s putting pressure on, not just China, but all of these other places around the world.

Brent Johnson: [...] I kind of feel like we are at a point with the dollar where everything is just kind of simmering. It’s like the pot, and it’s bubbling and bubbling, and if the dollar doesn’t turn lower soon then the lid is going to blow off the pot.

Jeff Snider: I think that’s the way I look at it. We have all these places that have enormous problems to begin with. Then the dollar comes along and it’s just one more thing too many. So you have Korea, as you mentioned, Syria, there’s a bunch of other ones, Brazil is another one. [...] Brazil’s Real has just uterly crashed causing all sorts financial chaos.

It’s not that the dollar caused it, but the dollar was like a pressure cooker, turning up the pressure so much that it leads to all of these other negative consequences. They don’t just showup, but it seems like they just showup if you are not really paying attention to what is going on.

I can confirm that here in Vietnam most days feel like pressure cooker days in one way or another. Everything ends up being just one thing too many. It’s non stop some days. It’s happening right now as I write this. It’s been happening all morning!

And some people really like the pressure cooker. In fact a big contingent actively use the pressure cooker as leverage to control others. Their lives are simple enough that the pressure cooker doesn’t affect them as much.

Still looks like I managed to write this post anyway :) #

Konstantin Kisin [42:46]: "What people don’t seem to realise on the progressive left, for want of a better term, on the extremes is the cancelation, the silencing people, for shaming people for having mainstream political opinions or cultural opinions, they don’t seem to realise that they are then fueling this rise on the opposite side of the spectrum. That the more they push down here, the more this rises. Then they complain about what’s happening to the culture. And you say to them, do you not understand that this is partially being created by what you are doing here?" #

Today’s links:

2025/01/07 #

Gare Davis and Ed Zitron at CES 2025 [28:04]:

GD: Because everyone is so bought into it, if you make any objection during any Q&A panel, people are like SO surprised. It’s like you’re a heretic. It’s insane. It’s like you don’t believe in the project of humanity, to these people.

EZ: It’s like you don’t believe in Santa Claus

GD: It’s wild.

Note that Zitron has setup a sort of confessional with an actual fully stocked bar in the heart of the conference, and people are being amusingly candid about their CES experience.

They will be recording pods for the next few days. #

Git complains about a non-existent branch while npm installing

One of the odd things that happened yesterday was getting completely blocked on Github. The problem turned out to be my fault, but the world certainly didn’t make it any easier. The error I was seing during npm install in my Github action was the slightly cryptic:

npm error npm error command git --no-replace-objects checkout fix-remove-itemlistsclass npm error npm error error: pathspec 'fix-remove-itemlistsclass' did not match any file(s) known to git

I followed the troubleshooting path where it led, right down to the end, eventually deleting all branches apart from the main branch, and was completely stumped. Turned out I had innadvertantly left a bit of test config in one of the repos. It was pointing to a git hosted feature branch of one of it’s dependencies intead of the main branch.

That fact was being hidden because (1) I hadn't done a git pull following merging in it’s feature branch and (2) there was a red herring feature branch name mis-spelling that had been introduced. Bugs hidding behind bugs hiding behind bugs.

These sorts of configuration snafus are an easy mistake to make, especially when you are juggling merging in changes to 6-7 repos at once, all on a small screen. I had checked them all a couple of times, but clearly must have been momentarily distracted both times. That’s certainly not a suprise to me, my whole life feels like a big distraction at the minute.

Anyhow, I eventually found the problem when another programmer online that read the error message I had been presented with made an educated guess. In retrospec it seems obvious, but when you are neck deep in it, it’s anything but obvious. I had gotten rid of all the jungle and brambles but needed that extra pair of eyes, and a clear head, to actually see the solution, which was right in front of me.

It was a bit of a scarier issue than the norm because the only way to test it ended up being to do it on the live website, which wasn’t ideal, but I had exhausted literally all other options. So when it failed in prod, that blocked everything. Once I updated the config though, the plugin started building again and all my website builds started completing without errors.

Hopefully now that I’ve written about it, I’ll remember it in case it happens again. If git is complaining about a branch that doesn’t exist when you are npm installing, it’s probably because somewhere one of your dependencies is pointing at a feature branch that previously existed. #

Physics is so weird

Some out there thoughts I had while listening to Paul M Sutter and Peter MacCormac discussion about Einstein, aliens and the mysteries of existence.

