Thousands of homeless people removed from Paris in pre-Olympics ‘social cleaning’ - This should be a national embarrassment. It's clearly not a money issue, the Olympics will bring huge amounts of money. These people have been forced into horrible conditions by a system that is clearly against them, and now the state is trying to disapear them. Just horrendous. Sadly this type of thing happens in so many places, it's the modern day gas chambers. #
2024/06/05 #
Shein set to file for £50bn London listing - Interesting to see how local big clothes companies like Zara and H&M will react, apparently Shein skirts import taxes since many of the third-party suppliers, as well as contract manufacturers (i.e. small factories) ship direct to customers rather than import large shiping containers. #
Open Collective - "Open Collective is a legal and financial toolbox for grassroots groups. It’s a fundraising + legal status + money management platform for your community." - It's awesome that there are now tools to help these grassroots movements be transparent. That enables them to carry out the great work they do with much less likelyhood they will fall victim to corruption. #
OpenAI Insiders Warn of a ‘Reckless’ Race for Dominance - Interesting to see they are engageing Lawrence Lessig, well known for his work creating the Creative Commons, the copy left movement, and experiments in elections reform. I find the excessive secrecy in these AI companies worrying, these groups should be operating with much more transparency. #
New Post: EU elections AI analyst bot #
Open Timestamps - "A timestamping proof standard, OpenTimestamps aims to be a standard format for blockchain timestamping." - Use the bitcoin blockchain to create timestamps so you can verify that a particular bit of content existed at a particular moment in time. I'd like to integrate something like this into my static site generator at some point. The website isn't loading the CSS, so not sure if it's still maintained. Sounds like a cool project though. #
New Post: Static site vs dynamic web server #
New Post: Some people just want to watch you starve #