

2023/06/26 #

  • 🚀 New Post: The state of offline reading for web development content - Reading web content offline is very convenient, and occasionally essential. I have found however that it’s a terrible experience for reading web development content. I describe what I have observed in the hope that others will notice the importance of this topic. It’s one of those things you don't realise that you need until you do, and if it does't work, well then it’s too late and you are now stuck. #

  • 🚀 Issues with CDN for images? - I've been having very strange behaviour from the Netlify CDN all morning. Images that are definitely in the repo and deployed, are showing up in some browsers, but not others, then disapearing. Here's a support forum post I created about it. Appologies to all that are trying to read my latest blog post about problems reading articles offline, because the images aren't loading. Oh the irony, and frustration, a post about issues seeing images offline is not readable because images of the issue are not loading online. It's some sort of bizare support case inception fractal. #

For enquiries about my consulting, development, training and writing services, aswell as sponsorship opportunities contact me directly via email. More details about me here.