  • Black holes are probably where "they" are likely hiding all the secrets, literally the best hidding place in the universe.
  • Black holes will eventually be used as the best hashing algorithm in existence.
  • Physics is all just an elaborate dungeons and dragons role playing dice game to keep you enslaved while pretending to help you. It’s really just a fun way to memorise pie to infiniti number of decimel places.
  • Quantum physics is suspiciously analogue to love. Don’t you think? Quantum entanglement? Seriously? Really? What are the chances? How about poly-quantum entanglement? Or quantum no strings attached brief hookup entanglement? It’s a massive psyop.
  • Quantum physics is also basically perfect lying. Everything is one way while you are looking away, but as soon as you look at it, it knows to instantly be a totally different way.
  • Physics is CSS for reality. It’s not a real thing. It’s just a way to do things in a structured synchronised way together.
  • Entangled but separate. Sure.
  • Dark matter is being used to create the mirror universe simulation.
  • Dark energy is being used to keep all the "universes" separate.
  • Anytime we discover some new exciting aspects of physics and reality it will immediately be used to make the prison we are trapped in a little better (or I guess worse?)
  • All this talk of the universe is earily similar to conversations about the macro of the earth’s financial system.
  • My static site generator will be used to free us from the aliens. Please donate. Also subscribe to the weekly newsletter. Your gonna love it :)

So yeah some kind of bizare things to be thinking about, but probably more a reflection of the strange distrustful modern world we live in at the minute than anything bad against science.

I find all this stuff fascinating. Really worth listening to the episode. #

What has happened with the FED, money printing and debt creation?

Fatastic segment at the start of the latest TFTC episode where Parker Lewis goes into the high level of what has happened with the FED, money printing and the debt creation [05:54]. I’ve transcribed the main points here, and added a few notes and questions:

  • 2007: $53 trillion dollar denominated debt system wide, only $900 billion dollars base money in existence. That’s approx 50:1 ratio. With only $350-400 billion actually in the banks.
  • Banks are the source of leverage. That $400 billion is essentially the money available to the banking system. So the banking system can be thought of as being leveraged approx 150:1.
  • MS - liquidity ratio $400 / $900 ie 45% of system total
  • After financial crisis, FED increases base money by $3.6 trillion over 3 series of QE. Taking their balance sheet from $900 million to $4.5 trillion.
  • Then between 2007-2019 started taking certain of those reserves out. $700-800 billion. Which was about 33% of the liquidity from the banks.
  • MS - liquidity ratio $2.4 trillion out of $4.5 trillion i.e 55% of system total
  • 2019 September - repo crisis when overnight lending rates went from 2% to 10%. That was the inception, right before COVID, of the wave of money printing that happened between 2020 and 2022, where the FED created $5 trillion over the COVID lock down. But the liquidity crisis had actually started before the lockdown.
  • So the FED went from $4ish trillion pre-COVID to $9ish trillion post COVID
  • MS - assuming similar liquidity ratio as before that’s approx $4.5 trillion out of $9 trillion i.e ~50% of system total
  • Then spring 2023 - the wave of bank crisis happened, a liquidity crisis, which is a credit crisis. Silicon Valley bank, First Republic, Signature, Silvergate. All for different reasons.
  • The FED then created their BTFP program to lend to banks at par even if treasuries that banks held were underwater. So that’s when they began to put a bit of money back in the system, 16 years after starting to slowly withdraw from the system.
  • MS - how much did they put back in??
  • But since the bank crisis was quelled, they then began taking money out of the system again.
  • From the post covid peak of $9 trillion, now there is approx $7 trillion. i.e they took out $2 trillion from the system from 2022 until today.
  • MS - there was $4.5 trillion available, they took out $2 trillion, that leaves $2.5 trillion. So $2.5 trillion minus the BTFP amount is what is left??
  • MS - how long will that last? Well previously $4.5 trillion lasted 12 years. Based on that $2.5 would last about 6 years, but you have to subtract the BTFP amount. Say it was 1.5 trillion, then it’s about 2-3 years. So next crisis will happen before 2027.
  • MS - BUT actually current debt interest repayment is around $1.5 trillion per year, so actually you probably only have 1 year till next crisis. i.e there will be a print before 2026
  • The reason they have the liquidity crisis / credit crisis is because as they were taking dollars out, and there were fewer dollars available relative to the same amount of debt, and people figured out what they were doing and started running for the exits.
  • It’s essentially re-leveraging the entire system. QE first quells the credit / illiquidity crisis, by providing more liquidity, but it’s also designed to induce the actual expansion of credit.
  • The system sits today at $105 trillion. That’s system wide, federal, state, local, corporate debt, financial, non-financial, consumer debt, auto loans, mortgages, student loans, credit card debt. All of that is $101.5 trillion.
  • So from pre-COVID, $52 trillion, the system has doubled in size. It’s induced by the creation of money.
  • $101.5 trillion of debt, $7 trillion of actual base money.
  • Even though the FED went from $9 to $7 trillion, the debt hasn’t gone away, it’s continuing to expand, with the government running $2 trillion dollar deficits plus.
  • As they take the money out, $9 to $7, there are not only fewer dollars that are being competed for, not just by the debt that exists, but everyone in the economy. From debt to dollars it’s functionally re-leveraging the system, 100/9 vs 100/7
  • That’s a significant re-leveraging of the system
  • The way to think about it: the only thing that can influence the supply side of dollar interest rates, is the supply of dollars. And the FED controls that. So even if they are reducing the overnight rates, they are still taking money out of the system. Reserves provided by the FED are still declining and that, more than anything, is driving interest rates higher across the board.
  • There are fewer dollars competing for more and more dollar debt, and the competition for those dollars becomes zero sum, which influences interest rates.
  • Whatever the Trump administration can do on the margin pales in comparison to what the FED is doing.
  • The FED are likely focusing on inflation and all the other metrics and they aren’t focusing on the re-leveraging of the financial system and the next liquidity crisis that it will inevitably cause, which will induce the need to print even more money to quell another credit collapse.
  • The system has moved from 11:1 leveraged to 15:1 leveraged

Parker Lewis [13:57]: "What’s impossible to predict is when and where. What’s possible to predict is the inevitability of there being a liquidity crisis if you are taking dollars out of the system and putting them into a black hole while this mestasticized credit system remains there and ever growing.

  • MS - How is bitcoin managing to keep to a 4 year cycle if the total system refinancing time is shrinking? Did the BTFP program just prop up the BTC 4 year cycle?
  • MS - what will happen if there is no new BTFP program? Printing will have to start by 2027?
  • MS - how much of a print can safely make it’s way into Bitcoin?
  • MS - isn’t it the case that the more money goes into Bitcoin, the tighter the system gets? Isn’t Bitcoin basically a giant pressure cooker lid, turning the entire world financial system into a pressure cooker? There will be less wiggle room for everyone.
  • MS - is this even a game one wants to win? Isn’t this a case where winning is actually loosing?

The whole episode is worth listening to, lots of interesting angles discussed. There’s a whole bit where they go through possible scenarios where the US moves to using Bitcoin instead of treasuries. The game theory is very interesting indeed, because what would other countries do that already hold US treasuries?

I wonder if there might ever be a world wide run onto Bitcoin. A tipping point where literally everyone, governments, organisations and individuals scramble to get all their net worth moved into Bitcoin before all the fiat currencies lose their value.

Also at what point will goods start to be priced in Bitcoin?

How does price discovery even work in a Bitcoin world? #

Today’s links:

2025/01/06 #

I’m finishing off a few smaller tidy up type features. Getting rid of some old configuration that’s no longer necessary. I had left it in while I was making bigger changes and put in new configuration alongside it, to avoid inconsequential things breaking. But now that the bigger changes are all implemented it’s time to remove the old config and fix any things that are affected. So far it’s as I expected, none of the old config was even being used for anything, so just removing it hasn’t caused anything to break.

After that I’m not totally sure. It will depend on how many build minutes are left. There is the RSS feed refactor, but since I got it working using the old structure, and I’m enjoying seing all my posts in the RSS reader, I’m thinking to leave that for a while. It would be nice to get that done at some point but it’s not urgent. The refactor is all written, it just needs testing, but my sense is it will take up lots of build minutes because the feeds plugin has an npm module cache, and that always eats up build minutes during testing because anytime you change anything in a plugin you have to refresh the module cache.

So more blogging would be great but worldo has started blocking things again the past few days. The new thing is coffee has been removed from one of the shop cafes I go to. They are suddenly only selling big boxes instead of single items. And of course it’s accompanied by people playing badmington ordering me to 'blog!', so they are literally blocking the thing they are ordering me to do by people doing the opposite. There’s also some new thing at one of the sandwich shops, where as soon as I turn up the apparent customer being served says 'maximum' then some new people suddenly appear out of nowhere and cut in line right in front of you. It’s just the same old bullcrap bullying. And of course it escallates in every shop as everything in the universe gets blamed on you, and then they start removing cold drinks in the fridges, replacing them with warm ones. And then in the evening you get gifted tons of milk and cold sugar free coke just when you are brushing your teeth, and I’m being gifted a million small bottles of water, so many I can’t carry them. It’s just maliciousness dressed up as kindness.

And so it goes. World keeps on turning, everyone gets a bit more angry, and blames it on me. The world win win win wins while ademently pretending that it’s lose lose lose losing. It then has a win maximus tiddle wave of win, where literally thousands and thousands of people are blowing air horns and waving flags in an enormous celebration orgy, keeping me awake all night, then is sad and angry and will probably block coffee again later.

And so it continues going. Yet again, even more more total reality inversion maximus. And still it is sad and unhappy.

All I can do is shrug. #

Maybe leaders don’t run blogs or podcasts because they literally can’t. Strange to think this, because it’s so easy these days, but maybe for whatever reason, they literally can’t.

Things might be a lot worse than they appear. #

Volodymyr Zelenskyy on the importance of digital communication

Volodymyr Zelenskyy talking with Lex Fridman via AI translation and live interpretors, on the importance of leaders being able to communicate with the people [49:05]:

We distributed weapons to people. That’s how it was. Trucks came and simply distributed weapons to people so that they could defend the capital. To ordinary people, just on the street. To ordinary people who understood that if the russians entered the city then we would have the same thing that is happening in other cities per the information we received.

Thanks to digitalisation, we had very good digitalisation before this. We preserved a lot and even when they were surrounding certain cities, a lot of things still worked. The banking system, the internet, we had television and thanks to this I made several decisions to ensure people are united and have all the information. Russia is very good at spreading large scale disinformation.

Fortunately I have 2 decades of experience managing a production studio, TV channels, and large media resources. I understood that we needed to build an information network very quickly. Thanks to this I began to address the people constantly. This happened 3-5 times a day. In fact I became that information source for people that were in cities, cut off from other information.

It was very important for me to keep all things digital. To keep the internet. To stay in touch with everyone. With all the people. Initially that’s the contact we had. We also built a media platform where we had all the news agencies of Ukraine and this network was called Marathon, and it was also very important for the people to trust us, and people had to receive information.

Why? There were waves of russian, on the first day, who said ‘he ran away’. I had to go out into the street, I left the office and went outside, because I was showing that this was no green screen. That it was the street not some digital manipulation. I did these things then I touched various objects. Now people might think that these are small things, but I was actually showing that I was in a real place. All of this had an impact.

Aside from the fascinating insight into the practical reality of war in a large city and how important daily communication is, I’m struck by the number of impossible things that have been overcome in order for this interview to even be possible.

And then for me to even be able to write about it publically. Even down to being able to copy and paste the most ridiculously difficult name to spell ever.

And even having the energy for my brain’s neurons to fire so I can string these words together into something that’s just about readable. It’s like every gosh darn thing in the universe is blocking this thing.

And all the other impossible things that I can see but don’t have the time or energy to write about here.

And all the other impossible things that I can’t even see that are no doubt here, there and everywhere.

Somehow life finds a way.

Our leaders need to be able to rapidly set up basic comms networks from their laptops or even phones.

Update: then life immediately finds a way to break it all! Literally. But I still managed to add this update! Take that life! :)

Update: Hey guess what, life tried to block everything again and again right after tge kadt update. But I still managed to make this update to the previous update! Ha haaa! #

On the latest Punk Till I Die podcast, Neal shares stories from his recent trip home to England.

England belongs to Neal Ep#320.

All sorts of funny shit, but also heart felt stories from people and families stuck in between cultures. Oh yeah, and tons of excellent non pop punk punk and metal.

People stuck in between cultures in bizare ways seems to be trending the last few days. #

Today’s links:

2025/01/05 #

Glad I got the better debugging feature complete. The plugins refactor to use more utility functions and the output synchronisation will make figuring out issues much easier. I’ve used up about half my build minutes for this month so I will concentrate on features that can be done without much iteration and building.

Still feeling a bit rusty as far as blogging goes. I think it’s because things have been so chaotic it’s been difficult to see the woods for the trees. #

In the future we will want our leaders to run their own podcasts because it will be a way of demonstrating that they aren’t in the clutches of both billionaires but also the deep state. #

Tom Luongo [28:24]: "You can hold two positions that are seemingly against each other at the same time because they are not in parallel. You can have two different opinions about the same person, where one is negative and one is positive. I see the good and the bad in Elon Musk here. Him going after Keir Starmer, and inserting himself into german politics, and going after the European Union at a regulatory level and at a money level - they have had strategy discussions about this within the Trump team, it’s very clear to me. I look at the totality of what’s playing out, they are playing offence here. And I like that they are playing offence, and at the same time, the other side is going to play offence as well, and they are going to make mistakes." #

Today’s links:

2025/01/04 #

Was kept awake literally the entire night. Finally got some sleep from 5am - 745am. Feeling not great now. The weather is alright. I’ll likely be bullied for being tired for the rest of the day. My plan had been to write the newsletter this morning, I had prepared all the podcasts yesterday afternoon, but as it became clear I wasn’t going to be able to sleep I ended up writing an emergency issue just so something gets sent out. That makes me very sad because it’s really not how I wanted to start the year :( #

Jason Calacanis [1:53:37]: “I’m with you. I love conspiracy Gavin. This has been the best part of the show. Conspiracy Gavin is AWESOME! I love it!”

This really made me laugh. Great episode btw. #

Blocked (Issue #197)

This week’s newsletter is out!

In this week’s edition:

Investing in Bitcoin, Elon complainers, macro outlook, we are brainwashed, some quality EDM, fun predictions for 2025

Issue details:

Another awesome issue of the newsletter. #

I think maybe I’ve fixed the debug / console.log synchronisation issue. It’s a bit difficult to tell. With the fix all the output appears to be all synchronised, and henceforth therefor much easier to read. It will likely take a while to get used to it. I’m going to put it behind an environment variable so you can always turn it off. It’s likely only really necessary in some circumstances. It might turn out to be in practice overly restrictive. Same as with a debugger, it can be useful but really you don’t want to spend your whole life in the debugger or else you end up debugging the debugger. Only turn it on when you need it, then turn it off again. #

Duncan Trussell and Luis Gomez solve a very different kind of synchronisation issue on the latest Duncan Trussell podcast [Female advisory: explicit boy humour].

Also: drones with machine guns, teaching your kids entrepreneurship, manufacturing wins, sales, business as magic, truth, manipulation, magicians, insane mindfucks, beauty, skill, craftmanship, politicians, social media vs cigarettes, phones & doom scroling, pass-par-tout, perfectly targeted propaganda, compassion, the shocking tik tok dancing psyop conspiracy.

Worth the listen, no need to feel guilty about it. Just go back to base but also be the kindness you want to see in the world. #

Today has been another day of contradictions. The world is plus infiniti minus infiniti-ing everything, then getting upset and doing all it’s usual tricks, making 1 equal infiniti, making minimum equal maximum, and all sorts of other bullcrap, all culminating in everything being blamed on me and everyone being sad. Then I get blamed for that too. I can see how this might seem exagerated or overly negative, but it’s only when you see it happening for yourself, that you realise it’s a real thing. I’m not sure what the answer is but I’m pretty sure some things make it worse. But it is ultimately all self defeating because, at least for now, we are all on this spec of space dust together. #

Starmer first podcasting prime minister?

Okay, it’s time to go slightly off piste. I can tell already that this post is going to require positive, optimistic thinking, you are going to have to use your imagination, see the possibilities. Momentarily put aside all those voices and thoughts that are saying no, no, no, no, step through the portal into the parallel dimension of infinite possibilities. We are going to inflate reality, it will be fun, it might be silly, but it might just give us the perspective we need. Here we go.

So these days you hear nothing but people complaining about evil billionaires taking over the world. Yeah okay sure that would suck big time. Certainly. But having everyone shouting at the void and at each other just isn’t going to lead anywhere that’s even in the same dimension as to what we need. It all seems very important, and some of it is to a certain extent but it’s all arguing over grains of sand when we need to be moving space pyramids. Let’s get into the right literal scale.

Everyone is hating on the Elon Musks, on the Donald Trumps. They are breaking all the rules! How dare they! How dare they write tiny 140 character messages, destabilising THE ENTIRE GLOBAL ORDER! Those techno pirates are going to destroy civilisation! They must be stopped! Come on. Get a fucking grip. They have found a way to use these new technologies really effectively. They’ve done it in public, on front of everyone. It’s actually very remarkable.

But intead of tearing them down, maybe the thing to do is to realise that the game has changed profoundly, for everyone. And to use these directionally correct examples as ways to shape the next wave of technologies in a way that is better for all. We’ve been doing this for decades already. The radio changed things, as did television, and now the internet. We’ve had actor presidents, we‘ve had reality TV presidents, we’ve even had comedian presidents. How long until a head of state runs his own podcast?

You might think it sounds silly, but the fact is that leaders that complain about Musk and Trump are really just angry, because they aren’t competing in the same arena, but they totally could, and in fact they could be far better at it. Elon and Trump have done it using propriety platforms for tiny messages, but that’s only a tiny fraction of what’s possible. Yeah sure Elon runs 4 or 5 of the most successful companies in the world, very impressive, but that’s peanuts compared to running an entire nation. And podcasting is the new medium. You just have to look at the US elections to see that. Rogan had way more viewers and listeners than all the television networks. He interviewed almost all the interesting candidates in long form format. People loved it. Same for the All-in podcast guys.

The great thing about podcasting is that you can make it into anything you want. You can make it a simple thing, a big production, something experimental, something exploratory. Look at the OG podcasters to realise that it’s very much a tool for communication and feedback, and sales, and persuation, and raising awareness, and gathering a following. It’s a way to give people an inside view of what’s really happening. A way to communicate directly to your followers.

What I like about Starmer is he really looks the part. He has presence. He feels and speaks like a priminister should. He has authority. He’s great on prime minister’s questions in parliament. Imagine if he had a public version of prime ministers questions, that he fully controlled. It could be a sort of weekly global sales call. A way for interested people to see into the machinery of government, into all the various institutions and watchdog organisations he’s corralling to create a better country. People would love to see that, to feel connected, to feel like they were all on the same team.

The great thing is that though it seems like we are very far down the line when it comes to social media, that the big players have it all sown up, that’s unlikely to be the case. We are likely still at the beginning. It’s still a wide open field. We have a few useful tools, but the real magic, the magic that is in line with why the web is such a great humam invention in the first place, is still to be discovered. It’s about working together, it’s about open protocols, it’s about creativity.

He could start out with a relatively small team. Look at what someone like Peter McCormac has managed to achieve with his new podcast and his old one with just a hand full of people. He has some of the best political content out there. And there are plenty of establishment folks too. Rory Stewart and Alistair Campbell are taking the world of political podcasting by storm. Why should they be having all the fun? I want our leader to have the same reach. He would no doubt shape his podcast in a very different way. All these shows would be complimentary.

It could be serious. It could be humorous. It could show case different creative talent. Get everyone in the nation pumped, help us rediscover ourselves as a nation. Fight the good fight, promote open protocols for social media instead of relying on propriety platforms owned by billionaires. The best way to build a future that has rubust tools that benefit us all is to be using the tools yourself, to build them yourself. Then you really would have an understanding of what’s needed. Yes it might be challenging, but podcasting isn’t like television or radio. The rawness, the authenticity, the warts and all is what makes it so great. Building in public, discovering in public, sharing your experiences is all part of the podcasting experience, even I dare say, if you are the prime minister of the United Kingdom. The best country in the universe.

Fight censorship with better free speech, be the media. Have a small dev team, release open source code. When you think about it, a podcasting prime minister is about the most Labour thing you could do. Might even start a new trend in world politics. And when he’s done being prime minister, he’d be a podcaster. He wouldn’t need to go around doing shady speaches at diner parties. I mean he could if he wanted to, but I think the world would be a better place if our leaders had their own podcasts.

Even if it’s just low key fireside chat one hour a week, it would be awesome. #

Today’s links:

2025/01/03 #

I’ve gotten all the plugins refactored with utility functions to improve debugging. It’s looking pretty good, and from the debugging I’ve had to do making the updates, appears to be much easier to focus in on specific places in the code without having to deal with a deluge of output.

Once I’ve merged in those changes, it will be the next phase, which is to try and setup a way get the regular console.log output synchronised with debug output. I have no idea if that will work. I openned up an issue on the node-debug repo a while back, got some good feedback, but my recent questions have gone unanswered. At least now I’ll soon be in a position to try it myself.

Also have the newsletter to prepare for tomorrow so quite a few things to get done. #

Matt Odell critique of Elon Musk on the most recent Rabbit Hole Recap podcast Ep#338 [31:09]:

"This AI piece is interesting, because my understanding is the X deal is way underwater. He completely overpaid for X, and the way he’s monetising it, the way he’s digging himself out of it, and digging his investors out of it, is xAI, which is fed by the Blue Checks. The killer advantage that xAI has is that it has real-time data, that is fed by a bunch of human Blue Checks, that have basically umbilical chords connected to this AI machine, and they are just feeding it information. And so at the same time he is attacking the people that are feeding it, and they are angry, and they complain about it on his platform while feeding the AI further. And they’re just gonna keep using it. Most of them are just gonna keep using it. It’s a pretty crazy Mandibles-esque backdrop that we are entering 2025 under."

Probably the best Elon critique I’ve heard in a while because it’s based on high quality analysis rather than hot headed personal attacks. The situation is odd, and he’s outlined exactly why. #

Be the change you want to see in the world

Instead of constantly complaining about evil billionaires taking over the world, from the side lines, why don’t you build something yourself, use your platform and influence to support open protocols, be part of the solution, be the change you want to see in the world. Then tell us what you learnt when you fail miserably. Then do it again, and again and again. Until you succeed.

Just an idea. If your worldview is so much fucking better, so obviously superior to all other ways, in an age where practically anyone can start a project from their mobile phone, why have you got nothing but your own wingeing? How about you spark joy?

Nostr, ActivityPub, AT, RSS, there are many to choose from. They all could do with your voice, attention, promotion and support. #

Mike Masnick: "I don’t like the fact that we are in a position where the biggest companies and our elected officials are equally untrustworthy, but if that’s where we are, we might as well use it as an opportunity to route around both and build better systems that aren’t focused on extraction from the public, but empowering the public." #

Today’s links:

2025/01/02 #

Ideas are starting to percolate for a few blog posts. I got a scrappy one out last night, but feeling a little bit rusty. It’s like I’m stretching tired old legs and arms. But you just got to press on regardless even if it isn’t perfectly written prose. This is blogging, it’s live thinking. It gets better over time.

I’m going to be merging in little bits of feature branches I had been working on while I had no build minutes. There are a few around refactoring plugins to make debug logging easier. Extracting out utility functions into seperate files. That makes it easier to turn on and off debug logging without getting overwhelmed with output.

Then a few blog posts, and I need to somehow seperate out full text posts and partial text posts in my RSS reader. Most feeds are annoyingly partial feeds, which is completely useless for reading offline. I guess I’ll add a 'full text' tag to the ones that publish full text. That way I don’t waste time trauling through stuff that I can’t read anyway. #

Better debug logging

I’m on a bit of a mission to improve the debug logging of my static site generator. I currently use the debug module which is much used in nodejs development because it’s very simple. You can easily turn on and off logging on a per file basis by specifying them in the DEBUG environment variable. It’s nice and simple, pretty much does what it says on the tin.

The problem though is that debug logging and logging from console.log are not synchronised. For command line programs like my static site generator that’s an issue because all the output gets interleaved all out of sync so it’s very difficult, often impossible to follow the flow of the program. It ends up often looking like stuff from the future is happening in the past, and vice versa.

It’s all because console.log outputs to stdout while debug goes to stderr. I think it’s something to do with the fact that stdout and stderr buffer differently. So I’m looking at ways to configure debug to output everything to stdout. That way all the output should stay in sync. I’ll likely try to make it configurable because it is sometimes handy to have a way to seperate regular logging output from debug logging.

I’m also looking at refactoring the plugins, extracting out utility functions to seperate files. That makes it easier to be more granular with what gets output to the screen in a debug session. When everything is in one file, you get overwhelmed with output. I’ve updated the blog plugin already, so I’ll likely do the others next.

Honestly this probably wouldn’t even be necessary if I had a laptop. It really becomes an issue when you are debugging stuff in github actions and don’t have the luxury of quickly jumping between terminal windows. #

Interesting discussion on the latest Citadel Dispatch Ep#148 between Matt Odell and Buck Perley co-hosts of Austin BitDevs and an engineer at Unchained [21:32]:

"It‘s a great case for collaborative custody as the model for the future of Bitcoin custody. You collaborate with us, you get a key from us, you can use your wallet wherever you want outside of that, and in the future that’s going to open up even more models of collaboration. You talked about how we have you hold two keys and Unchained holds one key, well now we have connections where you can hold a key for your family member. Maybe you don’t want your funds to be KYC’d, but your family member doesn’t care about the KYC because they care more about ?, they don’t trust themselves as much, but they also don’t want to hold 2 keys. Now you can be a part of that. Your funds aren’t KYC’d but you are helping your friend and family member to manage their funds. You can now interact with that vault as well in Caravan or Sparrow or Electrum. Which one you use is irrelevant, it’s the fact that you can use multiple and be using an Unchained vault is the real magic."

This sounds like the right direction to me. Allow the user to choose what tools they use, and make it possible for them to connect to your services. It’s still early days in crypto and Bitcoin, so things still look a bit disorganised and complicated from the outside, but at least these devs are trying to make software that respects users. The tech is kinda interesting too, BDK, Rust Miniscript, javascript, WASM. #

Only a day after taking somewhat of a friendly pop at the Rest is History guys, I am reminded why I still listen to their podcast, even if they can often be infuriatingly self righteous. On their latest, really great segment covering the importance and nuances of interpreters in international negotiations. Complete with some amusing stories from their time in the field.

It’s not quite as grandiose as their adventurous stories, but it reminded me of some of my narly business trips to places in eastern europe and the middle east. One can really get into some very bizare situations traveling around the world, especially with language and cultural differences. #

I just remembered that this morning when I woke up I immediately coughed up an enormous glob of flem. It felt very much like the start of a flem cough, complete with raspy cough. The odd thing though was that it totally disapeared within 20 mins, and there‘s been no sign of a flem cough all day. Although I’ve been getting these alergy flareups / colds fortnightly, thankfully it’s been quite a while since I’ve had a flem cough.

The Demiurge [35:27]: "Let’s go back to base."

Gosh what are the chances eh? Neither, or even none, of the possibilities are mutially exclusive. #

Today’s links:

2025/01/01 #

First day of the new year!

It’s definitely 2025, I just had to create a '2025' folder in the website data repo to write this post. I don’t get to do that very often.

Last night was somewhat unneventfull but that was actually rather nice. It was nice people watching, seing everyone all dressed up and occasionally sparkly, all going out to whereever they were goong out to. Then a few hours later everyone making their way home, many children clearly past their usual bedtime, completely passed out in their parents arms, or somewhat precariously squashed between adults on the back of a motorbike. Everyone appeared to be in good spirits. Right before new year’s a group of twenty somethings bought me a drink, a sandwich and a sweet bun, and we exchanged 'Happy New Year’s', and smiled and laughed a little.

And I saw the end of the big fireworks display poking up above the roof tops a few miles away. I didn’t get hardly any sleep, but that’s expected on New Year’s isn’t it.

So many runners this morning. Hundreds of them, all in groups, wearing synchronised colored tshirts. Lots of folks who likely don’t usually run, looking a bit shell shocked and lost. Runners literally running in every direction. It’s amusingly chaotic, but folks are in a happy mood.

I’m happy to report I managed to mostly fix the RSS feeds last night. They are all looking great in feed readers now, without any strange HTML tags. There is still an issue with an incorrect url that is set in item link elements on the everything feed. The posts all contain hash links so you can still get to the post on the website, but I’ll hopefully figure that out and fix it over the next few days. It’s nice to see all my posts are finally readable.

Weather is cloudy, but at least it isn’t rainy or cold. #

Elon Musk’s $200 million Reform donation

There was an amusing bit on the latest Rest is Politics podcast where Alistair tells of how he tried to highlight the principle of why accepting money from foreign billionaires is a bad idea [30:22]:

You know what’s really weird about these right wing people? And I know social media is not a great place for ironies, but when Tise, and Farage and Rupert Low and these people are all saying there’s absolutely nothing wrong with Elon Musk giving 100 million dollars. These are the same people who would invent conspiracy theories about George Soros buying elections around the world. Anyway in response to this I did a tweet.

"Breaking news: French billionaire Jean Louis Le Riche and German industrialist Hanz Dietrich Geltman, have decided to donate 200 million euros to the campaign to get Briton back in the European Union after the disaster of Brexit. I am happy to announce I will be campaign director. I’m sure Nigel Farage will see nothing wrong with this at all. Common sense init."

You would not believe how many people took that seriously. One of them actually said "your podcast should be called the Rest is Hypocrisy. Why is it wrong for Musk to do this but it’s okay for this french and German couple?". Absolute madness. But that is the principle. If it is ok for Elon Musk to give money to Reform, then it’s ok for french people, chinese people, russian people.

First of all, it’s pretty funny. Very good use of sarcasm to try and highlight a point. It would indeed be very interesting to hear how Farage would feel about such a donation. But I’m not so sure Farage would be against it.

I can’t help but wonder whether Alistair is himself missing the actual relevant bigger picture point here. Yes the whole mixing money with politics is fraught with dangers. That’s obvious. We all know that. We’ve had it drummed into us our whole life. We get it. But you know what’s a bigger issue? WE ARE GOING TO FUCKING DIE. Literally.

If we don’t find a way to grow the economy by a massive amount, Britain is dead. Europe isn’t going to help us, and anyway, they are fucking dying too. This has been happening for fucking years, but it’s so bad now that everyone can see that all we do is kick the can down the road, over and over and over. The debt repayments are larger than spending on fucking education. That’s like saying we are two steps away from a frontal labotomy of the entire nation. Soon there will be no way to get out of the doom spiral, because we’ll be too fucking stupid. We will be fucked for hundreds of years. A dark age.

Here’s a relevant observation I made a few days ago on the linkblog:

Elon Musk among billionaires set to donate to Reform UK, says treasurer - Funny picture, jacket makes it appear like he just rocked up in a Spitfire. This is bound to cause some leftist media heads to explode with rage. Seriously though, wouldn’t it be worse if he wasn’t interested in the UK? Hellooow, we need economic growth. It’s strange that leftists are totally fine with russian oligarchs, arab princes, and rich Chinese but US billionaires are totally off limits.

The point I was trying to make was that foreign meddling is already happening. It’s been happening for years by the side door, and it’s arguably deeper and shadier, football teams being bought, huge foreign companies running public services. It’s all deep state type meddling. At least Musk is coming through the front door. It’s in the open. It’s not dodgy deals happening behind closed doors, by business leaders that stay in the shaddows, who have no contact whatsoever with real people.

We are in a new world now, and Alistair and Rory, have had a taste of it with their podcast, but they are still from the establishment, the old guard. Elon scares them because they don’t have control. He goes direct. He uses modern day communication tools and he gets shit done. Are there dangers? Yes of course. But that’s the frontier. The frontier is dangerous. Doing things on your own is dangerous.

Farage at least is trying to find a way. He’s going over to the US, to find out what’s going on. To try and find a creative way to work with Trump and Elon. They are at the very forfront of AI, space and self driving cars, robotics and energy. And they are working in the open. Alistair and Rory, though I do like them and the podcast, are only full of excuses and reasons that things are crap. They are like sales folks that are scared to pick up the phone. They have an excuse for everything.

When you are in the shit, you find a fucking way. You find a creative way to channel the interest you have. The end result would be growth but with transparency.

In business you find a way. Pretending to allow while blocking everything just doesn’t work. What’s your number for the quarter gents? #

Today’s links:

For enquiries about my consulting, development, training and writing services, aswell as sponsorship opportunities contact me directly via email. More details about me here.